Buttons [Royality] (Coffee Shop AU)

Happy New Year! Let's start 2020 with some Royality fluff, okay?

And I legit started screaming at how smooth Roman is and how adorable Patton is in this. I'm blushing so hard uploading this you have no idea. Like I actually had a blushing fit and I've been working on this since, like, three a.m so that's a big deal. I had to stop writing for a half hour because I was having a blushing fit. I like coffee shop AUs.

I'm going to have some green tea and a bagel for breakfast....


Let's be honest: Roman is a gremlin of a man. He is five foot four and he's out for blood. Somehow, his fraternal twin brother managed to get all the height leaving Roman with pretty much none of it, and it pisses him off. So to compensate for his height, he aggressively flirts with everyone. He is that chaotic bisexual. No woman, no man, and no envy is safe from this smooth criminal. Or better yet, this smooth midget.

Patton, on the other hand, is somehow massive. He is six foot seven and he has broad shoulders and tummy chub and he's just the gentle giant everyone needs in their lives. He wears beanies over his curly hair and his glasses like to fall off his face and he's just a soft boy. Everyone loves him because his only goal for the day is to make people happy. That's why he works as a barista at an elderly lesbian couple's dream coffee shop they've built and raised together since 1975. And its 2020 now. What a time to be alive.

Why were these two character descriptions necessary? Because Roman also drinks a lot of dark and bitter coffee to try and prove to the world he is mature and not just a little kid. Height problems. Everyone thinks he's twelve upon first meeting him when in reality he's twenty four. And single. It's sad.

Patton waited mellowly, humming along to the most recent song by dodie he adored as he cleaned some of the reusable cups. This coffee shop is meant for people to sit down in. They don't do to go stuff. It was made that way to prevent plastic straws and cup size from entering the ocean. Jaehee and Jagiya were such an adorable couple. Oh? Patton turned to the door when he heard the bell ring, letting him know there was a customer.

"Hello!~🎵 Yeoboseyo!~🎵Welcome to KopiKang Coffee Shop!"

Roman was startled when he wasn't greeted by the normal old women who always take his order. Then again, he was coming here extremely early in the morning. He wanted to get a good espresso in before he went to go work out at the gym and surprise surprise a very cute tol boy was there smiling st him from behind the counter. Was he Korean? His hair was dyed if he was, curly Sandy brown locks falling under his pastel blue beanie. He had enamel pins all over his apron and he wore a baby blue pastel striped sweater under that. He was really cute. Roman was put into some  b i s e x u a l  d i s t r e s s 

"Hello, good morning! I haven't seen you around here before, did you just start working here or am I so stupid that I've missed your shift every time? If so that's a shame. I'd love to see your pretty face every day~"

Flirting? This was new. Nobody has ever flirted with Patton before. He felt his face heat up stretching to the tips of his ears. Pretty face? He has a pretty face? Nobody has ever said he has a pretty face before. Everyone just focuses on how tall he is for someone who's half Korean. He's half Korean Half German. Weird combination don't ask. Patton kinda just cast his eyes to the counter  keeping the conversation going. Compliments are really nice...

"Oh, um, I normally just take the early morning and late evening shifts. Mrs. Jaehee and Mrs. Jagiya both are really old and need their rest. They hired me and another one of my friends, Emile, to work those shifts that they need to sleep during."

"That's really sweet of you. You're sweet like a Cinnabun. You have the perfect colored hair for that too. What name and pronouns do you want me to use? Sorry I've just assumed he/him in my mind without asking and I want to make sure I use the correct ones."

"My pronouns? Nobody's ever asked me before. I use he/him pronouns. I'm just a plain cis boy. My name is Patton. It's really nice to meet you! What about your name and pronouns?"

"Me? Well my name is Roman, but you can call me whatever you want to Pattycake~ As for my pronouns I use he/him as well. Also a cis male but I'm Bi and ready to try!"

Patton couldn't help but giggle. Roman grinned when he got the laugh out of the cute tol behind the counter. This guy was really cute. He took a mental note to start coming in during the 'morning' shift and 'night' shift so he can talk to this extremely cute gentle giant. Roman noticed all the enamel pins and buttons littered on his apron and even on his beanie. They all looked cool. He noticed one that was an asexual flag with a Pansexual heartin the center. Asexual Panromantic? Perfect. Roman wondered what the story behind each of the buttons were. Maybe he could ask over some coffee? The place seemed empty enough, maybe Patton will sit down with him.

"Oh forgive me! I haven't even taken your order! I'm so sorry! What would you like today?"

"Well, I would like to sit down and have a nice conversation with you. Get to know you a bit, ya know? But you're probably talking about my drink. I'll take a quad espresso and maybe a toasted bagel with cream cheese."

"Oooh the bagels are soooooo good! Mrs. Jaehee and Mrs. Jagiya bake them themselves and sometimes they make blueberry bagels and putting cream cheese on them and having them with hot tea Is sooooo perfect! Ah! Joesonghabnida! I'll just go ahead and make your stuff for you. That'll all together be seven eighty two-"

"Not so fast. You said blueberry bagel and green tea too, yeah? Well you said just hot tea, but you look like a green tea or green tea lemonade kind of guy to me. How about I buy those for you and we can sit down at a table and enjoy them together. We do have the whole shop to ourselves after all~"

"Oh my, I don't know how to respond! If you're that insistent... okay! Your total will be Fourteen sixty nine! I'll be done in just a few moments! Oh, and do you like your bagel lathered in cream cheese or just like a bit? And how do you like it toasted?"

"Obliterate That bagel with cream cheese! Oh, and not too toasted, just a light brown for me. And I'll be waiting~"

Roman chuckled as he walked away to reserve a table in the middle of the shop, just the two of them. He watched Patton hurry behind the counter to try and get everything done at once, and as fast as possible. Wowie, did Roman make him so eager to have this little date with him? How adorable. He stared at the buttons again, trying to figure out as much as he can about this really cute tol boy lather his bagel with cream cheese and pull out another one, toasted at the same amount but with blue specks also get lathered in cream cheese. So they had the same idea of a perfect bagel, hmm? That's good to know.

Patton took the bagels and put them on glass plates, the washable ones that the sit down coffee shop use, and he took the cups and carried them to the table like a resteraunt waiter. He set each plate down, switching them when he realized he gave the wrong bagel to Roman. Sorry cute smol, but Patton likes the blueberry bagels! He set down Roman's quad espresso, still steaming hot, and he set down his green tea lemonade. Roman was absolutely correct. He always adored the green tea lemonades. So much healthier than a chocolate drink and they're sweet to boot! Patton likes sweet things.

"I hope you like it!"

"Because you made it I already know I will~ Oh, Patton, I've noticed you have buttons all over your apron and hat. It's realy cute, but I wanted to know if any of them have a particular story behind them? Like what they mean to you and whatnot?"

"Nobody's ever asked about my buttons before! They normally just say something like a compliment or just say I have so many. Nobody's really asked before! Uh, which one do you want to hear the story behind?"

Roman looked amongst all the buttons, trying to find the one that interested him the most. There were buttons from conventions and vacations and places, but also buttons of different characters from cartoons and anime. Roman snickered when he realized the four kingdoms symbols  from the Avatar: The Last Airbender were in the center of his beanie. He found a button that was some sort of Pokémon. Roman didn't grow up playing the games because Remus stole them all. It was in between a little computer pin that said "fanfic writer" and a button that was Viktuuri on a Gay Pride flag. Born to ship Viktuuri! 

"Who's That Pokemon?"

"Ha ha! Good reference! That's ditto! He's like a little blob guy. Normally people use him in the daycare to breed Pokémon for shinies or the best IVs. He's used to basically create a duplicate either in battle or for breeding, but I really like him how he is. He tries his best to make people happy, acting as a stand in and always smiling. I just thought that wasn't really fair how people don't like ditto for just being ditto, so I started wearing this pin! Umm... are there any others you wanted to ask about?"

Roman didn't say anything. That was the perfect description of what kind of person Patton was. Holy crao Roman fell in love so fast right there. He doesn't crush so hard so soon, he just flirts for fun sometimes and to make someone else feel good about themself, but with this boy... he was just so sweet and so gentle and so understanding. He was just a very attractive person and very wholesome Roman already knew right then in that moment he wanted to be with him forever. Roman shook his head, frowning the rest of his espresso. Patton shrugged and happily bit into his bagel, happily humming at the taste. Roman couldn't help but smile, watching his face light up with every bite and sip of his breakfast.

He was so in love.

1755 Words

This story made me so happy to write, as I said above, like you have no idea. I don't have blushing fits a lot but I had a really bad one like I'm still red from all this and it's five now and I really want a bagel but I don't wanna wake anyone up or seem suspicious and hnnnnnnnnng happy new year!

Everything has a story. Everything means something to someone. So just respect people's property, okay? That's the moral for today's oneshot.

Internet hugs and blow kisses and happy new decade! 

