You're Doing Amazing Sweetie [Desleep] (Cross Country AU)

Y'all I'm so sorry I didn't update for two days I've been drop dead tired and had a lot going on. You deserve better and I'm sorry.

Okay I'm hitting a lot of number ones in specific tags this week. I hit number 1 in the Desleep tag so naturally this isn't our next oneshot.

Also this oneshot is gonna hit real close to home so... yeah.


Dee stretched out their limbs as they waited for their boyfriend to show up. They did cross crountry while they were in school, and they missed it. It used to be his favorite thing. It was the one thing they were good for with their giant legs and surprising stamina for their size. They had broad shoulders, but always seemed out of shape. They also were malnourished often but that doesn't matter. Running cross country always made them happy, so they really wanted to see if their boyfriend liked running as much as they did.

Dee looked up and saw Remy walking into the track wearing a really cute training aesthetic. They wore a crop tank top that had the words sprint for spirit and some short athletic shorts. Remy liked feminine clothing, and he didn't care who judged him. He was sipping on a green tea instead of some coffee from Starbucks, trying to be healthy for once. Dee chuckled, standing up gay. They can't stand up straight, they're too queer. 

"Hey boo, so we're running today or something?"

"Nooooo we're here to binge watch the Office on Netflix again. Did you stretch your legs already? Because I'm going to run a warm up mile while you stretch yourself. I have my phone on me for time and my left AirPod in. Yell at me from my right side if you need anything, Alright honey?"

"Sure babes, I'll stretch or whatever. You run however long you need to warm up."

Dee nodded and gave their boyfriend a quick press on the cheek before begining their job around the track. This track is 400m per lap, so by running four laps they should be running a mile right? It's probably not but that's what the schools claim to be a mile run. Dee figured it'd be a good warm up. They had some Ariana Grande blasting in their left ear and they smiled, feeling the slight breeze in their face and sun on their shoulders. Some people were just built for running. It's cliché, like in those track movies, but it's just what works.

After their first lap Remy tarted waving them down after they past him. Confused, Dee turned around and jogged up to Remy. They had an eyebrow raised. Was something the matter? You shouldn't go through stretches that quickly. Dee glanced at their phone to see their time so far. A minute fifty seven. Ouch, that's slow. They used to be much faster than that. Then against, they're only jogging. They don't do sprints right out the gate, just long strides. They stopped their timer and stood in front of Remy, wanting to know the problem?


"Wasn't that it? A lap around this is a mile... right babes?"

"You're kidding?"


"Remy, four laps around this is a mile. I didn't tell you this? Oh honey, you're going to want to make sure you're ready for running. If you just want to do a mile and take a breather then that's completely fine. I'm sooo going to judge you for it."

Remy looked over at the track, Dee taking out their earbud. Sorry Arianna, but Remy is more important right now. Remy looked down at the drink they placed on the track and their phone. They pursed their lips, thinking. Remy was never the sporty nor athletic type, so maybe the entire thing Dee wanted to do would be too much. They were snarky, but thst didn't mean they were inconsiderate. Remy sighed, looking up at Dee with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't think I can."

"You got this, sweetness. Just follow me and try to match my pace, okay? We can take it slow and just jog a mile. Then we can get doing sprints, okay?"


Remy rolled his eyes, smiling goofily. Dee felt themself smile. They can share something that they loved with the person they love. It's going to be so amazing. Dee got back into their stride, but modifying it so that it was just a light, slow jog. Remy started going next to them, their fsce twisted with concern and their breathing slightly askew. Dee tried to reassure him with their smile, and If worked for a while. It was just silence and running and matching pace... until the first 200m.

"Dee this huuuuurts. My siiiiiiides!"

"We got this, sweetie. We're almost done with the first lap. Just make it through the first lap and everything will be easier, I promise."

Thst was a fat lie. It's the third lap that is the most agonizing. It's always the second to last lap because you can't just use the halfway mark as a goal and you don't have just one more lap to go. It's the most unmotivated and exausghting lap of the mile. Dee themself had grown numb to it, however they can remember how much they sucked at running a mile in their sixth and seventh grade physical education class. That was when they were shabby and fat. They used to be quite the glut in their childhood. It was a gender dysphoria thing.

They made it around the first lap, 400m under the belt. Remy was breathing in through the nose sharply and puffing out exhales through their mouth. Dee could see the sweat on their brow. Dee told him not to wear his makeup today for a reason. Remy was shaking his head, losing his balance as ran oh so slightly. His sides must hurt, Remy is out of shape. Remy breathed out a few words, nihilism clouding his mind.

"Dee I can't. I really can't. I can't!"

"We got this, sweetie. Just keep going and keep up the pace. It's okay to be slow, but just keep jogging. Keep up the rhythm and we got this. We're one fourth done, the rest of the mile will go by fast. We got this, let's keep going."

"Dee it really hurts!"

"We got this, baby. Let's go."

Remy sighed and kept his breathing going, struggling to keep up with Dee. We're they goin for too fast by mistake? Oopsie doopsie. They slowed down their pace  much to the gratitude of their tired boyfriend. Dee smiled again before returning to their mind place, the zoning out they have when they are running. They were just cruising along, warming up their legs and making sure their hamstrings were ready for what was about to happen. They rounded the curve for the third 100m in the lap and that means they're entering the third lap. Halfway there! Dee couldn't help but chuckle as Remy did a silent little cheer thing for himself and mumbled encouraging things to himself. He's adorable, he's trying his best, what else could Dee really want?

It was amazing how the sassy and couch potato of a man who couldn't be pried away from his phone for two hours at a time would care so much about his significant other that he'd go through a workout of all things just for them. They made it after the first 100m and Remy whined once again. Yep, don't forget what Dee said: the third lap is always the worst lap.

"Dee I'm serious I, like, totes need to stop. This hurts really bad and I want to be able to actually walk around the mall tomorrow."

"Come on, sweetness. We got this. We have the rest of this lap and one more. We're over half way there. Keep it up, we got this."

Remy started breathing through his mouth alone. Dee tried telling him not to do that, but he was too focused on himself to hear them. The pace got continuously slower as Remy got more and more tired. It got to a point to where Dee knew they could walk faster than the pace they were at. That's cool. Dee doesn't judge people like most think they do. They may be a bitch, but they aren't a monster.

"You're doing amazing sweetie, one more lap to go."

Remy nodded, completely off balance in the neck and above and just ready for it all to be over with. Time passes and they reach the last curve, the last 100m. Dee smirked and then began sprinting out of nowhere, starling Remy to nearly a stop, but they kept going. Dee crossed over the line and then turned around, cupping their hands around their mouth and calling out to their boyfriend. 




Remy groaned and then braced himself, using the rest of his energy to push forward and sprint to where his lovely enbyfriend was standing. They barely made it, nearly falling onto his knees after all the brute force they used. Dee caught them just in time, making him stand up and stay tall. They took his arms and placed his hands on his head while Remy was sharply breathing to try and catch his breath. Dee made sure he was gentle. Remy was a soft and so eager to please, much like others think he isn't. So Dee knows exactly how to reassure him. He needs it.

"You did amazing, Rem. You did a wonderful job."

Well, he did. For himself. In retrospect his mile was way too long. Over fourteen minutes. That's a terrible mile time. They aren't going to tell Remy that, knowing they'd start comolaining and want to try again instantly even though he is probably feeling like he's going to pass out right now. Remy leaned against Dee's chest, looking up at their face. They are a million times taller than him. He weakly smiled, pumping his fist into the air. Oh? He painted his nails yellow? Dee didn't really notice until now. They ware chipped, but Dee didn't care. Chipped nail polish doesn't say anything about a person.

"I did it, take that world!"

"You did amazing, Remy. Good job."

1621 Words

Yeah I'm Remy. I'm the worst runner in the world. I wanted to collapse after running my mile today. I was in twelve minutes while the rest of the softball girls were eight and under.  I'm really fat and have asthma and I'm nowhere near as good or strong as the other girls. I am less than them so this kinda is a cute story that I projected myself onto Remy. 


Again, I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've just been tired and busy and  lot of bad stuff happened like being insignificant in softball and failing an audition. Also world geography sucks. I hate taking notes.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

