Railroad [Loceit] (GRSM Pride AU)

I live for Genderfluid Deceit. Like, a liar who uses all pronouns but defendant on the day and they can just confuse transphobes/homophobes for fun while having an agender datemate? 



Deceit hopped along the railroad wearing bows in her hair, one on each side. She wore a long skirt to hide her unshaven legs and a striped yellow shirt. She wore a little pride pendant around her neck and she hummed to herself in her voice that was far too low to pass. She skipped across the old abandoned railroad track just outside of town that nobody uses anymore. She loves this old railroad. This was the place where she would play whatever game she wanted to play ever since she was eight, she's fourteen now.

Deceit twirled around, watching her skirt flow along with her. Being AMAB she cant wear skirts often except when she steals them from her twin sister and sneaks out of the house. She wasn't careful today so she didn't bring a change of clothes, so she's stuck outside until the house is empty and she can go back in without being seen. She grinned and plucked a straw yellow wild flower and spun around with it, the flower being a dandilion yet to grow the little white fluffy things. She froze when she found herself standing in front of someone reading a book, sitting on the railroad track.

"Who are you?"

She asked, scared that she has been found out. The person looked up, pressing their glasses further back on their nose. They wore a navy blue long sleeved sweater and jeans, too warm clothes for a humid early autumn day here. Deceit noticed the book in their hands: a nonfiction book about insects and plants around this area. They looked to be about her age upom first glance, but you can never know. They closed their book and shifted their legs to be in a more modest sitting position before answering with a clam, low, monotone voice.

"Apologies, I didn't know that someone already had plans to utilize the serenity of this area. I can leave if you desire it, ma'am."

Deceit started grinning. Ma'am? It made her so happy to be called ma'am. The person stood up, collecting their things to leave. Deceit frowned. Wait, no. The first person to ever call her by a feminine title is just about to leave her like that? No. She won't let them! She reached out and grabbed their wrist before she could think about the million reasons why she shouldn't. The person turned back around, staring at her. She can't tell them the truth. She needs to find an excuse to get them to stay.

"Don't go. You're... I was looking for company. I'd like to make a friend. What's your name? What are your pronouns? What were you reading?"

They looked at the book in their arm, not minding. They slowly sat down and Deceit sat down next to them, looking over their shoulder as she saw all the pretty pictures. Deceit learned that their name was Logan and they used they/them pronouns. The two of the men became friends and Deceit decided to tell Logan the truth about her. Logan was the first person ever to accept her. She had never been so happy.


Deceit walked down the railroad, hands shoved in his pockets. He wore a blanket draped over his shoulders like a cap, all fuzzy and yellow, and he wore a knitted yellow sweater to ton woth his light gray sweatpants. He wore the hat that Logan had gotten him for his fifteenth birthday, a Slytherin hat, backwards and with his braces finally off at age seventeen he was happily smacking at a wad of gum. He sat down at their normal spot with the blanket, waiting for his best friend to show up by the abandoned railroad. Where were they?

Ah, there they were. Deceit couldn't help but smile as Logan stepped over a few dead bushes with the book they picked out together from the public library. Logan had started taking a liking to the long woolen skirts that Deceit would wear on feminine and androgynous days it seems, as they were wearing one similar yet different than the ones Deceit owned. They wore a nice polo with a necktie, they have grown addicted to those, and their glasses' frames are still as square and boring as ever.

"Did you bring the book?"

"Indeed, I have. You had forgotten to greet me with a Salutations."

Deceit rolled his eyes, not caring to give them a hello. He's very lazy today. Logan sighed and sat down next to him, opening the book to where the bookmark Deceit doodled on during class  and gave to them to use. Deceit leaned his head on Logan's shoulder and they both began to read, no words needing to be said. They just wanted to read whatever was on the page. 

The story they were reading was a fantasy story where the main character is the villain and the villain is self aware. The villain knows they are in a written work of fiction do so decide to change fate. Instead of fighting over the princess, they offer to take the prince as their captor instead. But the prince ends up falling in love with the villain and the princess starts to morph in the role of the villain. They're at the climax. The villain is facing off against the corrupted princess, fighting over the prince. Deceit loves this story. What makes it even better is that the main character is NonBinary, using they/them pronouns like Logan. That's the reason he picked it out ngl. He wanted to make Logan happy.

The book finished and Logan closed it. Deceit was grinning, happy that there was a good ending for the main character and the prince after the princess was slain. Logan cracked a small smile upon seeing Deceit's smile. This is friendship. They just come to read together and just talk at this railroad. They love it.


Deceit adorned themself in a shortish skirt and an oversized flannel shirt, wearing some rainbow converse and proudly wearing a NonBinary pin on their orange beanie. They had their hands stuffed in the pockets of the skirt they had sewn in themself and Logan was already waiting for them with a singular yellow rose. Deceit couldn't help but smile, wanting to hide it and pretend that they weren't super happy and giddy right now. Logan was much better at having a resting birch face, much to their dismay.

"Ah, Joyous Birthday, Deceit."

Logan noticed them, standing up and presenting the rose to them like a significant other would. Deceit bit their tongue, taking the rose into their fingertips and twirling it around. It was absolutely stunning. Deceit bent their knees a little bit and pressed a kiss of gratitude on their nose, Logan loving the small and meaningful gestures of affection. 

"Thank you, love. It's not like I am absolutely enchanted with the yellow rose and I'm totally not feeling like the most special person in the world thanks to you."

Logan laughed at Deceit's sarcasm. Logan found it when Deceit blatantly lied with heavy sarcasm a fun puzzle to decipher, so Deceit made sure to talk in that mannor every now and then. It lives up to the name they chose for themself in their early teenage years. Deceit took Logan into their arms, pushing some hair out of their face and silently asking for consent to kiss them for real this time. Logan nodded, knowing what Deceit wanted.

Deceit lifted Logan up to them and pressed a tender, loving kiss on their lips. It lasted a long moment, the two of them embracing one another. Deceit pulled back, setting their enbyfriend back down to the ground all the way rather than forcing them to stand on their toes. Logan was grinning. Deceit absolutely loved it when they smiled. They normally didn't, they suffered from rbf and were mega stoic, so when they did smile it warmed Deceit's heart.

"I love you, Deceit."

"And I love you more, Logan."

1345 Words

I'm so sorry this is so short I'm struggling with off and in creative block.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!
