Because Because Because [Prinxiety]

I really wanted to get a oneshot out that was good before I left so here we are. I'm trying family. I really am.


Virgil looked at his newly painted and filed nails. He thinks he remembers Roman commenting on how chipped nails shows off that someone doesn't care and how he finds that unattractive in a person. Maybe he should stop letting his nails get chipped and keep the color smooth and nice all the time. He doesn't care, but maybe if he wants Roman to notice him in that way he should try and take in consideration the things he finds attractive, yeah?

Virgil hid his hands in his sleeves out of anxiety. Would someone notice? WOuld someone ask if soemthing was different because he didn't have the chipped black nail polish like Connor Murphy had? Because he painted his nails LAVENDER. Yeah, not just purple which would be weird on it so own, but LIGHT PURPLE. That's way out of character for Virgil! Of course people would get suspicious! Virgil didn't want anyone to be suspicious... Great! Now his interests conflict! That's just super!

Wow, crushes are really high matinence aren't they? All the Aromantics must be so confused on why people who experience romantic attraction go through such trouble. I know my friend Xam is confused all the time about it. It's funny. Oops, broke the fourth wall! Bring it back Rem!

Virgil sighed at sat down at the table. He's no good at art, he's no good at making music, but what he is good at is actually writing. All those journals from when Thomas was younger taught Virgil how to write his fears and maybe make a story using one or two of the alternate endings Virgil could see. So he sat down after getting himself a green tea and began writing in his favorite composition book for getting his feelings about Roman out.

While Virgil was wrong he began zoning out, which means all surroundings around him faded. He accidentally summoned a black cat that sat on his lap and began to purr while sleeping. He absent-mindedly began stroking that cat while using his left hand to scribble down messy handwriting of a story. A confession scene between the edgy cool but st the same time cripplingly self doubting protagonist and his absolutely perfect male love interest. The dialogue had Virgil stumped.

'I love you, I love you so much. I've always been to scared of what you'd say, but yeah. I finally said it.' 'Why? Why would you love someone like me?'  'Because... because... because...'

What would he even say? There would be a million cringeworthy reasons to tell Roman but they they'd all suck and would without any doubt make Roman hate him even more. He'd be such a loser and the last thing he wants is for Roman to think of him as a bigger loser, geek, or whatever! He tapped his pencil on the composition book, pursing his lips. The car dissapeared in his sudden author's block. He nearly clung to the wall with how far he jumped when he realized someone was reading over his shoulder. Shit! 

"The imagery and buildup is spectacular, the main character is so prominent and relatable yet at the same time so complex, they'd be a very interesting character to perform as. However the love interest seems to have no faults. It makes them boring. Or is that just because the main character idolizes them and the entire thing is in their perspective? Well, third person limited point of view. If that's the case then the characters beeing seemingly flawless should be fine."

Roman!? Virgil fight back the slur of cuss words ready to come out under his breath and he tried to make his face not match the sash the prince wore. This was Roman! The king of creativity! And the most attractive side here! Virgil slammed his book closed and held it close to his chest, any tranquility he had while writing instantly gone in a flash. He prayed that his white foundation hid  his tomato face.

"What are you doing?! You can't read that! It's not done! It's personal!"

"Woah, take it easy Mr. Defensive 182. Forget I even said that, not my best material. Your writing isn't bad. I don't see how it could be personal. It's just a cute little romance story. I'm actually kinda invested in it. I never took you for the sappy romantic type Virgil~"

Virgil scoffed and turned his head away, keeping his book pressed right to his chest so Roman and literally no chance of taking it away. He heard the chair at his cardinal direction screech against the tile. Roman moves the chair and sat down directly next to Virgil at the round table. Of all places to sit he just had to sit maybe a few inches away from him? Virgil's heart began racing fast. What if he realizes he was then love interest? What if he realizes Virgil likes him? Oh god Roman is going to hate him that's NOT what he wants!!! Virgil, you done fucked it up. You useless emo brat.

"Why were you writing such a story anyways? Don't mind me, just curious."

This stupid oblivious arrogant prince... What was Virgil going to do with him? Virgil sighed p, about to say the first thing on the tip of his tongue when he froze. Wait, he can't say the truth. Roman is gonna think he's a dumb useless sorry sappy loser! He can't do that! Oh HECK no! Virgil sharply inhaled, trying to retract any thought in Roman's mind that he would answer such a question. Nope! Sorry bub! You ain't letting an answer! Virgil crossed his arms and gave Roman a look. Yeah no, sorry. Virgil isn't losing his dignity. Wow his heart was beating so fast.

"Could you at least tell me what you were going to write next? Why the main character loved that  love interest and thought he was so perfect?"

Virgil didn't realize that he never wrote down a single gendered pronoun for the love interest nor main character and Roman already figured it out. He completely brushed over that with his own panic because this time he doesn't have an answer to niether hide nor tell. Well, crap. Virgil put his hands on the table, fumbling with his thumbs without realizing it. He didn't realize that Roman saw his fingernails and that they were painted. He was too caught up in his own little stormclouded thought process. Before he knew it.... compliment diarrhea.

"Because... uh, because... because... He's talented. He's good at lots of things like sports and athletics but also really good at art and signing and dancing and theater and he plays ukulele and guitar. He's also really pretty and has these eyes that sparkle like stars and I, uh, the main character likes stars a lot. He's also hella badass. He'd kick a guy's brains out if they messed with someone he cares about or said something offensive towards someone he cares about. He's kind and he's chivilrous and tall and yeah. He's just a really amazing guy. That's why the main character likes him so much."

"I see, the 'main character' loves the 'love interest' for those reasons."

Roman couldn't contain a smirk as he put air quotes around specific phrases. That's when it hit Virgil. Oh shit he knows. I gotta fucking run. Fight or flight, it's flight time bitches. Virgil stood up and was ready to sprint out of there and pretend that entire thing ever happened but Roman grabbed his wrist and tugged him backwards. How did Roman stand up so quickly?! And how did  he end up freezing with locked knees standing maybe with their faces three inches apart. Oh Jesus why did he have to be so handsome?! Virgil was going to die! Scratch that. He's already dead inside.

"I know I'm the love interest and you're the main character. Would you like to as how I know?"

Virgil was too emotionally tired to even fight anything right now. He's definately dreaming. This isn't happening. This can't be happening. He could never confess to Roman in such a lame way. He's just dreaming and imagining an alternate ending that ends up in a bad end, like pretty much everything else. This is just his anxiety at work right now. Virgil sneakily pinched himself. He's not dreaming. He normally wakes up if he punches himself. His blood went cold. This was really happening! HOLY CRAP!!! Virgil faked sarcasm for pride's sake. He's not gonna make himself look like a wuss!

"Okay genius, how?"

"Because I specifically was ranting to Deceit about nail polish because I knew you were listening, it was just a ploy to see if you'd do it. It was Dee's idea and it worked. Because you wrote that the love interest had a signature color: red. Red's my color. You made that one too obvious. And lastly, Virgil, because I'm literally the embodiment of romantic attraction. I am literally the ego and creativity. I of all sides should be able to see when someone is in love. And just your luck, I happen to have fallen for a certain pretty little emo~"

Roman blooped his nose and then leaned in. Oh my god okay this is happening everybody stay calm! What's the procedure? It's to stay fucking calm! Everybody just calm the hell down! Virgil closed his eyes and waited. Wait, false alarm. Roman just pecked his forehead. Virgil opened his eyes and Roman was smiling warmly. He chuckled and ruffled Virgil's hair affectionately. Stupid prince has to rub in that he's taller? Jeez! Virgil puffed his cheeks angrily and Roman laughed out loud this time.

"You're an adorable one. Would you be my Golden Day?"

"Good reference. But are you sure? I'm, uh, me. I'm Anxiety? What holds you back? The evil fear that you'd rather be without, remember?"

"Virgil, you don't really think I haven't changed since those days? I felt that way because I was ignorant to How much we need you and how much you truly contribute to Thomas. We need you, we love you, and I can promise you my adoration for you is more than any other side's. I would cross a thousand rivers and fight a thousand men at once before I'd let anyone lay a finger on you. You are my moon and stars in the endless twilight, shining bright in the darkness where you feel the most safe. I love you, Virgil. So I'd love to be yours, if you'll have me that is."

His hand felt so warm on his cheek. Virgil had no words to say. He had no explanations to give. He just smiled and nodded and then closed his eyes, puckering his lips a bit. He heard Roman chuckle once more before he felt a tender and loving kiss reach his lips.

1800 Words

I think this is okay. It's the last oneshot before I go on vacation. I really wanted to get another one out because you deserve it.

Hey, it's okay to be sappy. It's okay to be a sucker for a happy ending. It's okay to be Martha Dunstock no matter what gender you are. You can love whatever you love and you can be whoever you want to be. Who cares if some people think you're weaker for being that way, because you aren't. You don't have to be a certain way. There's no template you have to follow for being a human being.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

