Rumor of the Willow [Logince] (Highschool AU)

How long has it been since I've done a Logince? Wow it's been way too long. I hope I can make something good enough for y'all.


There's a rumor about the willow tree in the schoolyard of Sanders High. If you confess your love under the willow tree then the person you confessed to will undoubtedly say yes and the two of you will live together forever happily ever after. It happened for three generations, so why would it fail? Roman's Art Teacher Patton Lovett and his husband Virgil Storm told him about this rumor and now Roman has hope and is trying to make a plan to tell his crush how much he loves him. That's why he's sitting in his bedroom with his ukulele in his arms, talking with his twin brother about this boy he is infatuated with.

"And he's really smart. He knows everything! You could ask him any question and he could give you not only an answer, but why it happens! And his voice is really deep and it's soothing. I bet he could sing really well but he doesn't like to sing. I already asked him. He's also really responsible and likes dressing kinda fancy and wants to be a pharmacist and he's just so amazingly cool. He's really cool Remus! So I'm thinking I bring him to the willow, give him a blue flower,and sing him a little song I write and then ask him to be my boyfriend. Whaddya say?"

Roman was beaming a smile, his cheeks a bright apple red and his pearly white teeth showing all their gleeful glory. His twin brother looked up from whatever he was drawing in his sketchbook, looking at the picture on Roman's phone that he was flashing him. A very professional looking man with really cool sideburns. He wore a navy blue necktie and the classic yearbook photo background in, well, the background. Roman used his thumb to flick the photo over to the next one. It was a picture of the same guy but at a horrible angle, the guy looked like he was holding back a smile and was about to lift his book to cover his face.

"I'd smash. Yeah, I'd say go for it! You seem really happy about this guy and I haven't seen you this in love with someone since you fell in love with that one guy in kindergarten and got scolded by mum and pop for having a crush on another boy. You never seemed this in love with any of your girlfriends. Go get that dick Roman! Write that song! WOO!!!"

Roman nodded, not minding how vulgar and perverted his hella Pansexual brother could be sometimes. He took his phone back and exited the photos, going to the notes app where he had written down a few different poems he could use as lyrics. Remus sprung up and left their shared room so that Roman could work on wooing this boy that he was absolutely smitten for. He made sure the lyrics were meaningful and each word was chosen perfectly. Logan was a lover of literature, so he wanted to make this perfect.

Logan deserved the absolute best. So Roman warmed up his voice, tuned his ukulele, and got to work. After all, he only had until Friday. Friday was Valentine's Day, and that's the day when Roman wanted to confess to Logan,


Logan reread the note that was left in his locker. It said that an unknown person wanted to rendezvous with him under the willow tree in the schoolyard at three o'clock on the dot, exactly twenty five minutes after school ended. Logan had noticed how strangelay set up the path to the willow tree was. He had also taken a mental note of the romantic undertone of today's date. Logan had a feeling he knew precisely what was going on, however he always required concrete evidence before making any assumptions. He despises being wrong.

Logan had noticed how blue rose petals lined a linear path to the tree once he had gotten to a close enough proximity to the tree. How peculiar, and how manmade. This was deifnatkey intentional, especially since Logan was the most fond of the darker blue hues. Logan began to gather these petals in case they held some sort of significance he could research later. He had made it up to the base off the tree, where petals circled the trunk. Once Logan had retrieved them all he stood up and looked around to hopefully spot the author of the letter. He had figured it was Roman, the most romantic, flamboyantly gay, and undoubtedly handsome boy he had ever met, but you could never be sure without concrete evidence.

"🎶Don't you feel the sunshine? On your shoulders? Or feel the wind blow? Between your fingers? Don't forget to smile. Or or relax dear. Because you know. That I'm here. 🎶"

That voice, that confirms whatever hypothesis Logan had. He turned around to see Roman leaning against the tree, smiling coming out of nowhere, with a ukulele in his arms and smirking at him. Of course he had planned this extravagant gesture. That was just in his nature. Now if the intentions were what Logan thought they were...

"🎶I asked of you here. I wanted to see you. I needed to see you. That much is true. I need to tell you. Something special. So I'll speak the truth and shame the devil. So Logan, won't you tell me?  How do you feel? Do you love me?🎶"

Logan was taken slightly aback, taking that last sentence quite... with a grain of salt. Love is quite a complicated emotion that Logan hasn't exactly felt all spectrums of. Sure, he is quite familiar with familial and platonic love, but there are many more intimate feelings of love that's Logan wasn't exactly the best with. He was trying to learn more about it, and he knows that the more romantic, sensual, and sexual loves were prominant in this day. It scared Logan somewhat, not knowing exactly what love that Roman was talking about here. Sexual love, Sensual love, pleasurable love... those things never peaked Logan's interest nor would they ever. 


"Ya'know. It's Valentine's Day. I thought, since there's a cute little story going around the school that's been around forever about the willow tree and romance. You know about Mr. Loveitt and Mr. Storm, right? So I kinda thought since you liked literature and stuff I could write a poem, turn it into a song, and try to turn today into some sort of big scene from a novel. So I'll ask again, this time speaking rather than singing... Logan, do you love me?"

"I understood that much, however I am confused. What kind of love do you mean, for my answer will vary depending on what love you are looking for from me."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry I forgot you need lots of context and exposition. I probably should have explained that in the song should I have? Sorry. By love I mean would you want to go out with me? Maybe catch a movie and watch the stars or go to the library together? Oh! And I know a really cool coffee shop by a bookstore I go to when I want to buy a few new fantasy novels! That doesn't help you at all, does it? The kind of love I mean is the kind that you want to hold someone's hand, learn every little thing about them, make them happy and have them be by your side. That kind of love."

Logan nodded, finally understanding. Roman could've just said 'roamntic' and Logan would have understood perfectly. But it made Logan want to break from his stoic expression wnd smile from the way he explained it. A coffee shop by a bookstore? Stargazing after a movie? Curling up together in the library? Holding hands? Staying by his side? All of those thoughts made Logan's chest feel warm. All of those ideas made Logan very happy inside. The romantic side of Love was the most appealing of all those he hands exoerienced before. And Roman is... well, how exactly would Logan describe Roman? 

Roman is an amazing individual. He isn't afraid to be himself. He proudly boasts his feats and admits his faults. He can be a little whiny and annoying, but that's more manageable than most other faults another might have. He is doting and loving, although he could be a bit narcissistic, and the most compatible person for the role of a Romantic partner for Logan. Logan watched Roman grow impatient yet bashful at the same time, rocking on his heels and waiting for Logan to formulate a response.

"In that sense... Yes. Yes I do love you Roman."

Roman was overjoyed from the looks of it. He jumped and squealed like a girl at a concert of her favorite band. He jumped around, grinning and having too much energy. Logan chuckled under his breath, his lips curling without any control. Logan had never felt happier than this moment. Roman bounced close to him and finally stopped springing, taking Logan into his arms and embracing him tightly. Logan's heart was set in motion and his glasses nearly fell off his face from the force of Roman's emotionally-driven movements. Oh dear, Logan felt his face grow quite hot from how close he was to this handsome thespian.

"I can't believe it! We're going to be together forever! We are going to grow old together and love eachother until the end of time! We're Going to have a happily ever after!"

For the first time in his life: Happily Ever After sounded like a satisfying ending for Logan.

1609 Words

Okay I'm semi-proud of this one I think it's cute and I was listening to Cavetown and Conan Gray and Dodie Clark whole writing this so I think that says a lot about how this oneshot turned out.

Find the people In life who make you happy. You deserve to be happy and you should live a life you want to live, so having people who make you laugh and you look forward to seeing every day will make you happy. 

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

