Boys Will Be Bugs, Right? [Remile] (Trans Pride AU)

I just adore Dr. Picani 💖💖💖 and Cavetown 💛💛💛 I need to do more GRSM/LGBTQIA+ Pride oneshots. 💙💙💙

(Ps the cover of the song I put above the chapter is so freaking good I am in love like there are so many great covers of this song tbh and it was hard to choose just one I changed it like seven times ngl)


"I just don't understand doctor, she acts nothing like us and when we try to talk to her about it's she slams the door in our face! It's like I was never meant to be a mother..."

"Oh come now, Dot, we've wanted a kid for forever! You're doing great! We are amazing parents! But it doesn't help that our daughter and we are not on the same page. She cut her hair short and plays basketball with the boys in her class for starters and she listens to modern rap and death metal music and when her friends are around they call her 'dude' and 'the brother I never had' and it's so... it's confusing! So we came here to try and see if we can find a solution to being better parents for our daughter. We've only had her for a year now, but we've already run into trouble."

Emile jotted this down in his notebook, every detail that his favoritest, bestest patients said went down in his notebook so he could make a proper evaluation. Larry and Dot have been seeing Dr. Picani for a little over a decade and a half now, and the couple had finally decided to adopt a child. Dot was always pestering Larry about getting a daughter since he was always concerned with having a son, considering how his Pop Pop raised him, but with these new suspicions Emile as starting to doubt that this twelve year old was truly their daughter. With the way they're acting... Emile would love to meet this child.

"Melanie has been acting quite reclusive hasn't she? I know children take a while to adjust to a new family, but this is quite odd. You've been together so long but I'm sure she has her reasons to keep her secrets. She just needs to be absolutely certain that she can come to you. But if she, they're struggling with what I think they're struggling with then this will take a lot of time."

"Time? But we've had her for a year! She called me Dad for the first time a month ago and told Dot hat she loves her! I think if she's hiding something from us she should know by now that we aren't going to give her up and we love and support her very much!"

"Now Larry, listen to what the Doctor has to say. He has been right all of this time we've been here."

Dot had her arm comfortingly around her husband's, despite the fact thst her insecurities were what dragged the two of them back in this familiar office. Instead of his normal cartoon reference, Emile figured that this time he needs to draw the solution to this couple's problem from his own personal life. He glanced to the photo of him and his husband by then clock on the wall. Remy Picani was happy to steal his last name from him. He was happy to steal his heart and steal his height advantage too. Emile chuckled under his breath, the air suddenly becoming very solemn. The couple atched him curiously as he has done this for the very first time in all his years of being a therapist.

"Let me tell you a story about my husband and I..."


Remy groaned as he wiped the blood, sweat, and tears from his cheeks. He staggered back to his stance, glaring over his sunglasses at the group of guys trying to jump him. Remy was still very short, very skinny, and his voice was too high pitched to pass. The only thing about him that passed were his hair, his strong jawline, and his clothes. Everything else about him was a thin Latina woman struggling to look like her brother. They had pulled a switchblade on him. He was so scared, but he stood his ground. He wasn't going to let anyone step on him anymore. He just turned fourteen and he thinks this year he's gonna be mean.

"So the pretty lady thinks she can be a boy, huh? Well lads, her hair ain't the only thing being cut tonight."

The three buff guys all revealed switchblades. The adrenaline in Remy's body began to pump. His masculinity told him to stay and try to fight, but every instinct in his body told him to run. He's need to fit in as a male overcame everything and he put up his fists, ready to brawl to the death. He ducked out of the way of a punch from the guy on the left, finding a shattered glass bottle on the floor of the alleyway by the dumpster. Remy took that and slashed it as hard as he could across the closest guy's arm, completely new obliterating the bottles and glass shards ending up In his arm. He screamed and stumbled backwards. Remy screeched as he was suddenly held back by one guy, the ringleader of this three ringed circus of bozos looking him dead in the eye.

"Time to cut up the dyke, right?"

Remy closed his eyes, squeezing them shut as tightly as he could. He tried to pretend that he wasn't about to be in so much pain, but he knew he would. That's when he heard a loud bang. He was suddenly met with a hard ground, getting scraped up. He lifted his head and saw police lights. Oh shit. Remy scrambles to try and stand up but he couldn't. He felt so weak. He was too damn weak. He'll never get respect as a man if he's this weak! He saw a kid his age and a policeman running behind him. They both had flashlights. Remy scrambled to stand up, but his legs won't work. What did those morons do to his legs?!


That voice... Those glasses...


"I knew it! I knew those brutes were going to hurt you afterschool today! I heard them so I got Uncle Phil to come here and make sure you're safe! They didn't hurt you, did they? They hurt you! They so did! There's blood! Don't you worry, I'm going to make so you get cleaned up and home safe, as well as a nice meal. You deserve so much better than this. Oh Remy I'm so sorry you had to deal with those awful kids. It makes my blood boil to think that one of those jerks is my cousin. I swear when he gets home Uncle Dan is going to give him the noogie of a lifetime! Oh Remy..."

Emile's voice was all he heard and his warmth was all he really felt. Remy felt like he was going to pass out. Emile was the cousin of the guy who pinned him back. He didn't know if he wasn't pinned to the guy's chest or the wall, but either way explains why his head was so fuzzy and everything hurt so bad. His pride was diminished as Emile handed Remy over to his policeman Uncle. 

Policeman Phil Howelster carried him back to the police car where the two preteens sat in the back, some soft music by and artist Remy didn't know. A particular song came on that captivated him. The car was silent while Emile had Remy lay down across the entire car seat with his head resting in Emile's lap. Oh, some context would be nice. Emile was Remy's best friend. They've been throuh life together since fourth grade. They're only in seventh grade but three years is forever to kids. Remy told Emm first when they learned they were trans. Emm was the first person who accepted him, embraced him, respected him, loved him after he cut his hair and  went behind his mom's back to get a chest binder. Emm was precious to him. After the song ended, Emile decided to talk and break the awkward air.

"Boys will be Bugs, right Remy?"

Remy smiled, getting a firm answer that 'Boys Will Be Bugs' must've been the name of the song. Remy nodded and the two watched the window as a light sprinkle began to fall. The police sirens were off, but the lights stayed on. Policeman Phil Howelestwr brought Remy back to their house to get the lad cleaned up and ready to go home, giving him a warning about getting into fights. Emile begged for Remy to stay the night, making the argument he might not be safe going home alone. Emile's Uncles allowed it, but that meant sending their son to Daniel Howelester's brother's house (Emile's house) for the night. It was a trade that was worth it. That was the night the two boys knew that they'd be by eachother's side through life no matter what.


"There are things people just can't open up to someone about until they themself are ready, no matter how much they love and trust the person. I think that lesson Remy and I learned and experienced together is exactly what Melanie is going through, or whatever other name they choose to have. Your kid just needs time to figure themself out, and when they're ready make sure you accept them with open arms. The worst possible thing you could do is make your child think you won't love them. Sometimes Boys will just be Bugs. Sometimes Girls will just be... I don't have a witty pun prepared. I do ask forgiveness for making this session so serious and personal, but this is something that I must take seriously."

Dot and Larry looked between eachother, not saying a word. Emile didn't look at them, instead he watched his thumb fiddle with the ring on his finger. It was a gorgeous ring that Remy used to propose to him. Remy wouldn't mind that he shared his story with Dot and Larry, right? Especially since they need to hear it. The last thing Remy would want is a repeat of his childhood for any lovely guy, gal, or NonBinary pal out there.

"Wow, Doc, I... we had no idea. I have no idea what to say... Dot?"

"You're husband must be a very strong man to have endured that... and that means we need to be better parents for our kid, no matter who they are. And we need to embrace them so they don't feel hurt, neglected, or get themselves into trouble or a toxic mindset."

Emile weakly smiled and nodded, not able to find any more words to say. Dot and Larry looked at eachother, reaching the point that Emile wanted them to reach together. They nodded and turned back to Emile. That's when the door opened. Speak of the devil and an angel appears. Remy walked into the room with  double chocolate chip frappechino for Emm and some Pumpkin Spice Seasonal Depression for himself.  You'd never guess he was trans or had a rough life growing up by his appearance, and that's exactly what he wanted. That's kind of the goal of being trans: you want to pass. Remy walked over to Emile and pressed a kiss on his forehead, handing him the extra chocolatey drink.

"Hey babes, love you."

"Love you to, Rem Rem. Here, have a seat. I think you could be useful in this discussion. About Melanie."

Remy suddenly got real serious, nodding and taking his seat in Emile's lap and taking over this session. When it comes to that kid, Remy is like a third dad. Yes, third. Larry is dad number one and Emile will always be dad number two. And the four of them talked through things, explained a lot of things, and got a lot done. But one thing thateveryine has just got to learn is that Boys will be Bugs. Everyone has their demons and everyone will have people in their life who don't like them. You just gotta shrug it off and persevere. 

And love your kids no matter their pronouns, gender, or sexuality. Just love your kids.

2028 Words

Wow I should have finished this a while ago but I just kept trucking. I need to go to sleep or I'm gonna fail a state test tomorrow. 

Hey, all you trans, agender, NonBinary, bigender, Genderfluid, and whatever else I am too tired to name people out there: you are lovely. You deserve to be respected and loved for who you are. I will personally fight anyone who says otherwise for you. And yeah. Boys will be Bugs. People will be assholes just because they're assholes, but sometimes people will be assholes because that's what's expected of them. Know the difference. That last bit goes out to everyone. And don't be an asshole. Accept your friends, accept your kids, accept your family. 'Kay? I love you all. You're my family.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

