Chihuahua [Royality] (Trans Pride AU)

This past few days has been one continuous mental breakdown so imma try to make it better. Also I got a four day weekend. Ye

Oh and my school did this show and I loved this song so yeah. Let's go.


Patton swung his legs over the side of the counter, happily wearing his vest for maybe the last week he ever needs to wear it ever. It has almost been a month and a half and that means his chest is finally set. His surgery will be finally a complete success and he can use his arms again. He can be useful to the animal shelter he works at and he can finally play with all the cute dogs again. Just one more week and he will finally have his top just the way he wants it.

Patton turned his head when he heard the bells over the door rang. There he was! Patton was so tempted to jump down and wrap his arms around his boyfriend, but he knew such drastic and exaggerated movements would ruin all the progress he had made in his transition thus far. Instead he slipped off the counter slowly and met Roman half way. He should be done with his classes by now. His college is having him stage direct so Patton was just lucky to have some time with Roman at all. Stage directing takes a lot out of a person.

"There's my special love. You're not hurting at all? If so I shall hurry you home at once! We don't want you in any discomfort from now on, right?"

"Right, Roman. I'm fine. You know how much I love just being here. I was actually just waiting for you after I got your text saying they let you out of class early. You said something about wanting to go get lunch? Because I really wanted to stay here for just a little while longer before we go on a date if that's okay with you."

"Of course. I know how much you adore it here and I will respect that. In fact, I do have something we need to discuss... but that can wait a minute. Take me to your favorite puppers!"

"To the doggos!"

Patton happily grasped his boyfriend's hand and gave him his best smile. Roman always did adore or when Patton smiled the way he did. Patton made sure his hand was out of his sleeve and not doing the kitty paw with his yellow sweater before taking his boyfriend's large, warm hand in his own. Yes, Patton was a Xenophile. Yes, Patton liked wearing sweater paws on his hands. It makes him feel soft and happy. Just like being around dogs does. Boys can be soft and still be boys too. Deal with it.

Patton took Roman down to the large open-spaced room where they keep the smaller, less rowdy dogs. You know, like the Shibes and Shitzus and the Corgis. Patton likes this one really small Chihuahua that they found in the back alley. It's like one of those extra small ones that are really tame and docile. She just likes sittin in people's laps but also has a lot of energy when you want her to. Her name is Sol and Patton thinks Roman is going to love her.

There she is! Wagging her tail and excited to see Patton! Patton didn't need to drag Roman into the room because he was following him and making sure he didn't strain his arm of chest after his surgery. Roman sat down and gasped at how frickin adorable Sol was. She was like a sandy blonde and she was warm like the sunshine. The gave a small, quiet Bork before trotting up to Roman. Roman took a knee and scratched her being the ears. She is literally a cat in a dog's body. Another reason why Patton loves her so.

"They're so precious. I love them with all my heart."

Patton glanced over at Roman, who is literally melting. A lot of dogs here have already been adopted thanks to Patton. Since he can't work much in the shelter he went around making posters for each individual animal here and gave little profile fliers with a background, likes, and dislikes per animal. Patton also made cute little drawings with his crayons while in the hospital recovering. Thanks to his hard work "advertising" many animals found good homes. But nobody wants Sol for some reason. Maybe because she's scared of the dark and isn't exactly the most housebroken dog yet. She's getting there though!

"This is Sol. She's a Teacup Chihuahua. She steals everyone's heart but nobody's seems to want her for some reason and that makes me really really sad because she's one of the best dogs I have ever known. I am happy to still spend time with this sweetheart though. She's amazing!"

"Nobody wants her? How absurd! Do you have any idea why?"

"Well she is scared of the dark for one. She also has separation anxiety since her last family neglected her and all. She's also had a few bathroom issues. When she's scared she pees herself, and sometimes when she's excited too, but that's okay. She's really working hard about being one hundred percent housebroken and I'm proud of her! If someone is willing to put in the time, effort, and willing to open their heart to her then she'd be the perfect addition to any family!"

"Patton, don't give me that look. I know what you're going to ask..."

Patton was that easy to read, wasn't he? His eyes were probably all big and he had his lips pressed together in a thin line. Patton can't exactly work for a while and doesn't really need to since Roman has a really good acting contract. Patton mainly spends his time here doing pretty much nothing. 

"Oh come on Roman! You love her and you know it! She won't mind our apartment and she won't tug on the leash so I can take her for walks! Jeez, she doesn't even even need a leash to walk! And she can welcome you when you come home with me and the apartment won't be so lonely when I'm not volunteering here and she can take naps with us and you can finally have a dog like you always wanted! And I promise to clean up any accidents she makes immediately! Please Roman! Please please PLEASE!!!"

Roman sighed, shaking his head. Patton grinned, knowing he had his boyfriend's wrapped around his pinkie finger. Roman sat down completely and crossed his legs, looking at the dog as he was trying to find a reason to say no to Patton. As Roman was thinking, Sol climbed up into his lap and curled up. She looked up at him with her big, beautiful eyes. PAtton knew that was the exact moment that Roman gave up.

"Okay okay, you win. We'll take care off Sol ourselves. We'll take you home. Would that make you happy, my love?"

"Yes, yes it does. You said you wanted to go out for lunch? We can take care of the adoption papers when we get back from the date you wanted. My treat."

1190 Words

Wow that sucked horribly. I am so sorry I thought I had a good idea for a oneshot but I lost it in the middle. Sorry.

