We'll Make It Our Own [LAMP] (Highschool AU)

So Pengi11 and I are doing another giant character-specific prompt swap! It's gonna be Logan this time :)


What a series of unfortunate events. There just a million reasons on why Prom seemed like something that wouldn't be happening, and when the final beacon of light approached the most responsible and accommodating of the four boyfriends ended up hurting his ankle and not being able to go to prom in fear of worsening his injury. That's right y'all, Logan tore a ligament in his foot by rage-kicking a desk after trying to comprehend a subject in quantum physics. If that doesn't explain what's kind of guy Logan is, then nothing will. 

So that's why Virgil's Dad, not Virgil himself, insisted on the entire "show must go on!" Mindset and that brought this right now. Virgil's Dad is named Larry and his mom was Dot. They're both overdramatic thespians and take prom very seriously. That's the story of how Virgil needn't up Tangled in fairylights trying to get another set ready for Mom, Dot,  to drape around the backyard while Dad, Larry, went to go get three pizzas and a loooooooooot of breadsticks. That's also why he called Roman to help him settle up. Whelp, at least it's all a surprise for their other two boyfriends. 

"Virgil, what in the name of Walt Disney Happened to you? Wait, don't tell me. I need to get my phone. Be right back."

"Suuuuuuuuuure you'll be back."

"Oh hush it 6/8, and stay still. I'm going to take a picture of you like this and make it my Instagram profile picture if it's the last thing I do."

Roman mocked Virgil, running back inside to get his phone to take a picture for later. Nice Blink 182 reference, Roman, you're getting much better at the emo references. Virgil pursed his lips together and looked over at Mom, who was just giggling from her ladder. Wow, the fairy lights look really cute. Patton would adore them, and so would Roman. Logan would appreciate the aesthetic. Virgil watched as Roman walked back outside and snapped a couple good photos. Then he undid one small knot and the entire thing fell to Virgil's feet. He had never felt more stupid.

"Thanks Ro, Love ya."

"Love you too babe. You always were a clumsy little kitten~ Now... let's see. Missus Dot, what do you want me to do? Here, let's me finish with those. I know you have a bad back and neck. Allow me."

Roman made himself busy and took all creative control over the decorations, making Mom very unhappy that her job was being taken over but she loved what Roman's artistic vision had to offer. It's a very conflicted way to put things. She stayed outside to help while Virgil was told to wait on the front porch for Dad to come home and then help out with the food and music playlist and stuff like that. Basically he was cast aside again because he's so useless. He's used to it lol.

So Virigl was just playing on his phone on the porch, waiting for Dad's Barney purple Jeep Wrangler to show up in the driveway. Virgil was surprised and mentally cursed to himself when he saw another one of his boyfriends walking up the driveway to the porch with three roses, one for each of them. Well, at least it's gonna be a surprise to Logan now. Patton's gonna finds out one way or another. Patton grinned and presented Virgil with a light lavender rose. Patton must've plucked the thorns itself, the stem was so uneven and kinda bumpy. 

"Roman told me he wanted my help planning the prom! He said sorry for ruining the surprise. So I went ahead and got roses for all of my loves! Especially you! I hope you like it, they didn't have dark purple or black."

Virgil didn't have any words. He was absolutely breathless. Roman and Patton were both gift giving boyfriends. They're like his mom. They always wanna give gifts and provide, even if those gifts are hugs and kisses. That's their love language. Logan's was using words to reaffirm love and Virgil's was quality time. He definitely gets that trait from his dad. Patton skipped inside, already knowing he has permission, and went to go hand out the deep red rose to the other boyfriend who is here. 

Virgil set down his phone and stared at the rose, twirling it in his fingertips. Virgil was so happy he could still have something like this. That's when the Jeep pulled up in the driveway. Virgil sighed and stood up, walking up to the passenger's Seat expecting to have to carry a few bags of breadsticks. Virgil's entire family were sluts for breadsticks. Little Ceaser's Breadsticks are good! No judging! You're the one reading gay fanfics!


Logan received a text a few moments ago that Virgil wanted to meet up for a date tonight since the one and only prom night was ruined thanks to his, quite bluntly, stupid injury. He had torn a ligament in his foot due to his short tempered outburst and now he had ruined the most important night to teenagers. The actual least he could do.

Logan made it to the door, extremely exaughsted from the drive here (don't worry the his adoptive older sibling Elliott drove him here). They rang the doorbell, not noticing the feint music in the background. It wasn't Virgil's particular taste. It sounded like a song Patton would listen to whenever he was trying to get rid of his emotional constipation. It was a hard habit to break, but he was working on it. He rang the doorbell and was surprised to see Roman here's, wearing the red velvet tuxedo he was going to wear to prom. He snickered, looking at the pathetic Logan wearing his normal business casual attire (suspenders, white dress shirt, kahkis) with a limpish foot.

"Are you gonna let me carry you to our surprise or are you going to be illogically stubborn?"

"Are you going to keep talking down to my pride now that you are now in a position of social dominence over me? And yes, please carry me it huuuuuuurts."

Roman chuckled, ignoring the snarkiness of his boyfriend and carrying him bridal style, the crutches being abandoned on the porch like a bike. Roman took Logan though the House, the doors already being opened in the path to the backyard. Logan gasped and his eyes filled up with tears when he saw Virgil and Patton both sharing Punch with a laugh, looking over to see him. Mister Larry, Virgil's Father, was running the Bluetooth speakers and playing music however loud he wanted, bumping it up now that Logan knew the surprise. Missus Dot came back with a rolling office chair so Logan didn't have to use those worn and painful crutches.

"Heyyyy Logan. I hope you like it! Uh, you're the only one this is a surprise to now so yeah. Welcome to Prom... Patton the rose."

"Oh! Right! Here Logan! I got you a dark blue rose! Your favorite color, right? I made sure to get a color you love!"

"Welcome to Prom, Darling. Let's have fun tonight~ Even despite your injury~"

Logan took the rose into his hands and was set down easily into the chair. A little construction paper makeshift crown with glitter all over it was placed on his head by Patton, who skipped around to his other loves and gave them the same. All of them had their signature colors adorned on their heads. Patton made one for him too. Dot cheered, refilling the punch bowl and going over to her husband Larry to have a prom of their own like it was 1989 all over again. They're old farts and they know it.

Logan was pushed around like he was in a wheelchair, sharing laughs and kisses and even having Patton sit in his lap while Virgil pushes them, running across the yard and screaming when Roman left for the bathroom. Roman was extremely jealous when he came back, but whatever. Logan was even lifted up by Roman and danced with a bit, his feet hovering above the ground to avoid further Injury. 

"Are ya having a good time, Logan? Mom and Dad and I worked really hard to make this the best night ever and good for everyone."

Virgil leaned against the back of Logan's chair, watching Roman spin Patton round like a Disney princess while 'Ma Belle Evangeline' plays from the Bluetooth. Patton begged for Larry to play something Disney and he was a sucker for Ray so he went for it. Logan was loving that his boyfriends were having such a wonderful time, considering this the just finished dancing with Roman and "danced" with Patton since he couldn't lift Logan off the ground. Logan smiled at Virgil so he didn't have to be insecure about how well he did any more.

"You did a wonderful job, Virgil."

Logan was having a glorious time, and he knew his boyfriends felt the same way. They have made the nigh their own, and that is the best kind of prom anyone could ever have.

1525 Words

I'm in so much physical and mental pain. Like, my ankle... I tore a ligament and it feels like a solid 8.5/10 on the pain scale. I wanna die and I wanna stop hurting, but this was fun to write and sittscted me for a while.

I can't Do advice, so please just be nocs to eachother and help eachother In the comments.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

