King of the Night [Analogical] (Sun and Moon Kingdoms AU)

My all time favorite ship from this famdom <3

Also please watch that's video it's so good. Go subscribe to right now.

Oh, and if you don't know what AU I'm talking about you clearly haven't been on the internet long enough.


"I swear, Virgil, most of the time I can't beleive you were born into the Sun Kingdom! You're lucky  I'm able to protect you from the people because no doubt they'd think you were some sort of villain that needed to be vanquished!"

Virgil rolled his eyes, not caring what his liege was saying. Yes, he served Emperor Roman Celestial, ruler of the Sun Kingdom. He used to be a crown prince's but he ascended to the throne recently. Virgil was a kid abandoned at an orphanage and when he was just a small child Roman took him to the castle and made him his childhood friend. Virgil fixed Roman's cape for him, making sure he was nice and tidy. He had an audience with some nobleman or whatever from the Moon Kingdom and he had to look his best.

"Shut up, Sir Sunshine, you're the one whose most likely going to get married or something. You need to build a good relationship with the Moon Kingdom since your father started that war and all. And you're coming of age! You need to get yourself married!"

"But I don't want to dissapoint all the ladies, lords, and NonBinary royalty out there~ Marrsig just ties me down, ya'know?"

"Okay, Naveen, Whatever. But you still need to mend relationships with them or we're fucking screwed."

Virgil sighed. Roman knows he's going to have to get married someday. The Bisexual Emperor just can't stop being his flirty self. He is literally Prince Naveen. Virgil just hoped his Tiana would show up and teach him how to be a man rather than a boy. The door opened while Virgil was giving Roman his golden eyeshadow. Patton, one of Roman's other fsvoeite pageboys from the castle, looked nervous. Oh no. When the happiest person in the entire kingdom looks uneasy you know that something is terribly wrong. And it's not the Brother Roman banished from the kingdom because he's probably dead.

"Your Majesty, the King of the Moon Kingdom Himself has requested to see you."

Panic. Panic at the Everywhere.

"WHAT!? I am NOT READY nor NEARLY PRESENTABLE FOR THE KING HIMSELF!!! Virgil, you MUST stall him! Don't worry, Patton will help me get ready, but I need you to keep him occupied and content so he doesn't leave!"

"Wha- WHY ME!?"


Virgil was shoved out of the room before he could even understand anything that was going on. The king of the Moon Kingdom himself was showing up?! Virgil Elton the anxiety surge through his being, sharp breaths being echoed in the halls along with Roman's whines that Patton is tugging too hard on his hair. Okay, Virgil, you got this. It's just another Roman basically! Only more serious and scary and he needs to make a good first impression on behalf of the kingdom and oh gods he's going to die isn't he?

Virgil walked down the halls, getting to the foyer of the castle. He saw the king in all his glory standing in front of a painting. Virgil and Patton did the interior design of the foyer. Patton wanted it to feel welcome and nice and wanted bright colors, but Virgil was the aesthetic master so pastels and warm yellow and oranges filled the room. Maybe some salmon. Virgil ran down the stairs, still breathing hard. The king turned around and rose an eyebrow at Virgil's behavior. 

Shit, he's  hot.

He had these thick black framed glasses and a necktie on just to prove how serious he was. His long sleeved shirt was black and formal, ruffled at the sleeves and tucked into his dark purple slacks. He wore a long cape with star patterns on it hued indigo and his lips matched. His hair was dyed navy blue on the tips and the crown jewles he wore was a gradient of blue to purple. His eyes were a dark, Rich, chocolate brown and he wore this mature expression that told the world that he won't deal with your bullshit. Virgil instantly was thrown into a gay panic.

"Oh, uh hello! That's not a formal greeting, my apologies your highness. I am a servant under Emperor Roman, so no worries! It's just, uh, Emperor Roman will only be a moment and he sent me to give you... uh... a quick tour around the castle garden! Yeah! We pride ourselves in the gardens and I hope you'd give me the honor and privilege of escroting you there for a quick tour?"

Virgil you dumbass that was not your place! And that's informal greeting? This man probably hates his guts now! He's a filthy commoner in the castle. Virgil bowed with his face flushed bright red, fitting the Sun Kingdom and the orange clothes he wore as a servant to Emperor Roman. He felt something on his head, so he rose. The Moon King had his hand on top of his head for some bizarre reason. What was going on?

"Rise, Boy of the Sun. I have never been fond of the formalities that came with my royal title. Based on appearances and the stutter of you're voice i can safely make the inference that you are quite anxious of my arivial, are you not? No fret. Do not use formalities with me, Boy of then Sun. You may address me as Logan. And yes, I will be more than happy to accompany you to the gardens for a quick tour."

His lips glistened when he spoke, his voice serious and monotone her heavenly with a smoothness that only the finest desserts can master. Virgil rose, just as he was told. Boy of the Sun? That was the exact opposite of who he was or how he felt. He was nothing like your run of the mill person from the Sun Kingdom. Wait, what was Virgil supposed to do? Does he offer his arm or does he say his name or...?

"If we are to be aquaintencesi would appreciate to know your name. "Boy of the Sun" is far too poetic for a simple friend to be called."

"Oh yeah! Uh, right! My name's Virgil and, uh, I am a servant under Emperor Roman. I already said that, didn't I? Wow I'm so stupid. Let's just, uh, let's go."

Virgil couldn't help But Make a fool of himself in front of the most important person, huh? He extended his arm and turned his face away, not wanting Logan to see the shame that painted over his face. Hold up, did he really just address the king of the Moon Kingdom informally in his own mind!?! Well, he did ask to be... but that's no excuse! It's not his place! He is nothing but a lowly peasant boy! Know your place damnit! Logan took his arm and they were off.

It didn't take long to go around to the back of the castle. Virgil had the double doors opened and he took Logan out into the flowers. Colors of gold, pink, coral, orange, yellow, and all the warm colors known to mankind blossomed into utter beauty. Most flowers were roses and most trees bore blooms of some sort. Roman was a very romantic man. He loved flowers. Logan's arm slipped and Virgil ended up holding his hand, bringing him to the front of the maze of gorgeous floral design that he and Emperor Roman had designed themselves when they were children. 

"Welcome to the Gardens, Your Majesty."

"Virgil, what have I said when we were first introduced? I would rsther not have to make it an order, but I'd prefer to be known to you as just "Logan". Now that I'm not at home... Id appreciate to be treated as a person rather than an idol."

Virgil turned around, getting a good look at him. His face was stone cold and emotionless, however Virgil could see past it. It looks like King Logan has the same problem as everyone else in the castle. They repress everything they feel. Virgil kind of can't because 100% of the time he feels anxiety and it's 110% easy to see so cant relate. If formalities really bother Logan so much... maybe Virgil can try to get over the sinking feeling in his stomach that he's doing something wrong.

"I'm, uh, sorry Logan. I just got kinda anxious. Ha ha. But just a quick question as we start walking... Why exactly did you drop the formalities with a complete stranger that approached you in such a nervous rampage? I am obviously nothing but a peasant. Why would you treat me as your equal?"

"It seems that the classes in this kingdom are still separste  and discriminated, hmm? That's such a shame. In my kingdom the fire that thing I advocate for is equality between the classes, races, equalities, genders, etc. We all bleed the same blood and are built upon the same molecular structure, so why should we be treated differently for the things we cannot control? Besides, I could recognize that you had anxiety and I couldn't help but... I don't want to say pity but for a back of a better word... empathized with the fear of authority so I wished to break those social boundaries as soon as possible."

The two of them already departed, beginning their venture into thr Gardens of the Sun Emperor. It's not as epic as it sounds. Logan spoke as they took a calm walk through the silence of the outside. A bright blue sky held the glowing gorgeous sun that shone on their shoulders. Virgil slowly nodded, completely understanding where the King was coming from. He was completely right. It made Virgil curious about what the Moon Kingdom was like.

"That's... really cool. You're very cool... Logan."

It took Virgil a second to fix the way he addressed him. Logan froze, halting not place and pulling Virgil back with him when he tried to advance. 

"You think I'm cool?"

His voice was soft. It had more emotion than the mundane velvety voice he had heard up until now. It was raw and quiet and had a slight crack behind it. Did it mean so much to King Logan to be called cool? Virgil let go of Logan's hands, feeling awkward and sweaty all of a sudden. The blush was back, but In a low key reprise. Like how Story of Tonibht was such a deep and lovely song while the reprise was just a joke. That's kind of how Virgil's embarassment factor weighed in.

"I mean, yeah. You have strong political views and you enforce them. I agree with you full one hundred percent and I think it's really cool that you disregard one's birth to find their worth. It's good to know someone important and headstrong like you has us little poor guys' backs. Well, I mean, Emperor Roman does have our backs but... yeah. Economics and making decisions himself isn't exactly his strongsuit. He's a people person not a smarts person. You can't have both. Ha ha..."

Logan noticed a bend amongst the hedges surrounding the roses, separating the yellow from the deep crimson. Separating the platonic friendship-like love from the deep romance and desire. He sat down and looked up at the sky, patting the spot next to him. Virgil sat down and felt himself close up, legs together and shoulders scrunched. He watched Logan as he spoke, his eyes glistening and his face slowly softening as he spoke.

"My Mother and Father have been stressing me to find a bride as of recently. Every kingdom needs a queen. They don't care if I marry a man, a woman, both, neither, or whatever. They just want me married with a family. I came here to possibly discuss using our new alliance and my parents' insistence on my engagement to possibly use this scenario as a political solution. Similar to a "Look! The New King fell in love with someone from the Sun Kingdom! Maybe they aren't so bad!" Kind of deal. However the only issue is... I don't want to be married. I prefer to fall in love with someone and grow a bond, but nobody ever cares about how I feel or respects my wishes. So... everything ends up repressed if it doesn't involve the benefit of my country. ...Why am I telling this to you?"

He turned to look in Virgil's Eyes, his gaze swarming with pains and sorrows. Virgil understands that more than anyone. The pains and sorrows. Everyone in the Sun Kingdom is happy and healthy and vibrant. It's a kingdom of extroverts. Virgil seems like the only guy with problems over here. The isolation, the expectations, the pressure... it gets to you. Virgil took a deep breath to calm himself down, reaching a hand to place over Logan's. He needs to comfort this guy, because that sticky situation he was put in is a giant oof. Can we get an F in the chat for Logan? Thanx Family.

"I guess a part of you wants to."

"Why? Just to vent? To try and take this unbearable weight off my chest and to share my guilt with someone else, only to wear their own mental state down and force them to share my issues?"

"I dunno, Logan. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone to get ideas on how to solve something. And who knows, a new perspective on things can always be good I guess. It's nice to have someone to lean on."

Logan sighed, fixing his glasses. Logan leaned on his shoulders, looking out into the besutiful warm colors aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. Virgil's posture shot gay up, because there's no way in hell hes straight, and he felt Logan relax once he did so. What... what was he doing? Did he take that statement too literally? Logan closed his eyes, just breathing in the silence of the air. It was relaxing. The sunshine made him feel warm. And the company of his new aquaintence, no, his new friend Virgil meant more than Virgil's could ever know. Virgil watched Logan's lips curl slightly, the first smile he ever saw out of him, and it was absolutely gorgeous. Prettier than the moon on a night of northern lights.

"You're right, it is nice to have someone to lean on."

2500 Words

I'm so proud of this one I just felt so wholesome writing this and the ending and I actually worked hard to get the lore and I even made aesthetic boards about space and stuff just for this reason and now I'm so happy like??? Did I actually do a good job for once???

Everyone needs to lower their expectations. People should be able to do what they want, when they want, how they want without being criticized or given weird looks. People need to let you be you and you need to let people be people. It goes both ways. Everyone just needs to accept everyone and ease up on the peer pressure and then the world would be a much happier place.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

