Would You Be So Kind? Part Two [Logince] (Soulmate AU)

My really good friend -JustAnEditor- wanted a part two, so this is just for them!

The name of your soulmate(s) is printed on your dominant wrist.


"Where are you taking Me?"

Logan called out as Roman ran in front of him, dragging him by the wrist out of thr librsry and alongside mainstreet to go somehwere Logan didn't know. Now, Logan is a lot like that one girl from waitress. He sticks to real things, usually facts and figures. When information's in its place he minimizes guessing games. Guess what? He don't like guessing games or feeling things beforehand he knows the feelings. How's he supposed to operate when he's just tossed around by fate. Like on an uNEXPECTED DATE!!!?!!

"I'm about to change your life!"

That offered Logan literally no comfort as they kept running down the sidewalk past people walking their dogs and past people with shopping bags because Main Street is kind of like an outdoor mall. If you don't know what those are, then you're a nerd. Logan didn't bother saying anything else, he just stumbled his legs forward so he can go to whatever destination Roman wanted him to go to. And he just met this man today! What even is fanfiction time pacing at this point?

"Then, uh, by all means lead the way!"

The author think she slick making that Hamilton reference. Do you think she's slick? Comment below if you think she's slick. Do you feel belittled? Comment below if you're feeling belittled. It took a little bit of running, but they finally made it to w really old building hat Logan remembered going to a lot in his childhood when he was feeling alone and dejected. It was the old bookstore run by a really old woman who tol day him stories about how she ditched her soulmate to be with the woman she loves. She told him stories to comfort him.

"We're here! So, what do you think? I know it's an abandoned building but there's still loads of books in here! It's also the place I bring everyone to tell stories amd hang out."

The place was abandoned? What happened to sweet Mrs. Reynolds and her wife? Roman let go of Logan's hand and hurried up to the door, holding it open and smiling at Logan. He stood there for a moment, the new information processing in his brain. What happened to her? The disturbing thoughts come flooding in, however Logan ignored them. He walked into the store and mumbled a word of thanks to the man who brought him on this date. He found the old bean bag he would always sit on and he flopped onto it, cuddling up to it like he used to. What happened to this place? Was he so shrouded by work that he missed everything that was important to him in the recent years? He's so selfish....

"No fair, that's my storytelling spot! But since you're so handsome I'll let you have it~"

Roman gave him the compliment and a wink before pulling up Mrs. Reynolds' old rocking chair and scooting it across the carpet floor to be in front of Logan and Logan alone instead of in her storytime circle. Wow, Nostalgia is a bitch. Roman then got thins wild sparkle in his eye and he leaned forward in the rocking chair, trying to build up suspense. Little did he know Logan knew everything about this place's past, yet he knew nothing about the present nor future.

"Do you want me to tell you the story of this place? It's a really good one! Though I may have tweaked it here and there with my astounding creativity, it is still factual! Whaddya say? Wanna take up my offer?"

Logan nodded, holding his hands together. Why did he feel so guilty and he didn't need even know what happened yet? 

"Well once upon a time one forever ago there was an old woman who sold books here. Her name was Eliza Reynolds and she was married to a woman named Mariah Reynolds. She had the name of a man named Alexander on her wrist, but she ignored it. She and her wife were brave enough to run away from their men and came together to live together forever and ever in bliss. They didn't care about the soulmate system. They were in love, and that's what mattered. They were the cutest couple in the world, and the bravest too. They sold books to children and young adults who needed that sort of inspiration in their life. They taught the lesson that love truly conquers all in real life. Two real life Disney Princesses."

Logan couldn't help but smile. That was true. Both of the Reynolds Women were literal angels one the earth. Logan hardly saw Mrs. Mariah, she was always in the back or working on something else. Logan would always talk to Mrs. Eliza. She would tell him stories and she would tell him that he was loved no matter what and everything would be okay. Logan missed her hugs. What happened to her? Roman was really good at storytelling, using voices and making sure that everything had a good flow. Logan admired that at the same time he professed the info.

"I met the two of them a few years ago. Maybe four years ago? That's probably it. I met Mariah Reynolds first. I met her at a coffee shop and we had a nice conversation after our drinks got mixed up. Turns out both of us were Iced Coffee Gays. She mentioned her bookstore and her wife, which I got interested. We both shared soulmate stories and I showed her my wrist. I had two names. She was eststic to find another oddball out there. Then she mentioned a little boy that she and her wife knows who doesn't have a soulmate. We went back to the bookstore so I could talk to her wife about it. I felt really bad for that kid."

Logan's face went pale. Roman had this fondness and nostalgia in his eyes. He was immersed in his own story. His voice carried warmth and a sweetness as he recalled the moment. Logan wasn't cuddled in the bean bag anymore. He was sitting on the edge, waiting for every moment. Four years ago is when he secluded himself in his work. He hasn't seen them within the recent four years. Logan has to know what happened to them.

"Then I met Eliza, another sweetheart who was happy to sit me down, recommend me my favorite book to this day: The Outsiders. That's not important right now, that's a totally different story. But she sat me down and told me the story of the little boy who's always wore a blue shirt who didn't have a soulmate. When tood me of how he goin bullied a lot when he was a kid and how sad he was. I said I would spend time with him and be his friend no matter what! She called me a prince and asked me to make a Pinkie promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Roman did this little motion with his hands that made Logan laugh a little bit. His heart felt so warm and he had this fluttery feeling. Mrs. Eliza really talked about him? And Mrs. Mariah actually remembered him that well?

"She asked me that whenever I find someone who is having soulmate problems that I bring them here. She wanted me to bring everyone 'home' so she could reassure everyone that they are okay and that they will be loved no matter what. She wanted me to be their Prince, even if it's just for a day. So I'd bring them on dates and bring them here, and my soulmates were definately okay with that. To be honest I'm not good for a polyamory relationship. Virgil and Patton understand that, but I still give them love and affection until I find someone for me. I'm off topic again, how rude of me. Sorry. But yeah, that's the story of that."

He beamed, finished. But what happened to Mrs. Eliza and Mrs. Mariah? Logan felt really horrible now. He had to know. He had to be told he didn't leave them when they died and why this place was abandoned.

"Where are they now?"

"Oh, yeah! I knew I was forgetting something. I was too caught up in talking about being a Prince to bring the closure, my apologies. Mrs. Eliza and Mrs. Mariah had to give up the shop because people stopped buying books. Mrs. Eliza now works at the Lobrary in the next Town over. They moved to be in a more friendly neighborhood about a year ago. I still see them come to visit. I talk to them often! Mrs. Mariah always pinches my cheeks and gushes about how I'm growing up and Mrs. Eliza always asks me if I ever found the blue boy. She never told me his name. I'd tell her no, but I'd promise to keep looking. I Pinkie promised her. I still have a journey as her knight to be the charming prince to that boy somehwere. And now I've brought you here so I can pass the story along and make you feel safe, loved, and okay. You are still valid even if you don't have a soulmate. You are loved."

Logan felt his eyes tear up, but he repressed it. Jesus Christ, he's not a religious man but he was starting to believe that both Reynolds Women were literal goddesses. As long as they were okay, that's what mattered. Roman's eyes were sparking and he was passionate about this. Logan took a deep breath, stood up, and walked towards him. He sunk back in the rocking chair, confused. Logan bent over and pressed a kiss to his forehead, smiling full and wide for the first time in probably a decade. 

"Well I don't think you need to keep looking, my Prince. My name is Logan Barry. I would come here every day as a kid because my own mother wouldn't give me attention because I lost my soulmate's name. Thank you for bringing me here and I... I..."

Damn. Logan was about to cry but he knows he can't. He shouldn't. He gasped when suddenly Roman, the prince who had taken him here, enveloped him in an embrace and pressed his head forward with the the back of his hand, making sure he was held tight. Making sure he was nice and warm. Making sure that he knew it was 100% okay to cry and express all your emotions. That's a very important lesson, kids.

"I finally found you. Don't worry, it's okay to cry. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again."

Logan finally let the tears stinging in the corners of his eyes fall, gripping the back of Roman's shirt in his fists and squinting his eyes shut. It hurts. It hurts so much. Would you be so kind as to hold me as a cry? Would you be so kind as to tell me I'm okay, even though I'm a misfit? Would you be so kind as to love me even though I'm a loveless boy who knows how to do nothing except busy work? Would you? Would You be so kind?

"Logan... I promise I'll make you happy. I promise I'll treat you right and become the prince you deserve. I'll become your soulmate and try to erase all the pain you ever went through. I promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Would You Be So Kind as to fall in love with me? Would You Be so Kind as to get to know me? Would You Be so Kind as to leave your old life just to take a chance? Would You Be So Kind  to take the time and learn who I am? Would You Be so Kind as to take me on a date? Would You Be so Kind as to fall in love with a stranger? Would You Be So Kind as to tell me that you love me? Would You? Would You Be So Kind?

"You'd do that for a complete stranger?"

"Oh Logan, from everything I have learned... from everything I experienced whenever I met your eyes... from just the way you're holding onto me as though your life depended on it... I don't think I can call can a complete stranger. I think the universe just made a mistake. You know, like how they mess up woth transgender people sometimes, how they messed up making slavery a good idea in history, and how they messed up making people who don't like pears. I think you and I... no. I know you and I are meant to be soulmates, just after seeing you for the first time. Like Eliza and Mariah, we're meant for eachother. An instant connection upon meeting. A spark. We aren't strangers."

"Then... would you be so kind as to go grab coffee with me? If that's alright with Virgil and Patton of course! They are your soulmates after all."

"No, you're my soulmate now. And I wouldn't be too worried about them. They know about my personal feelings and I bet they could tell from the way I went out of my way to talk to you something was up. And Yes'm, I would be so kind. Follow me, my precious one. Let's go get that coffee."

2245 Words

Holy Crap I didn't think I could make it any better but somehow I managed to make the story and plot line better from part one. Oh, and Jae? Did you see the little message I left for you? Yeah. Pears are great. Fight me.

Never ever ever think you are less than just because you don't have something another person has. You don't have a lot of money? Money doesn't make someone a better person. That person has thicker hips? Some people like smaller people or people with Smol thighs. It's cute and makes you easier to give piggyback rides to. Someone is buffer than you? No worries. You're strong in a different way. And if they have super duper big muscles they might just be compensating for something. Someone has wavier/longer hair? Your hair is perfect the way it is. Someone may have something you want or people may make fun of something you have, but that's okay. Why? Because you're you. The little things make up who you are, and who you are is beautiful.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

