Burnt Espresso [Logince] (Artist AU)




Logan sat at the park bench, sketchbook pressed against his legs. He was starting to get into art, mostly pencil sketches and charcoal works. Logan likes to draw landscapes and animals. He is a wildlife management graduate and an Advanced Biology and Wildlife Professor st the local University.For the first time in a long while he decided to draw a Fox. He had construction lines drawn and was working on the head and face. He was deciding wether he wanted to draw a true fox or a ninetails from folklore. Logan was never a fantasy man, however the tails of majestic beasts always captivated him.

"Excuse me?"

Logan lifted his head, the early winter wind blowing through his scarf and tickling the sides of his face that were starting to bear sideburns. Logan saw a guy with a goofy smile and his hair tucked under a red beanie, wearing red gloves and a white polyester suit. Oh, sorry, it appears to be wool. His cheeks and ears were red and he wore long gray sweatpants to keep warm and some converse, not caring about the al ost invisible sheet of snow covering the ground. He was very cute, so he had Logan intrigued.

"I just wanted to compliment you for how well you draw. I'm hopeless when it comes to pen and pencil drawings, so I couldn't help but notice your talents. May I sit next to you?"

"Oh, uh, yes of course."

The boy sat down next to him on the bench, Logan relaxing his knees and letting them slack. His feet slid off the bench a shot he moved his tote bag full of pencils, sketchbooks, references, art supplies, and maybe a few novels for when he got bored. He placed the bag under the bench where the small speckles of snow didn't touch. The boy didn't have anything on him to set down except maybe a purse. Men can have purses. He's progressive and taking a stance against gender roles. Logan respected that about him immediately. He had foundation on and his freckles looked fake. Logan's roommate back when he was in college himself was a makeup artist, so he had an eye for these things. 

"So, is there any story behind this drawing? From personal experience I always like to make up stories in my head whenever I paint or do oil pastels."

Paint and Oil Pastels? He seemed like a very colorful man then. The media of artists someone prefers tells a lot about that person. Their patience, their personal aesthetic, what they find easy versus difficult, and you can even decipher what kind of learner they are. Painters are more extroverted than sketchers, however they are patient with their works for they have to dry before they can move on. But there are a million different ways to paint, and it doesn't just have to be with a brush. Oh! He asked a question! Logan shook his head once it finally registered through his empty, calm mind that something had made a tiny ripple in his focus lake. 

"A story? Well, it's just a fox. However I have been debating in wether I should draw a Kitsune or not. Though most Americans aren't familiar with that name and are more aquatinted with the term Nine Tails. It is a term used in a role playing turn based game called Pocket Momsters for a Fire Fox monster with nine tails. You seem to have knowledge on artistic vision. Based on my construction lines and proportions, which do you think tould be better for this base?"

"Kitsune definately! The elegance of a Fox with nine tails must be charming! Rather than having a single tail curling upwards you could have all nine arapoing around to the fromt of the page, the beauty of the fur captivating the looker. Each tail has a different flicker and a different size, making the creature all the more diverse and beauitful. Diversity is beautiful after all, that's what I like to think at least."

Logan stopped whatever details he was making on the back of the creature and started sketching construction lines for the nine tails like he had suggested. Each a different, unique size and each curling and flicking in different directions, proportions dictating how close it was to the onlooker. Logan looked at it a moment. Though it was messy, light, and nothain't near the final product... he liked it. He liked the idea. He was in awe at this man's creativity. Normally Logan stays strict to references and memory. He hadn't never seen a fox of any kind from any world both fictional and real in this position, so he never drew it. But by stepping out of those lines... he created something that was visually appealing. Logan looked over at the man, taking his eyes off of his sketchbook for the first time in a while. He felt a sort of spark of attraction towards this boy now.

"Do you want to grab a coffee?"

Logan watched the man's charming smile that resembled one of a Prince's grow even wider. Wow, he seemed so happy to hear that. It made Logan happy that he was so happy about it. Was that abnormal? Since we're halfway through the oneshot I believe it's time to switch perspectives. Shall we? In Roman's mind his heart was soaring. See, Roman believes in love at first sight. He saw Logan drawing away and he watched him for a few moments to get over of how gay he was before being an extrovert and talking to him. The second that he saw that he didn't have to be the overly new dominant one in social interactions for once and that he was asked on a date instead of vice versa... oh that's dangerous. He fell in love right then and there hun.

"Of course! If you'd like to go somewhere I know: I know this really cute coffee shop run by this elderly couple. The coffee is kind of on the meh side, but I've supported their shop for years. I'd love to take you there. Or for you to take me there if that's more your style! I'm fine with either."

Roman didn't want to be overly ambitious here. It's been years since he's been asked on a date, he forgot how that worked. He's always the one planning the date and bringing someone somewhere and being the gentleman. It's been forever since he's done this. It's kind of a little nerve wrecking and exciting at the same time, sort of like an audition. He does painting in his down time, but his first love and priority will always be theater. Or theatre If you are a nerd. A prince has got to slay after all! That is his motto!

"Either is fine with me, however I think a name is required before ant of that. I'd like to know the name of the man I'm going on a date with. For the record. My name is Logan."

"The name's Roman, it's an honor to be your Prince Charming."

Roman stood up and did his normal routine. He took his hand, freezing cold and red st the knuckles, and pressed a warm kiss to them. He wanted to help thaw them out. He was a brave soul wearing no gloves in this cold weather. Then again, drawing must be horrible in gloves. Especially with a slim mechanical pencil that is slippery and likes to jump out of your hands. Logan then grabbed his tote bag, shoving everything back inside. The entire bag was chaos, but it was organized chaos. Everything had a place, but at the same time everything was a mess. Roman could relate hardcore to that. Roman watched Logan stand up and secure his bag over his shoulder. He was tall. Was he taller than Roman? No way! Roman had never been on a date with someone close to his height before! Especially taller than him! He was a too, board shouldered boi and proud of it! He played baseball and football in Highschool!

"So, is there a story behind this place? Tell me about this elderly couple who founded this coffee shop?"

"Oh, they're the sweetest old ladies you'll ever meet! Jaehee and Naomi are interesting women. Jaehee is more of a work oriented and logical person while Naomi is a bubbly person who just wants to make everyone happy. You'll absolutely adore them. I actually grew up going to this coffee shop as a chil with my mom and dad. They play chill music in the background and they like to learn every one of their customer's names and favorites. They treat you like family and make you feel welcome. I like to bring everyone I know there from time to time just to de-stress and spend quality time."

Logan nodded, understanding and taking every word. What does Roman do now? Normally he asks to hold hands and walk on the way there, but this time this guy asked him on the date. Logan asked him on the date. Does he still do the normal routine or wait for Logan to do something. Either way works for Roman. Logan noticed him waiting and reached out for his hand. Roman happily took it. The two smiled, feeling their hands grow warm together. His hands are like ice, Roman wanted nothing more than to warm it up.

"Now then, let's go."

1565 Words 

I really like this song.

Don't be afraid to meet new people! Just say hello and maybe start off with a smile and a not creepy compliment. Then try to find a common interest. Try to be social and make friends, because friends are lovely people to have.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

