Life Happens [Patcani] (College AU)

Just so you know... this is Mega inspired by the game Missed Messages. 

Trigger Warning: Mentions of Abusive Relationships, Mentions of Death/Suicide


Emile just couldn't focus on his homework for Psycology B. Earlier he had heard loud voices coming from Patton's side of the door of the dorm and Emile had been concerned. Patton was a year older than him, but he doesn't act it. Patton's a very easily hurt person. Emile knows that most people should be left alone after that to a degree, but Emile also knows how Patton can be when he's left alone. Emile set his laptop aside and made a decision: he's going to check on Patton. He made sure to do his signature Frozen Anna knock. It always makes Patton giggle.

"Patton? Everything okay Buddy?"

There was silence on the other side. Slowly he heard the creaking of Patton's wooden floors until he made it to the door. There was a pause until he opened the door, more creaking coming out of it. This school had old dorm rooms. Emile and Patton ended up being stuck having to deal with the creakiest of doors and floors. Patton was wearing one of his ex's oversized geometrically patterned shirts and one of his little brother's hoodies. His glasses were slightly foggy and you couldn't see if he was wearing shorts or not.

"Yeah, I'm fine Kiddo. I just... I have work I need to do if I want to get this student teaching job I really want."

Patton was aiming to be an elementary school teacher. He was going to be the music teacher but didn't mind being a homeroom teacher. He just likes working with little kids. Emile noticed how Patton's cheeks were red, hiding his freckles. He was also holding his arms as if he really needed a hug. Emile wasn't so sure that Patton should be left alone. Emile walked forward, holding the door that separates their rooms open so that Patton can't run away.

"Well, maybe it's time to take a break. Maybe... do you wanna hang out with me? We haven't hung out in a while."

Patton stared at him, pulling his oversized sleeves down a bit. The dark purple and black was a little bit uncharacteristic on him. Same with the dark shirt that barely covered his shorts. Emile reached for Patton's wrist and pulled him into the room. He closed the door and walked over to his window, opening the curtains. The sunlight streamed into the room, which Emile decorated in pastel pink. What? Emile's a pink kind of guy!

Emile got out his speaker and took his phone off the desk. He put on his chill beats lofi playlist on Spotify and let it go through the room. You can never go wrong with a good Lofi. Meanwhile, Patton was just standing in the middle of the room without a clue of what to do. After Emile set down his phone and moved his laptop off his bed, he got his giant stuffed dolphin that he knows Patton loves. He turned back around to see Patton playing with his sleeves and looking down.

"Come on, let's talk."

Emile sat down on his bed, patting the spot next to him. Patton walked over to him, taking the dolphin plushie and hugging it close to his chest. He must really need a hug. Patton slowly sat down on the edge of the bed. Emile smiled at him, encouraging him to open up and maybe try to get past whatever depressive slump he is trying to go over. Patton looked over at him, faking a smile and trying to pretend to be his vibrant self.

"So, what did you want to talk about Kiddo?"

"Patton, you know that I don't mean that it's time to talk about myself. I want to talk about you. What's going on with you? Anything new or anything I can help with? Or do you just want to talk about other things going on? I want to catch up with you."

Patton stared blankly at Emile again, frowning and dropping the fake smile immediately when he realized that it wasn't going to work. Patton frowned and squeezed the dolphin, leaning backwards. He laid down and used his legs to kick one of the blankets over his body. The sunshine put a ray of yellow over his melancholy face and reaffirmed the world that Patton had beautiful freckles.

"Well... I've been getting into Crochet. When I'm not working I create little stuffed animals I plan on giving to my first round of students on the last day of class. Crazy, I know, but it's fun."

Aww, that's really cute. Emile couldn't help but smile. Patton used his hand to pull a little purple octopus he made out of his younger brother's hoodie pocket. He handed it to Emile, who pretended to study it and examine his work. It was really cute and even if it was bad, Emile would have said it was amazing. 

"This is beautifully made, Patton. And I for one think that what you're planning to do for your future students is a beautiful thing."

Emile goes to hand the octopus back., but Patton sits up and shakes his head. He pushes the tiny octopus back in Emile's hand. Emile can't help but smile. Patton's giving him the octopus, hmm? That's very nice. Emile decided that, despite the octopus being purple and not dark blue.m he'd name the octopus Oswald and he will be his working buddy. He'll put Oswald on his desk and then he can get back to that Psycology B assignment. It's a profile of a made up person and a diagnosis after doing an electronic Q/A with it. The patient had served in Iraq.... Emile wants to be a relationship councilor... Oh well.

"Hey... Emile... Do you have a good relationship with your family?"

Ah, so this is a family issue. It's apparent considering he's wearing his brother's hoodie. Perhaps Virgil attempted suicide again? No. Emile has met Virgil. He wasn't much happier and had a loving boyfriend after getting out of his abusive relationship. Emile helped him with that via phone calls and emails. That was his freshman year of Psycology school, when Patton became his roommate and when they were super close. He was also with Patton when his boyfriend decided to end his relationship with him the following year, last year.

"Well, my Mother tried to disown me whichever lead into my Father divorcing her. I haven't talked to her in years and my Father and Stepmother still talk to me sometimes. They're very busy and I'm an only child. Is there a reason you brought this up? How are Virgil and Logan?"

"Virgil is fine. He actually called me last night telling me that he and Roman are getting married. It's really great, even though Virgil was complaining about Roman's twin brother Remus for a solid half hour. It was really funny! And Logan? He actually texted me for the first time since we broke up. He thanked me for the relationship and for the growth I gave him. He asked if I wanted to still be friends and I said sure. He wants to go out for bubble tea next Saturday and he wants to give me some things of mine he had found at his place. Then there's Mum and Pop..."

Patton trailed off, going silent and hugging the Dolphin really really tightly. Emile's smile from the good things going on in Patton's life fell when he connected the dots. The yelling from the room earlier must have been Patton's parents.

"What happened with Mum and Pop? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it but-"

"Well... Pop got into a car accident and Mum couldn't take it so she comitted suicide. It's okay. In Mum's suicide note she said that she loves us lots like always and she was with Pop in Heaven s o he wouldn't be alone. Virgil took it better than expected, using the fsct that they're happy together to get through it. He also had Roman and his other friends by his side through it. I made a little Crochet Mum and Pop and left it on their grave, leaving a note that said that it's not to be moved. There's also a small umbrella and tiny quilt square for them. I know they're okay but it hurts sometimes knowing that I don't have them. Selfish, I know."

Emile went silent. That's horrible. Patton shrugged, looking up at the ceiling and mumbling some words and ended off his little message to his parents with s small cross and a heart made with his hands. Wait a second... if the yelling wasn't his parents... who was the yelling from before from? Emile know he shouldn't push, but...

"I'm very sorry, Patton. That must hurt a lot. But they're right. They're together and happy and always watching you. But I do have a question... who was yelling at you in your room earlier? I'm really concerned about you..."

Patton laughed a little bit at the last one, flattered by Emile's concern. He looks out the window to see the sun rising. They've been talking for a while now. What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday Morning. Patton still hugged the Dolphin, loving the thing half to death. Emile waited for an answer with a puzzled expression. Why was Patton brushing off something thst sounded so angry.

"Don't worry about that, Emile. That was just Virgil's ex looking for him. You know, the toxic one? He got really mad and he wanted to apologize. He sort of had a meltdown in my room and I comforted him through it. I offered to get you, but he said he didn't want to bring any outsiders in on it. He really has changed, but I advised he stay away from Virgil even though he loves him. I also scheduled a time where we can go get lunch next Sunday. I can ask if I can bring you. I think you'd know best if he really has changed or not."

"Yeah. I would probably go just to make sure that you end up safe. I know the horror stories just as well as you do. I really wish you opened the door and let me through to help you deal with him. It's scary knowing that you were alone with him. But if he's as you say and really changed for the better then... good for you. You have a enemy gone friend. But yeah. Don't let Virge know. That's smart."

"Life happens, Emm. Life changes people. Life goes on without you or life goes on with you. That's your choice."

Emile nodded, liking that quote a lot. Normally the Life Happens quote is left alone, but Patton's addition really made him smile. Patton has a lot going on with him. No wonder why he's so blank and why he clearly has cried before Emile went to see him. It's overwhelming. It must have been a stressed cry and not a depressed cry. Or stress that made him depressed. That's possible.

"Patton? How about we go out for some lunch or bubble tea? You see, like you can use a stress reliever."

Patton looked up at him from laying down. He set the dolphin down next to him. He sat up and took off the hoodie, folding it in front of him. Emile pushed up his glasses as Patton giggled and finally went back to his happy self.

"Let me get dressed, then we can go out for Bubble Tea. Thank you Emile. You're the best!"

Patton leaned forward and gave him a peck on the cheek. Patton's one of those affectionate friends who gives his friends forehead kisses and hide bear hugs and tells them he loves them all the time. To be honest Emile loves him too. They even sometimes call eachother their husband playfully. Patton jumped up and opened the door, closing it behind him. 

Emile looked around. Should he change too? Normally he wears sweater vests and kahkis and other dorky medical student clothes like that, but right no exception he was in light gray sweatpants and a pink shirt with a whale on it. Speaking of whales, he stood up and put Oswald on his desk next to his laptop. Emile decided he should change. He just put a sweater vest over his shirt so he had pink sleeves and changed into kahkis and boom! He's done! That's when Patton knocked on the door, matching the Anna Frozen knock. Patton opened the door as Emile fixed his pastel blue bow tie. Patton was in a blue polo and kahkis himself. Kahki Bros!

"Are you ready to go on the date?"

"Of course."

And you know what? Life Happens.

2115 Words

I am really proud of this one. I really like the ship Patcani because it's two cinnamon rolls and I can do cute slow burn stories like this.

I kinda want this to be my most popular oneshot.

The message in here showed up at the end, but I'm going to say it again: Life Happens. People come and go. Death happens. Abusive people are out there. You will see thing you don't want to see and make decisions you don't want to make. I'm sorry guys, but that's life. What makes you strong is your ability to get through it. Be strong, kiddos, Andy don't let life live you,

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

