Storyteller [Patcani] (Royalty AU) (Trans Pride AU)

Pollina = Patton. FtM Trans Pride. It's late at night and I decided to roll with it because I feel really worthless today for no reason :( 


"Pollina! Come forth! We have a surprise for you!"

Emile stood in the throne room carrying naught but his instrument and a smile upon his face. He made sure his glasses fit nicely with the silken pink clothes he adorned himself in to differentiate himself from a crowd. He was a traveling bard, a storyteller if you will, and well renowned across the country. He had heard that the castle was looking for a new entertainer in their cast and decided he'd audition for the role. It seems that the Princess must like him first, that is why the queen called out for her daughter and the king slumped in his chair in a melancholy humph. He seemed to be then nihilistic, or pessimistic for those who don't know the word, type.

Emile gasped and took off the hat he wore, holding it to his chest when he saw her. Her long brunette hair stretched to her midriff even though she wore braids. Her eyes sparkled like the ocean's gray waves and her freckles scattered across her face like Constellations in the gorgeous night sky. She was absolutely beautiful by appearance, but he didn't know if she's was beauitful on the inside as well. She wore baby blue robes that covered her body elegantly, giving her the innocent princess look. She seemed very sad, very distressed, and very uncomfortable. Her eyes were red and puffy as though she had been crying. She met Emile's eyes and offered a weak smile, her front tooth slightly chipped. 

"Now Pollina, Why don't you go to that lovely little garden of your soul and have the bard sing you a song? Your father and I have audiences to attend to. Run along!"

The Queen waved Emile off in a hurry the second the princess was standing in front of Emile. Princess Pollina just nodded and softly wraooed her hand around Emile's wrist and started walking. Her grasp was weak and her hand was cold. Emile felt a deep pity in his heart for her. Nobody should ever feel such a burden or sorrow so large that they cannot find a reason to smile. Even if it's just for a short while, everyone should have some sort of positivity to fall back upon. It made him curious onto what was bothering her, and what he could do to fix it during this short time he gets to spend with her.

 He fastened his hat back on his head and held his instrument in his free hand as Princess Pollina lead him outside the castle and to the gardens. She sat him down near the fountain. Bird sung and flowers bloomed, the sun graced the earth with both warmth and light and the entire place was filled with greenery. All these reasons to smile and the princess doesn't have one. Poor dear. She sat down on the side of the fountain next to Emile and stared at him. Her voice was so heartbreaking Emile felt like he had just been stabbed in the chest.

"What kind of stories do you tell? I'm a sucker for one with a happy ending..."

Her voice trailed off, barely above a whisper. What happened to this beautiful diamond? Emile took his instrument into his lap, strumming the strings to make sure that it is correctly tuned. Only the best for the fairest princess in all the land. What kind of story should he tell? Definately one with a happy ending. There was nothing that could happen that would prevent him from his goal: making this princess smile. He grinned carelessly and tried to make his smile contagious. He wanted her to catch it.

"Then I shall tell you a story with the happiest ending of all. I will tell whatever story you want me to tell, sing whatever song you want me to sing, and dance whatever you want me to dance. I am here to make sure you are happy and smiling."

She looked down are her hands, thinking for a moment. Emile glanced down at her hands too. He hadn't realized that they were painted a deep blue to rival the pale color of her dress. Then he looked up to her face. She was thinking hard with melancholy looming around her, seething from her expression. He watched her take a long breath from her nose and exhale deeply from her mouth, as if calming some sort of nerve. She looked back up at him, eyebrows curved upwards like a drawbridge being lifted. 

"Can you tell me a story about a princess? Like, the Princess lives a normal life until the princess's meets this commoner that the princess's isnt supoosed to fall in love with, but does. Then they leave and live happily ever after together forever with no society to pressure them any more? But the Princess is a Boy. He's not a Prince, but he's a Princess. I really want that princess and commoner to be happy together. I'm really sorry if that's story is really weird. It normally drives people away. I'm sorry..."

"No, don't be sorry. That's a beauitful story and I will be happy to tell it if it will bring a smile to your face. May I ask what this Male Princess's name is?"

"Oh, um, it's your story you make it up."

"I'm talking about you, dear."

Emile watched her, excuse him, his face light up in two different ways. On the first hand their fair skin went pink, the freckles hiding in their adorable blush. It was cute. The red was a nickname contrast to the blues and grays everywhere else on his body. On the other hand he also lit up with a smile and a fresh sparkle in their eye. It's like something clciked inside of him. A switch was flipped. Emile understood what was troubling this princess. A lack of understanding, a lack of acceptance, and a lack of self identity as well as self confidence. Emile could understand those kinds of doubts. Those kinds of feelings. It's his job as a traveling bard to communicate and understand the people, then morph their insecurities into small stories to bring them joy. 

"Patton. The Princess's name is Patton."

Patton, hmm? What a gorgeous name. Emile loved it. He smiled and looked down at the instrument, fixing his hands. Emile sings in a Tenor, working on his lower range. He is absolutely dreadful at singing low notes. He made sure his hands were in the right place before starting to play a few notes, getting a melody for a song down at his whim. Princess Patton, not Pollina, was smiling with his pearly white teeth showing and an excitement on his fsce that Emile doubted had been seen recently. He completed his task, however his job wasn't done. He had a story to tell.

"🎶She's sweet like a cupcake and cute as a button, she's pretty as a flower yet she isn't a she. This Princess is a boy, and he's as pretty as a flower. He's sweet like a cupcake and cute as a button. He has a heart that carries love for a man far below his status be he shalln't care, for that man loves him for he, not him for she. So out the window he went, laughing into the night. He carried his villager home under the dim moonlight. Into the woods they went as happy as newly born lambs. Across the country they went to build a home and a life and a wonderful family together. This Princess, now a happily married man, is finally in a place where he can be he and not be she.🎶"

Emile didn't bother to rhyme, he just let his voice drsg on whatever sentences formed in his he's done on the spot. He looked up after playing the last few chords and saw his favorite boy princess with his eyes closed and humming. Was he tired? Did he want sleep? Emile watched him lose balance and his head collapsed onto his shoulder. He slothfully opened his eyes and looked up at Emile, lazily smiling up at him with his beauitful pale pink lips. Emile could see now: he was beauitful both inside and out. 

"Your song was beautiful. I loved it."

He yawned softly, covering his mouth with his hand to be polite. Emile stared at his hands, mind returning to a tiny detail from before that could be argued insignificant: his hands were cold. Were they still cold? They've been outside in the sun, so Emile was curious to see if that's had changed. Patton realized that Emile had been staring at his hands and held them in his lap, trying to hide them in his dress. Was he embarrassed? Well, now Emile was. He felt a heat dust his cheekbones, a classic Fix It Felix Honeyglow.

"Sorry, Princess Patton, I was just... would you allow me to be as so bold as to take your hand? I have noticed how cold they were and... Well now I'm just weird ha ha!"

"No it's completely okay! Uh, go ahead."

Emile took Patton's hand after he lifted them, giving them to Emile. Emile took one touch and sighed quietly to himself. They're still freezing cold. Emile took both of Patton's hands and placed them on both sides of his face, sandwiching them between his cheeks and his own hands. Patton didn't move, he just stared. The cold felt weird and awkward against Emile's fsce, but he didn't care. It was a Picani family rule to spread kindness and love whatever you go, more than just with your stories and songs. This was Emile spreading the kindness and love to this handsome man of a princess. 

"Never be afraid to be yourself, Patton. You are beautiful and deserve to feel love. You don't deserve to carry the burden of this alone. I may be nothing but a lowly storyteller, but allow my words to reach your heart. I can tell being called by that name scars you. It's written all over your face. You deserve to be called by the correct name and by the correct pronouns. You are a handsome man and you are a wonderful monarch no matter if you choose the title prince or keep the title princess, or niether of that is what you choose. Please keep your head held high and keep your hands warm. They are painfully cold as you are in a dark place. I am so glad you gave me this opportunity to talk to you and sing for you. Thank you for bringing me joy by being yourself."

Emile watched the tears form and slide from underneath Patton's own glasses. They both wore glasses. Glasses Boiz. Emile didn't realize he said something to make Patton sad. Emile dropped his arms, suddenly feeling weak and guilty. He took his hands back, now warmed with Emile's generosity, and he wiped his eyes. He cried and he still smiled. Emile didn't exactly get it.

"Thank you so much. Thank you so much. You are so wonderful. Thank you so much."

Ah, Emile gets it now. Tears of joy. He softly chuckled and smiled, setting his instrument down completely. Why keep it in his lap when all he needs to do now as sit right here and talk to this lovely man?

"You are very welcome, Patton."

1910 Words

All y'all out there are Valid. Cisgender, Transgender, NonBinary, Genderfluid, Agender, Bigender, Whatever you identify as. All of you are beautiful and valid people. Your pronouns, wether he, she, or they, deserve to be respected. Your name, whatever you say it is, deserves to be resoected. You deserve to be respected for who you are and all of who you are. You are completely 100% Valid. I love you. I know everyone in this community is here for you. You got this.

 🧡🧡🧡We love you, always and forever.🧡🧡🧡

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

