Sky [LAMP]

Brittney released her new song and it's literally the best thing! Check it out!


Virgil clapped and instantly changed the ceiling of his room into a cloudy blue sky. He had his headphones in, blasting their friend's latest song. It's a lit song, definately a bop. If you haven't listened to it, then go do it. There's a link above the chapter where the video is supposed to go.

 Virgil smiled, the voices blending beautifully with the style of music. This isn't exactly Virgil's favorite genre, but he could appreciate the hard work of Brittney and Lucas: the artists. Virgil closed his eyes, imagining himself right up there in the sky. 

Heights gave Virgil no anxiety about heights. They've been on so many rollercoasters that they're used to it. That's what Thomas gets for living in Florida. Whenever heights are introduced, there's always safety precautions preventing Thomas from falling. He only acts up from time to time. 

So with this in mind, Virgil could be anxiety free while imagining himself just sitting on a fluffy white cloud with some cool birds and watching the sun rise. That's the vibe this song gave him. It's a really good vibe.

"Virgil? You didn't hear me come in."

Virgil slid his headphones off his ears seeing Patton sit down on his knees next to him, smiling warmly and looking at his phone. He saw the album cover and beamed, fixing his legs so he sat down on his butt. He looked up and saw the beauitful sky above, grinning. Patton's smiles were literal sunshine.

"Like it, Pat?"

"I love it. Mind If I stay in here a while? I kinda sorta caught the oven on fire again after forgetting anout my cookies while talking to Remus about how a relationship should be since, ya'know, he and Deceit want to have something healthy like you, me, Logan, and Roman have."

Virgil was surprised to hear that Deceit was actually ready to try again with another side. After what they used to have... they both left messed up. Deceit was just better at hiding it. It's good to see him working on himself.

"I was actually going to ask you to stay. Maybe get Roman and Logan too but they're probably busy. We can have a cuddle pile later."

Patton nodded  taking his own little flip phone that they use in those cute shoujo anime like Kimi Ni Todoke: From Me to You. Seriously, best cute anime ever. It's the best. He typed out a little message out to Roman and Logan individually as Virgil switched his Bluetooth from his headphones to a small cat speaker Patton got him for Valentine's Day.

Patton then flopped down on his back next to Virgil, entwining their fingers and listening to Brittney's song on repeat for maybe fifteen minutes until it got annoying, no offense to Brit (gurl your song is so good) then they put on Birds sung by Terrence, switching it with the one sung by Thomas and Dodie.

"Virgil  I love you."

"Love you too, Patton."

As if this entire thing was perfectly timed like a cliché fluffy fanfiction, Roman barged in through the door dragging Logan behind him. Roman was smirking while Logan had graphite all over his hands. He was definately working way too hard.

"Worry not, beloved boyfriends of mine! Your Prince and your Darling Nerd have come for snuggles and affection!"


Both boys excitedly sat up, prying their eyes from the gorgeous sky overhead. There were actually little animated birds soaring across the deep blue every now and then. Virgil had the energy to try for his loves.

"I suppose a break is in order... if it is to give my beloveds romantic affection..."

Logan mumbled, sitting down next to Virgil. Virgil smiled and leaned in, giving him a soft peck on the nose. He was proud of Logan for getting himself away from whatever's he was focusing on. Roman collapsed on his knees behind the three, using his big ol' Prince Arms to bring them all in for a simotanious embrace.

Virgik grinned, feeling all nice and warm. The song shifted back to Brittney's wonderful music and Roman and Patton both snapped and screamed the gayest thing ever for their queen:

"Yaaaaaaaaass guuuuuuurl!"

Logan rolled his eyes, laughing at their flamboyant-ness. Virgil loves that about them. Virgil could never have the courage to be like that in public like they want to be, especially around new people. Virgil always admired everyone's confidence.

Logan looked up, being the first of the brain cortex duo to notice what Virgil has done to the ceiling of his bedroom. Logan watched a majestic sparrow soar across the entire sky on its lonesome.

"I adore the drastic change to your ceiling, Virgil. A calming atomospheric aesthetic... One moment: allow me to..."

Logan clapped his hands and with mindscape magic created a light breeze. Virgil hugged his hoodie, leaning into the pile of boyfriends he had. He smiled from ear to ear, never feeling more safe than this. Patton pulled a blanket out of nowhere and covered them, Roman slipping in between Logan and Virgil to get some lovins from them.

"It, uh, fits the song."

"Well, you've done wonderfully mi araña bonita~"

Roman pressed a gentle kiss on his temple, complimenting the praise loving emo. Virgil felt his face go slightly pink, knowing what those words mean in Spanish. Virgik does know everything about spiders after all. Anything Halloween related is Virgil's domain.

"Wait, Roman gave you a new nickname! What does that one mean Ro? I bet it's something super duper cute!"

"Well, Estrella Preciosa, it means my Beautiful Spider. I know how much Virgil adores them so I thought it was perfect. I know you're scared of them, sorry."

Patton shrugged, Not minding. Patton's Nickname was Precious Star and Logan's was Ráton Fresco, which meant cool rat. He was a lot more passive aggressive with Logan rather than Virgil because Logan could take a joke and dish It right back. Virgil never liked doing that, even though he was good at comebacks and arguments. He's too salty and takes things too personally.

Virgil laid back down on his back, bringing his boyfriends with him so that all four of them can gaze at the clouds. Virgil changed the shapes, snuggling under the blankets and receiving the love and warmth from those who matter most.

He was happy.

1045 Words

I wrote just a small little fluff to celebrate Brittney's ASTOUNDING new song.

Also I released my first ever Sanders Sides oneshot was a cuddle fluff just like this one. That one was called 'Soft [LAMP]' and looking back, I can see that I've inoroved even when I  just barely get over a thousand words. I'm growing, and so are you. So please, recognize your talents and your growth. We all develop at our own pace.

Internet hugs and blow kisses! 

