Siren [Prinxiety] (Witch AU)

Imagine Virgil as a witch. That's adorable. I love Witch AUs and Fantasy AUs


"🎶I fall in love too easily. I fall in love too fast. I fall in love too incredibly hard for this love to ever last...🎶

There's a forest near Roman's kingdom that always bears orange leaves. Adventurers spread rumors saying that a beautiful tenor voice filled the breeze and danced around your ears. Black cats and brown owls are everywhere, watching your movements and quietly following you. The crinkle of leaves and crunching of sticks was pleasant, yet eerie. Roman, as a Castle Guard for King Leo and King Terrence, had never ventured into the woods. But he always wanted to.

"🎶If I could ride a bike I'd zoom around the world with you sitting there behind me. I'll take you to place so past several faces living life so carefree.🎶"

Roman would sit outside the forest in his downtime, knowing the laws of the authority of the land. Guards, Knights, and staff of then Royal Castle aren't allowed to venture out of the kingdom. Roman would listen to the soft voice that echoed through the wood. Roman likes to think of the voice like his own personal Siren. A voice so beautiful it beckoned him to a place where he isn't allowed to go. Roman finds it easier to cope with things when it's just a fantasy story inside his mind,

"🎶Freckles and Constellations. All those cute conversations. The moon isn't bright giving us lights I really wanna kiss you and I think I might. Filling up our imaginations.🎶"

Roman would close his eyes and smile, sitting st the edge of the forest. He would watch as a black cat soon began a routine, approaching him just outside the autumn utopia's boarder. The cat would beg for attention, the short fur filled with crunched up leaves. Roman would clean the cat and scratch them just behind the ears with a wide smile. The cat had eyes as yellow, beauitful, and bright as the morning sun. Because of the black fur and those beautiful yellow eyes, Roman deemed the cat: Eclipse.

"🎶Life and Death and Love and Birth and Peace and War on the Planet Earth. Is there Anything that's Worth More than Peace and Love on the Planet Earth?🎶"

But one day Eclipse stopped coming. Roman was worried about them the first day they didn't show up. They looked around the entrance of the forest, concerned for his favorite friend. Then he heard the small squeak of a tiny tabby kitten who looked just born. They wore a necklace with the name Virgil engraved clearly into it. From then on Roman had a new cat friend. Roman fed the little thing the best he could and showered the tiny cat with love. Years pass and the cst grows up. Roman grows up. He never knew that the cat was a vessel for his Siren.

"🎶Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you. In my hand is a penny that's can write a poem of me and you. The ink flows down into a dark puddle. Just move your hand! Write your way into his heart! But in this world of infinite choices, what will it take just to find my special day?🎶"

Today Roman finds himself standing fsce to face with the most beautiful creature he had ever seen in his life. They had brown eyes filled with magic and wonder and silken purple hair covering half of their face, barely allowing the right eye to shine through. They had bags under their eyes and skin fair as the legendary Snow White. They wore black clothing, long sleeved and flowing. A crop top and jeans that clung to their legs, high heeled boots cutting off the denim. They carried a broom behind them awkwardly and shifted their weight from front to back, averting their eyes from Roman. Their voice was soft and beauitful, just like the one that sung to him.

"Hey Roman... You are probably confused and about to run away or kill me because of my fsce, but please don't! Umm..."

Roman stared curiously st this creature, noticing the inhumane features about them. Like the points of their ears, as well as how large they are, and how their bodies are so slim. It's as though their bones are flexible. Their legs were significantly longer than their torso and their arms longer than expected as well. Sort of like those old timey rubber hose cartoon characters. Their eyes were bigger than most human eyes and their skin gave off a slight sparkle, being almost completely white as snow. Roman had never seen a Witch Nymph before, but now he has. And they were gorgeous.

"Not at all! But may I ask you something rather... Personal? Could your name by chance be Virgil?"

A light of optimism filled the creature's face and a smile overtook their painted purple lips, matching their hair. They stopped with the awkward shifting and they dropped their broom, running out of the safety of their magyk protected forest to embrace Roman. They were far shorter than the great knight, barely able to wrap their arms around his neck. The soft voice spoke with such excitement, such love, such erased insecurity that it melted Roman's heart.

"I can't believe the our recongnized me! It's  been years and I never showed my face so I was sure you wouldn't believe me! I had an entire explanation redhead to prove how I was me in the first place! I can't beleive it! You believe me! You didn't run away! It's a miracle!"

Roman returned the small nymph's embrace, knowing the extend or unrequited devotion. Roman was unsure of what to do now. He had heard stories of quests to slay the evil witch of this forest. He had heard that they had quite the horrid renown for scaring tourists of the forests whenever they venture too far in. Some barely made it out alive. There's a reason behind their name other than their gorgeous singing. But here they were, soft and expressing and showing love for Roman. 

"A miracle? Why would that be a mircale? You have showed affection to me just as I have you, so why would I ever reject someone so kind and gentle towards a man of my stature?"

He let go of him as if ashamed of what he has done. He oooked up at Roman in his eyes. He was wearing his armor and had his sword seethed in its scabbard. This was his down time before he had another shift to guard the castle's princess (the kings' adopted daughter) Valerie overnight. Virgil cast their eyes to the floor, fiddling with their finger painted black on the nails. 

"Because you're a human, and humans are normally evil. They try to take my home away and explore it as though it is nothing but a means for their entertainment. But you waited. You waited for me to let you in. And now I finally grant you permission to enter my domain, to the full extent, and share it with me. You're a lot special to me, Roman. You came here every day and made sure to get to know me first. That... that means so much. It means more than you could ever know. So please... come with me? Become my Prince of the Autumn Grove?"

They extended their hand towards Roman, leaving them with a choice. They could reject the Witch and possibly be killed, be yelled at, and be forever to to never come here again. However he gets to stay in the kingdom and keep his job that's he trained hard for since his early childhood and stay with his parents and the Lords (and Lady including Valerie). Yet... If he goes with Virgil then he could live out his own fantasy story. He could find interracial love with this lovely one who had showed him great love and kindness to him, even extending a place sacred to them to him. He could become the October Knight. He could protect the forest from those who invade it and provoke Virgil. He could become a storybook. Roman knew his choice.

 He reached his hand out, taking Virgil's. Their skin was so soft. Their hand was so smooth, yet it was freezing cold. However that cold turned burning hot when Virgil smiled brightly. Did their skin change temperature with their emotions? What a bizarre and amazingly peculiar thing about this beautiful witch. Virgil clasped their hand around Roman's, pulling him by the arm inro the forest for the very first time. Virgil beamed with pride and joy. Roman had never seen anyone, mortal nymph or otherwise, so happy in his entire life.

That is the story of how the Siren met their Knight.

1464 Words

Bonus Ending

Roman wandered the forest upon hearing Virgil's warning: a party of a singular man entering the forest. Roman wore armors that appeared rusted and covered in vines, his face covered by a helmet. He had his sword out and ready, the blade made of emerald and the handle wrapped with the finest leather grip Virgil could create. Roman found this man sitting in a tree, collecting some of Virgil's fruits. Roman pointed his sword at the man's back, aiming. He turned his head and saw Virgil there, completely taken upon by his human form. Virgil  Orpheus to Ben more human both to deceive trespassers and to make Roman more comfortable. Yet he still kept his pointed ears. That was something he couldn't change.

"Wait, I sense something odd about this man. Roman, my love, stand guard. I must investigate."

Virgil walked towards the tree and looked up at the man. The man looked down at them. Unrecognizable. Virgil sent the mental picture of his face to Roman. No. Roman did not know this man. He was not to be spared and let out of the forest with a warning. Roman took the emerald blade, which was pointed at his back, and threw it. The blade pierced the man's Body, the entire sword stretching all the way through. The man fell out of the tree next to where Virgil was standing. They sighed and shook their head, feeling no empathy. They looked up at their husband, clearly dissapointed.

"It's a shame humans aren't like you, Roman. They don't wait. They do whatever they please without considering the ecosystems around them. No one is allowed in our forest without permission."

Virgil walked up to Roman and pressed the side of their face against his chest. That was their way of telling Roman they were touch starved. They always felt too awkward to just say they need a hug or a kiss or whatever, so they do this. Roman chuckled and embraced his lover, living out his fantasy story as a rumor that would be told for as long as he lived. And with that potion that Virgil gave him? He would be living for a long, long time.

1825 Words

I tried, guys. Sorry this was really dissapointing. 

Advice? Be nice and ask for consent before you do things. Consent is important and know the boundaries of those close to you. And don't intentionall cross someone's boundaries. That is NEVER okay! I don't care if you want them to get out of their comfort zone. If they don't want want to do it, respect their words and follow through. Never overstep someone's boundaries and ask for consent.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

