Love's Arrow [Remile]

This story was mega inspired by ChelleBug10's amazing story called Cupid's Queue (what a weird word queue is) and it's super good and adorable so go check that out before reading!

Without further Adieu...


Emile sat across the room unseen, watching ad one of his OTPs are interacting. Both of their souls were shining bright with a Yappy Platonic yellow with rims of pink outlining their hearts. It was the shy Virgil and the emotionally ignorant Logan. Of course these two would need some help from Emile to get together. After all, he's not just a wacky therapist who loves cartoons! He's  also Cupid Sanders! The inner shipper within Thomas!

"Hey Logan, Thanks for lending me that short story thing. I never expected you to be one for a romance."

"Romance? The novella Anthem was supposed to be about society and individuality. How did you reach that conclusion?"

"Well, Gaea and Prometheus ended up together and they got married and Gaea aids she'd do literally anything to follow and support Prometheus so it sounded romantic to me."

Emile summoned his Cupid's bow, pulling out a pink arrow. A pink arrow is for love, yellow for friendship, and a bitter blue for tension. Remember this, Reader. This is very important. Emile pulled back the arrow and aimed for Virgil's soul, dead in the center. It's his goal to make both his and Logan's hearts perfectly pink. It is only then they can fall entrieely in love and be perfectly happy. Perfectly happy relationships is what Emile strives for. He released the arrow, hitting the entire left side and getting coverage to halfway coat the heart. Good shot!

"A-And it kinda reminded me of us a little bit? Like, I would happily be Gaea for you if you'd want."

Virgil laughed nervously, causing Logan to blush furiously. That action caused the link to spread in both of their hearts around the edges. Most of the time love can work on it's own, but sometimes you need to just give it a little push. Emile put his bow away and let the analogical couple be, geeking out about the summer reading book the author has finished and contemplating how romantic it is and maybe talking about their own relationship.

But what Emile didnt know is that someone was watching him and his dirty little secret. Remy was leaning against the wall, following him. Remy knew that Emile doesn't this all the time. Remy was jealous and depressed. Everyone else gets a match and Remy was left all alone? Why would Emile do that to him? Remy sighed. He forgot to bring it up again. He should probably follow him to see who his next targets are...


Emile watched as the core of Patton's lovely pink soul was a tiny splotch of blue. Emile watched from a distance as he cuddled with Roman, trying to make the pain go away but it only made it worse. For some reason the blue splotch kept growing and growing. Was he having doubts? Was he sad? Either way, Emile knew that it couldn't last long. He needed to cheer Patton up, but he wanted to see if Roman could handle it on his own first.

"Is this helping, Patton?"

"Yeah, it is. Thank you Roman. I love you."

"I love you too, mi amor, forever and ever."

For some reason Roman's kind and warm words didn't reach him. Emile knew that he had to intervene. But not with a pink arrow. That would just make Pwtton thst he sll his problems into his love interest: Roman. That would make a toxic relationship, and Emile hates toxic relationships. So Emile summoned a yellow arrow and aimed for the center of Patton's heart. Unlike Virgil, he was standing still so he can't miss. Virgil was pacing around as he talked to Logan earlier. Emile waited, giving them some more conversation time. He also had the creeping suspicion that he was being watched.

"Hey, Roman. I was thinking of maybe having taco night. I got some whole wheat tortillas and I thought we could go crazy with those! Since you wanted to go on a diet."

"Yeah! That's awesome babe! Now we can be fit and become the handsomest prince in the world! Even though you already are, we have to make sure Thomas keeps himself in ship shape. Besides, he's starting to get Virgil's tummy chub and I don't like it."

Patton laughed, a little bit of yellow hitting the corner of the blue splotch. However, as soon as it arrived it departed. Emile let the arrow loose, deciding to let Roman's poke at humor be something Patton's soul can rely on to cheer him up. It's innocent enough, right? Yeah. Emile smile and put away his bow and arrows, smiling at a job well done. Emile turned around, checking to see if anyone was watching him. Odd. He felt eyes on his back. He shrugged and took his leave from his hiding place. One more ship to go then he might finally have the courage to make his self insert ship happen!


Remy watched Emile in dismay as he was lurking again, this time watching Deceit and Remus. Why couldn't he have someone to love? Did Emile just forget about him? Remy waited for Emile to pull out his bow and get some sort of colored arrow, but it didn't happen. Deceit was just cooing to Remus little negative nicknames that Remus personally enjoys. Remus is also acting like a cringe catgirl just to be annoying or whatever. It's so cringe it's funny, but Remy isn't in a laughing mood.

"Hey, Emile."

Remy finally decided to call out, not caring if Emile's got flustered or if the Snuke couple discovered them evesdropping. Knowing Deceit, he probably knew and just let it happen because that man gives no bothers. Emile jumped when he heard his name, turning around with a red face and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, trying to play off what he was doing.

"Heyyyyy Remy! I didn't expect to see you here! Ha ha... so, do you wanna talk somehwere else?"

Remy snapped his fingers and suddenly they were back in the living room. Remy wasn't amused. A frown plagued his face and he lifted his sunglssses to reveal melancholy, mournful eyes. Loveless eyes. Emile's awkward smile suddenly dropped. Remy felt empty to be honest. He didn't have heartache. He didn't have anger. He just was so conflicted he was numb to emotion. He wants answers. He wants to know why Emile casted him aside and decided that he didn't deserve love.

"Why don't I get a Cupid match?"

Those words burned Emile on the inside like Ozai did Zuko'e face. Remy looked so heartbroken, yet his voice couldn't be more monotone. Emile disregarded the fact thst Remy had somehow learned of his little secret and he was overcome with guilt. His own selfishness caused the suffering of another. It's even worse when that someone os the person you love. Emile covered his mouth, feeling tears sting in his eyes. The thought of hurting Remy because of his own greed... how could he do this to him?

"No... I hurt you when I... I'm so selfish. Remy, I'm so selfish that I wanted to keep you for myself and I ended up hurting you. I... I'm so sorry I-"

Emile was cut off from his blabbering when Remy grabbed his wrists, bringing his hands away from his face. His fingers were running through his hair and covered with salty, warm tears. Warm tears are the worst kind because they feel sticky and gross when they leave the eye. Emile stared at Remy. Remile couldn't read his emotions. He couldn't peer inside his soul. It was just staring into his eyes, searching for an answer that wasn't clear as daylight.

"Stop crying, okay? Christ Emile... I wish you could have just told me Sooners or struck me with a pink arrow or something. I hate being left out of anything, especially being with the one I love. So can you just hit me with one of those arrows now? I think I've waited long enough."

Emile nodded, fumbling to get a pink arrow. He stepped back and looked at Remy's soul. A tie dye of all three colors. Blue and Pink were the most prominent with some yellow highlights. The pink seemed to be struggling against the rest, fighting for Dominance. Yellow was submitting, but blue was holding its ground. Remy didn't bother loading the arrow, he just jabbed ir right into the soul, the entire thing dissolved into pink. Remy smiled and then reached out for Emile, catching him in an embrace.

Emile saw literal sparkles. Where did all the glitter and stars come from? Now he was seeing literal fireworks?! Emile grinned a dopey grin. His own soul must be perfectly pink by now. Once the two stepped back, Remy leaning in for a kiss, Emile gasped. He looked down at his own chest. Remy looked down too. Their souls merged into one big heart. Woah. That's cool. It was sparkling and everything! Emile covered his mouth again and Remy chuckled.

"I love you, Emile. I love you loads. This just proves it."

"Yeah, yeah it does! I love you Remy! I love you so so so so much!"

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear that, Emm."

And then they smooched. The End.

1550 Words

Sometimes waiting isn't the best thing to do. Aaron Burr May have had a killer heckin song in Hamilton about Waiting For It, but If you Wait too long possibilities will slide past you. Take chances, don't procrastinate, and do whatever you need to do so you can be successful and happy. Sometimes you gotta take iniative, and that's okay. That's part of life and responsibility. You got this! We believe in you!

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

