A Dream is a Lie You Believe In [Desleep]

This was a request by Slimy_snek_boi who honestly reminded me this was even a ship.

And please, whenever you request and I highly encourage you do, give me the details of what you want. Tell me the AU, tell me the characters sexualities/Pronouns/ethnicity of you want it to be a pride oneshot, tell me what kind of disabilities that you want me to represent for awareness, if you want it to happen in the canon mindscape, something about the plot, literally A N Y T H I N G please tell me! I hate going out on a limb to try and guess what you want. :)


Deceit brushed his yellow-gloved hand over the prosecution table in his room. He was back in the courtroom he used during the selfishness vs selflessness debate with Patton, Roman, Virgil, and Thomas. Not Logan because he was benched. Nobody dared to mess with Logan of the dark sides, for Logan was always the one defeating them at the end. But surprise surprise it was Roman's ego that ended up being their savior and Thomas went to the wedding, feeling sad and miserable but still supporting his friends and eating cake. 

When was he going to stop lying to himself? That's all Deceit is here for. He just wants Thomas to be an honest person and accept all these parts of himself, even if they aren't ideal. Is that so wrong? Apparently, if he's doomed to be deemed the antagonist of this scripted series. Deceit sighed and snapped, stepping back to see Thomas at the victim's chair and Deceit at the judge's appointed place. There were neither prosecutors nor defense attorneys, and the jury was filled with the rest of the canon sides including Remus. Oh, and Emile. Not Remy, for Deceit would never dare make a figment of him. Deceit spoke when the imaginative clone did, his voice carrying into the puppet.

"Thomas Sanders, you are guilty of lying to yourself. You deny yourself of any traits seen as negative for the sake of religious moralty and you refuse to see yourself as anything less than your ideal despite the fact that imperfections are required for humanity to be humanity! You cling to the concept of dreams and the future and how you can always improve while you neglect the present. A Dream is nothing but a lie you beleive in. The future you create in your mind is nothing but a facade. Stop lying to yourself and focus on yourself right now! Stop surrounded yourself in what isn't true and make what is true something you can finally be happy in for fuck's sake!"

Deceit was full on screaming now, the mirage deceit leaning forward over his counter and real deceit circling around Thomas like a snake hunting it's helpless prey. It was Kara versus Mowgli and he was ready to strike. The fake sides were all silent and scared in the jury and Thomas was terrified. Deceit liked this. That was a fucking lie. He hated seeing Thomas miserable. He was a part of Thomas! OF COURSE HE DOESNT WANT THOMAS MISERABLE!!! This is just the only way he knows how to get what he wants and what he knows Thomas needs.

Just like in the jungle book, the serpent doesn't get his meal. Deceit snapped out of it and the entire image of the sides dissapeared in a flash when a warm hand clutched onto his shoulder, telling him to stop. He turned around and saw the non canon side he refused to create a puppet of standing there, sipping some pumpkin spice seasonal depression and his sunglasses flicked down so his disapproving eyes could start into Deceit's heterochromatic ones. 

"Chill out babes. You're going way too off the rails. We need to have a talk. Fix the room now."

Deceit obeyed, clenching one first and using his other hand to snap. The entire room seemed to disappear and reimagine itself in the manner of a millisecond. Deceit sat down on the sofa in a very aristocratic room. There was a fireplace and a fancy rug and a class coffee table and everything. This was the kind of uptight and sophisticated house that deceit prefers. He's a classy bitch as well as a shady bitch. Shady bitches can be classy too! Remy sat down on his lap, not even next to him but on his lap like a spoiled rotten cat, and took a long sip of his pumpkin spice before reaching to set it on the table and talk through his boyfriend's issues.

" 'Kay Boo, spill."

"Spill what! I have no issues to talk through whatsoever."

"That's a fat lie. I heard that entire thing back there. That whole 'a Dream is a lie you believe in' BS. You and I both know way better than to know that as true. A Dream is so much more than that. Dreams are far more complicated than that. Take that from Mr. Sleep himself. So you aren't gonna talk to me about whatever is bothering you right now with no fingers crossed or I'm going to leave you to sulk on your own. You may tell me you prefer thst but I know you'll just make yourself more miserable. I know you, Dee. I love you too much to not know you. So fucking spill."

Deceit sighed, knowing his boyfriend was right. Remy always had a way of knowing every little thing about every person here in the mindspace, but you could never read him. That's why deceit refuses to make a mirage puppet of him. He can never get his lie of Remy just right because unlike everybody else here, he's not two-demensional. He isn't just a concept, he's an entity encompassing a complex category. He's not something so simple like logic or morality or creativity, he's so much more than that. He's three-demensional and complicated. Maybe that's why Deceit loves him so very much. He took Remy's hand and placed it on his face, the warmness of his palm soothing the prickly scales in their fury.

"I'm scared, Remy. I'm scared that even in his older age Thomas will never learn to accept himself. I'm scared he will succumb to the darkness and forever live in fear and ignorance of sides like me rather than know us and accept us and learn that we may be bad, but that doesn't mean we can't be used for good. And it doesn't mean we make him a bad person. He doesn't understand that to be human is to be imperfect, and the dark sides like us are proof of that. Just look at Virgil! If he can accept the fact that he has social anxiety, then why can't he accept that he  needs to stop lying to himself about being a perfectly good person? I swear, his morality is far too strict, even now after dealing with Remus, there's no room for Thomas to grow if any growth involving us at all is taboo. I'm worried for my boy, Remy, and I don't want him to live in fear of himself any longer."

Deceit didn't realize he closed his eyes throughout the entire duration of hide monologue. Remy is the only person in the entire mindspace who can understand an insecurity such as Deceit's, for nobody else could comprehend the constant fear. Scratch that, Virgil can, but Virigl would never listen. Virgil detests Deceit after everything that happened between them. Deceit opened his eyes to see a tear rolling down under Remy's glasses. Remy? Are you okay? Did... did deceit upset you? Deceit's heart shattered in his chest.


"Babes... Do you really think that they're going to neglect you and everyone like that? I'm positive they'll come around eventually. Thomas is learning and growing. People live and grow no matter what age they are, some faster than others. Thomas will start becoming the man you want him to be, I promise. But for now, while Thomas is taking his baby steps, we need to focus on you. That 'a Dream is a lie you believe in thing' was obvs something you said in anger but that low key kinda hurt me. Your personal health needs to matter right now. So we are going to sit back, drink some coffee and tea because you're a classier bitch than me, and maybe do that thing where we create a small mirage society and run it together. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Remy always has a way of comforting Deceit and making him feel oh so much beteter. He found a reason to smile, his scales warm and soft again as his blood ceased boiling, and his eyes now reflected light once again. He nodded and snapped, the coffee table now adorning a board game and a small town made of nothing but fake 3D sculptures of a less developed civilization erupting from the flat cardboard. Remy's Starbucks Cup was refilled with his Pumpkin Spice Late and Deceit had some green tee in his hands. Remy was still on his lap, and now they both were smiling and spending some quality time together. Deceit needed this.

1506 Words

Wow I went very deep with this one so yay. I wanted to try and dig deeper to find some of Deceit's character goals and I decided to connect the dots between his ultimate goal and an insecurity he may have and this oneshot kinda happened.

/also hey I'm really sick right now and unmotivated to do anything so be proud of me that I actually wrote something please okay? Okay :)/

So for the moral of this story! Don't try to block out any part of yourself you feel is horrible. Guess what? You're human. We're all human here. And to be human is to have imperfections. We all will have flaws and we all will have things we would rather not have on ourselves and that is one hundred percent okay. Just be open minded to those things and to strive for growth and acceptance within yourself is the best thing to do. You are a gorgeous/handsome, complex human being and without your flaws you'd have no you at all, you'd be incomplete.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

