My Chaotic Boyfriend [Snuke]

Highkey Remus's laugh... I basically made it sound like Papyrus and Henry in one. I'm sorry.


Deceit was returning from a conference with some of the others. They're planning on launching another one of them on the core sides but deciding who. It might just be Deceit again. They've introduced only him and his wonderful boyfriend Remus so why not stick to what they know? You can't flood Thomas with too much information or else he might freak out a little too hard. After all, everyone in the dark sides only exist to help Thomas make a life for himself.

When Deceit opened the door to the room that he shared with his boyfriend, he was greeted to blaring music and a pitfall of snakes activated when the door opened. Lucky for Deceit, he was used to these little traps that his boyfriend uses to catch him off guard. They're amusing. Deceit was about to look at him and smirk for his victory, but the hug he got from behind claimed defeat. Looks like Remus beat him to it, the little garbage bastard he is.

"Welcome back, Slimy Boi! Looks like I win this round, NYAH HA HA!!!" 

"I haven't lost! I've just... I've just..."

"You've lost, Dee. Face it! You've lost to me and now you have to given me one wish! And I want a kiss on the lips, but you have to stay still for once! Nyeh heh!" 

Deceit rolled his eyes, turning around and standing perfectly still. He closed his eyes and everything just to obey the little demon duke that holds his affections. Remus forced his weight onto Deceit's shoulders to hoist himself up so he can feel taller. He then pressed a quick peck onto Deceit's lips. He smelled like pickles and marshmallows. Weird. The marshmallow is new. Maybe it's a new trick cologne he got from his brother? Roman does give him fake disgusting perfume that actually smells great a lot. It's a beautiful lie.

So Remus finally got to be the kisser. Nice. Deceit opened his eyes and had a sly little grin on his face. Remus was such an amusing little ball of pandemonium. A being of pure discord. Utter, beautiful chaos. He's a very amusing man. Remus laughed his silly laugh again. He clapped and started floating around in victory. Deceit forgot that Remus can just float on command.

"Soooooooo what's the next game plan? Do I get to go down and have some more fun? It'll be the most fun if we both can go down and really fuck them in the ass!"

"Oh Remus you know how much that actually matters."

"Still, it would be oodles of fun just to mess around with everyone without that's nasty meanie Logan to ruin everything again! Oh! Ideeeeeaaaaaa~ How about if you fake being Logan and I take out my brother again! Ooh, or that little puffball. He's too sweet, it's sickening. Then we can scare the shit out of Roman and Virgil! Brilliant Plan!"

Deceit laughed and ruffled his hair as he floated over closer to Deceit. That was a good plan, but it's far too early to go with it. They will have to wait for Thomas not to faint at the sigh of two of them. Besides, Deceit's Logan impressin is horrible. He has taken some notes about taking things too literally to the point of confusion and saying FALSEHOOD instead of LIES.

"Because I can perfectly imitate Logan and you can definitely find a way to get rid of Patton. Besides, it's too early. The council wants to wait before we overwhelm the core of the mind. For now, we just have time all to ourselves~"

Deceit grabbed Remus and brought him into an embrace, squeezing him as hard as he could playfully. Remus squirmed to try and get out of his grasp. Remus kicked him where the sun don't shine, causing him to exclaim in pain and let go. Remus snickered and flicked his fingers on his nose. Deceit flared up at him, but still grinning playfully. Remus was such an amusing man, the games they play are so fun.

Remus then summoned his little mace axe thingy. You know, the spikes thingy that's kind of like a club but it's a sphere at the end. The author thinks it's a made. Deceit conjured his emerald sword. Remus set his feet on the ground and the room went from being the room to a fighting arena similar to one found in a fighting video game. They play fight all the time. It's fun. It's not fun to kill the one you love, but it is fun to remember that he cannot die.

But Remus just threw his mace up and it landed in his head. It just rested there and Remus laighed, hands on his hips and floating again. He clicked his heels and started flying around in circles, laughing about having a mace in his head and blood designing down his face. Deceit's smile fell and he just got annoyed real quick. Okay. This is too crazy for Deceit to handle. Too random.


Deceit just sliced Remus with his sword as he was being s Tasmanian Devil for seemingly no reason. He pretended to be hurt, falling to the floor. He played dead, fake blood everywhere. Remus does like blood. Deceit stood over him, waiting for him to stop being crazy. Remus just kept laughing so Deceit plunged his sword through his chest, snapping and bringing them back to his room. He took away the weapons, but left the blood because Remus thinks it's pretty.

Remus sat up and looked around, confused. He stared st Deceit for a while. His face was extremely unimpressed. A true resting bitch face. Remus realized something. He traced over his top lip and his eyes went wide. Deceit snickered, holding up Remus's mustache. Payback for going completely insane. Remus knows that Deceit hates it whenever Remus pretends to hurt himself and then goes batshit. So he stole his mustache.

"Hey! Give that back!"

"Only if you stop being crazy and thinking that it's quirky and cute. It's not cute. It's annoying."

Remus pouted, snatching his mustache and slapping it back on. It took a handful of moments, but he hot glued it to his face. He then took a fan and held it to his face, drying the glue. Deceit had his arms crossed, waiting for Remus to stop. It's such a pain when he does that. Last time Deceit took forever to stop him. He had to steal his sash last time.

"I love you for who you are, you don't have to oversell the fact that you're creepy. You're plenty creepy to me. So please don't do that or I will steal your anal beads."

"NOT MY ANAL BEADS!!! Ugh. Fine. I won't go overboard... even though it's really fun..."

Remus pouted, almost ruining his still drying mustache. Deceit looked up at the ceiling. This is what he asked for when dating his chaotic boyfriend, huh? Deceit looked back over at him, still going on with his internal monologue. He loves Remus. He's worth it.

1180 Words

I had trouble thinking of the plot, but I know i love this ship! I LOVE Snuke! Or Receit. Or Demus. Or whatever you call it. I like Snuke.

Relationships take compromise. Platonic or Romantic, you need to compromise and make sure all parties are happy.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

