...I Hate You [Logince] (Teacher AU) (Valentine's Day AU)

Fun Fact: my braces are Logince Colors right now. ❤️💙 Analogical and Logince and Moxiety for life <3 And Roceit And Loceit And Remile and Snuke and Sleepxiety and- I should stop now.

Also got inspired by one of Pengi11's amazing fics yet again. Lol. You can tell which ones. <3


Logan was stuck grading extra papers since some of his students managed to fail his recent test and did extra credit assignments in hopes it would bring their grade up to a passing one. Logan was a good teacher. He made sure his son tudents understood the concepts before moving on, explained everything explicitly, gave them extra information as to help them through future math courses, exetera. Most of his students passed with flying colors. He took pride in his students. However a handful just can't seem to get the concept of Logarithmic Functions...

Logan sighed at one student's pitiful attempt at explaining their bullshit answer. Before he could get his red one out to write down the explanation for the correct answer next to the problem, his phone began to ring. Looking at the caller's contact he saw his husband's gorgeous face and the contact name: Husband. Similar to what you see when a cute guy (or girl if you pursue Jaehee like author does) Calls you in Mystic Messenger. Logan needed the break, so he answered the phone and put it on speaker, setting it on his desk.

"Hello mi Esposo briliante, hermoso, atractivo, y misterioso~ I Just had a quick question. I know you aren't fond of chocolate but If you had to choose a favorite kind what would it be? And don't spare any details!"

"Roman, What is this for?"

"No reason! I just really need to know! Okay I lied. You know Valentine's Day is coming up and I really want to get you chocolates! You always get me roses or something to surprise me and you always tell me not to worry about you and that's SO not fair considering that I am the one who proposed to you and I want to spoil you too a bit!"

Logan couldn't help hur kaugh st how his husband was. He was telling the truth. Logan always says he doesn't want anything big for Valentine's Day, as it isn't important to him. However Logan is aware of how fanciful and romantic his husband was so he knew that receiving a gift for the holiday would be very special to him. Henever knew why, he just knew it was. Also Logan despises most sweets. They just aren't appealing to his particular flavor palette. This conversation was lighthearted and nice, it was starting to take away his headache.

"If you really want to get me something that bad just get a dark chocolate Hershey's Bar and put it in the fridge for when I get home. I'll make sure to give your gift then too, similar to a Christmas extange."

"Oh no that's not happening Sir Spectacles! You're not getting me a gift this year! It's my turn to spoil you!"

"But Roman..."

"No buts! Now I'm positive you're super busy with those papers of yours so I'll leave you to it! I actually suddenly got busy too! I'll see you when I get home mi amor! I love you very much, bye bye!"

Like that, Roman hung up on Logan. Logan rolled his eyes, pursing his lips. Giving Roman gifts actually was a great pride and joy to him. Seeing the taller, more muscle-bound man light up like a child and shower him in thank you kisses made him very happy. He liked getting his boyfriend gifts. He totally disregarded the direction to not get him a gift  already knowing exactly what he wants to get Roman. There's a cute rainbow bear at the CVS near their neighborhood he had his eyes on. Definitely a gift for Roman. There was also a Kermit the Frog at that same CVS. He only hoped it was still there because Roman would love the reference the two gifts together would make. If you don't get it, you've never seen the Muppet Movie and you are a disgrace. Not really, but the author is very disappointed in you.

The morning after tomorrow's at six Logan was already back in the classroom. The bear and the frog were sitting on his desk and many students were here more than an hour's before school starts for extra study hall time. Students come to Logan's room for a quiet place to work on whatever class work they failed to complete. Some also come in to work on Logan's homework for help on specific problems.

At six thirty he gets a text from Roman. That's peculiar. He says happy Valentine's Day. Did he wake up early just to send the sweet text? That's nice. It made Logan smile and feel warm within his chest. He sent an array of rainbow heart emojis back to him quickly before helping a student with a problem involving literal equations. Just because kids see more than a few letters in a problem makes them freak out. It's the craziest thing. It's one of the most simple of mathematical properties! Logan showed them how to do it and got a thank you. Today was starting out as a good day.

At seven twenty class started. At seven thirty seven there was a knock on the door. That's strange. Student messengers and teachers all know the rule about Logan's classroom: free walk in and out- get your business done quick and cause minimal distractions. Logan asked a student to get the door, returning to the lesson he began teaching. After hearing then gasps and losing the attention of everyone, Logan let out a sigh that actually was a growl. He turned to tell the person off but ended up see his husband standing there with several boxes of chocolates and a bouquet of navy blue and deep crimson roses. Logan.exe had stopped working. He said some rather inappropriate things for a school enviorment under his breath as Roman stride towards him with the confidence of a tiger fucker.

"Happy Valentine's Day, mi Diamanté precioso~ I know you told me to be low key, but I could hardly resist doing a grande gesture for the King of my Dreams~"

A sea of fangirling, fanboying, and fanqueering erupted from the students. Shouts of "MR. SANDERS IS GAY!?" And "MR. SANDERS IS RELATIONSHIP GOALS!!!" And other similar phrases had the students acting like a pack of primates. Logan had the roses pushed into his arms and the chocolates placed on his desk. There were so many! How in the name of the heavens above was he going to eat them all!? He gazed at the flowers. They're so beautiful... Roman was smirking like a villain who thinks they've won. Logan hid his face in the blooms, the shame burning his cheeks. He couldn't look him in the eyes. He was too shy.

"I hate you."

"No, you love me. You wouldn't have married me If you didn't~"

"I hate you so much."


Roman teased him, even going as far as to Boop his nose and use his most favorite word against him. Logan let out a deep, shaky breath. He tried to calm himself down enough. He set the flowers down on his desk. He'll be sure to find a vase for them as soon as he gets an off period. Then he remembered the dolls. He took them off his desk and showcased them together to Roman: a rainbow teddy bear and a Kermit he frog. He made them hold hands. Roman gasped, smiling and melting like he always does. Take that Roman! Payback!

"I also had disobeyed your regards and I got you these for Valentine's Day. I know how much Disney means to you so i assumed you'd get-"

"OH MY GOSH RAINBOW CONNECTION KERMIT THE FROG LOGAN I LOVE IT!!! How do tiu always get the best gifts for me for every holiday! I love you so much!"

Again, he had to be so extra about it. He pulled his husband into a warm and deep embrace. A student began clapping and it turned into a full blown standing ovation with whistles and hollers and someone who screamed as loud as they could "I DONT CARE IF YOU DONT LIKE GAYS THATS THE MOST ADORABLE THING IVE EVER SEEN PUT THAT SHIT IN A MOVIE!!!" Logan couldn't scold them because their face was pressed against Roman's chest. And he was loving every single minute of it.

"I love you, Roman."

"As do I, mi caballero con brillantes protectores de bolsillo~ Now may I Be so forward as to ask for a kiss~?"

Logan groaned, rolling his eyes. Come on Pumba! Not in front of the kids! The children roared with peer pressure and asking for Logan to say yes. Someone started a chant of just saying the word 'kiss' over and over again. The entire class, including his husband, began chanting for Logan to kiss him. Logan shouted for silence, which he doesn't do often, and everybody shut up. It's Logan's turn to speak.

"First of all that was a very rude nickname. Second of all: Students you are not to demand anything out of me or raise your voices to a level even close to that ever again. Thirdly and Finally... yes. Yes you may kiss me, Roman."

The students cheered, help Logan held up a finger. They all got quieter and a few mumbled apologies. Logan smiled graciously then turned to his husband. Logan realized what he had signed himself up for. Roman attacked him, holding the back of his head and kissing him passionately. Logan muffledly screamed "ROMAN IF YOU USE TONGUE I AM GOING TO BLOODY KILL YOU!!!" but nobody could hear the exact words. It was too late. There were quiet cheers and high fives and "I ship it"s throughout the classroom. Logan finally relaxed and let himself melt into it, him and his husband becoming the only two in the room.

What a lovely Valentine's Day.

1663 Words

I'm raising my quota from 1000 Words to 1500 words. You all deserve good stories and I need to improve my cruddy writing. So I hope this helps. 

For the advice of the day? It can be fun to be surprised and for surprise someone. So let people spoil you a bit if they want to. Just don't let them go too far. And If you want to spoil someone a bit, go ahead! Just like with the other scenario: don't go too far. That's when it gets creepy and awkward.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


(Lol part 69)
