Stop Lying To Me [Desleep] (Literature Club AU)

You see the video. You see the AU. You know what's up if you've played doki doki Literature Club.

So you've been warned with that alone. Remy is Natsuki, and Deceit is... I guess Monika? Idk.


Remy played around with the pencil on his desk, holding it down by the eraser and twirling it around while he pretended to read. It's not like he can grow his hair out or anything. His mom would get mad and tell him he's not a real boy for being feminine. That's why he only wears the girl's school uniform at school where people accept him. He doesn't like getting yelled at. So Remy has three sides: two fake and one that not even himself knows. The cutsy femme Remy, and the golden son that his mom knows. Then the real him... it's gotta be in there somehwere right?

Remy kept sneaking glances at Deceit, who was the leader of the club. He was just reading some large novel at the front of the room in the same row as Remy. Over by the cabinets Virgil and Logan were reading some sort of space book together while Patton wnd Emile pulled their desks up together to read a giant pop up fantasy book. Roman was reading some sort of fantasy novel whole Remus was sitting in the trashcan, reading the City of Ember again. That's the Literature Club. But Remy was mostly interested in Deceit.

Remy was supposed to be reading Matched, a series that Roman keeps recommending to him, but Remy was really distracted. He watched Deceit's Head turn a little bit and Remy instantly looked down, making it seem like he wasn't staring at the back of Deceit's Head this entire time. Control the blush. Control the awkward smile. Remy knows that he really shouldn't be feeling these things. Mom would whoop his ass and everyone would be so confused why are,y wouldn't like a girl if he likes cute feminine things. Attraction just happens. He can't control it.

"Remy? Are you a bit lonely over there all by yourself? Do you need some company?"

Remy looked up and suddenly Deceit was sitting right in front of him, chair of the desk in front of him pulled all the way back and Deceit was sitting backwards in it. His left eye sparkled gold and his right warm like a chocolate syrup on a vanilla sundae. Remy's heart skipped a few beats. He held his breath. Yes. He was lonely. Yes. He wants Deceit to be here next to him. But when Remy knows that everyone would hate him for having these feelings, it's better to suppress them... right?

"No, not at all. I'm just taking a little break from reading so I don't get a headache."

Remy laughed it off using the cute laugh that everyone in school loves, and the laugh that Mom hates. Remy crossed his legs a little bit, right over the left, and he kept his hands in his lap modestly. People are confusing. Lots of them think him being modest is cute while others think him being overly confident and flirting with everyone and being sassy is cuter. It's hsrd to please everyone, but that's all Remy wants to do. If everyone around him is happy, then nobody will hurt him... right?

"Are you sure you weren't staring at me because you wanted me to read with you? If not reading then I'm more than happy to talk to you and give you all my attention."

All of his attention? There's nothing Remy wants more in all honesty. But he can't. He stared in Deceit's eyes. They're different colors with slightly different shapes, but they're still kind. Remy never knew why his eyes were different, but Remy liked to write stories where he's some sort of fantasy king ruling a race of snake people, or sneeple (Remy isn't creative) and make him the kindest yet smartest and most tactical king ever. He always won every war are,y though of for him. The strongest race. Remy snapped out of the enchantment of his eyes amen suave smile. He shook his head and decided to get sassy. Deceit likes sassy Remy, right?

"I don't need your attention to be happy, gurl. It's cool. You should go read your book and do what you want. It doesn't matter to me anyway."

Remy batted at his fringe and cooed to him. Remy smiled, hiding the nervous laughter and going back to reading his book. Sometimes it's hard to keep up the act. Remy waited for Deceit to move, to leave, to do anything. But he didn't. He just stayed there and stared at Remy, who was pretending to read. Remy was starting to get nervous, so he flipped the page to try and sell it. Big mistake.

"Is there a reason you're suppressing what you want and who you are?"

Remy snapped up, scared. His face went entirely pale and a blush went through the dam he put up to hide his real emotions. His face was all tingly on the cheeks and his jaw was clenched so hard that it would break a bracket if he had braces like Patton and Virgil did. Deceit's eyes were... both Golden now? And both shaped like they were almonds rather than grapes? His lips were pressed in a thin line as his eyes searched Remy's like google.

"You need to stop lying. Lying is supposed to be my thing."

Lying? Oh no. Remy looked down, pretending to be innocent and ignore him. He couldn't speak. He didn't want to speak. He tugged down on the hem of his skirt. It gave something that the could focus on and fidget with. It was cute too, right? People like him because he's different. People like him because he's cute. Then he goes home and pretends to be cold, masculine, and tough. It's a cycle of being polar opposites because that's what people like. It's all a lie. His life is a lie. His entire self is a lie, but nobody needs to know.

"Remy. Stop lying to me. I know everything. There's no point in lying to me anymore. In fact, there's no point in staying with that nasty mother of yours or doing anything you don't want to do. You should come home with me tonight."

Remy gasped, covering his mouth after that. Tears. Tears wanted to flow from his eyes but he won't let them. He hurriedly reached for his bag and pulled out his sunglasses. The sunglssses he would wear to hide the mascara from his mother when he gets home. He places them over his eyes to hide everything. He can't cry. This foundation was forty eight dollars! He kept his mouth covered, careful not to touch the lips he painted pastel glittery purple to match the purple highlights in his hair that he'd wash out later, and tried not to cry. No. Stop. This isn't you. This isn't you! Or is it? 

"You... you would really... you'd let me stay over?"

Deceit stared at him, compassionate. His face softened up and his right eye went back to normal? How did that happen? Remy froze when he saw Deceit reach over and take his sunglssses off. Remy took his hands off his mouth and if he was a cartoon, his eyes would be sparkling with tears and admiration. Deceit then placed his hand onto of Remy's Head. He didn't pat him, he didn't ruffle his hair, he just placed his hand there as though he didn't understand how affection worked.

"You can live with me as long as you want. You won't have to worry. I'll treat you right."

1235 Words

Bonuses Ending

Remy woke up in a soft bed on a Saturday Morning to the sound of rain tapping against the window. How long has it been since Deceit saved him from that toxic environment? How long has it been since Remy has been to actual school and not just go for the Literature Club and have Deceit (and Logan sometimes) Tutor Him? Far too long. Remy can't even remember what school or his old life was. It was like those memories were erased

Remy sat up in bed, grinning. Life is good. Life is great. Remy looked next to him and saw the left side of the bed empty. That's odd. Where's Deceit? It's not a schoolday so he shouldn't be at classes. Remy shrugged and got out of bed, stretching. He walked into the bathroom to go and change into clothes that he loves wearing. He loves feminine clothes. He loves being able to wear makeup and dye his hair. But he also likes being himself. Being confident and not using a fake voice and not having to worry about his accent or what slang he says.

Forty or fifty minutes later Remy was ready to go and he left the bedroom. He saw Deceit humming and cooking breakfast with the curtains open to look at the rain. Remy laughed unde this breath and ran over and hugged him from behind. Remy doesn't have to worry about being cute or being what others like, because Deceit likes him for how eccentric he really is. And how gay he acts.

"Heyyyyy sweetheart! Good morning! Love you!"

Deceit turned around and they shared a quick peck on the lips. Remy looked over and saw him making chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes. Pancakes?! Remy thought pancakes were a Sunday thing only! This is awesome! This is amazing! Remy was grinning from ear to ear, not caring about how he's going to mess up his face and hair drowning his pancakes in syrup. Deceit laughed and affectionate held his hand on Remy's Head. He still never learned how to be affectionate like Remy.

"I knew this would make you happy on a gloomy day. I love you too."

1595 Words

Hey. You guys need to do things for yourself. You need to live for yourself. Dress for yourself. Act for yourself. Do what you love for yourself and don't do anything you don't want to do. You deserve to be you and you don't live for anyone else but you, so make yourself happy yeah? Love you!

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

<3 Eva
