Living On The Moon [Remile] (Children AU)

Y'all know Bert and Ernie are cannonly a gay couple? Just sharing for those unaware.


Emile and Remy are best friends. Always have and always will. They're neighbors after all so why wouldn't they be the bestest buds in the whole wide world!? Together forever!

"Emile! Follow me! I found a secret!"

Remy called, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the rest of the kids at the Fourth of July party.

"Where are we going?"

Emile screamed, scared and barely keeping up. Emile never was a runner. He has tiny legs and always manages to scrape himself. He's a very clumsy little boy.

"To go watch fireworks at my house! Just you and me!"

Remy's answer caused Emile's face to flush a bright pink, practically illuminating the night. Remy was holding his hand tight, making sure he doesn't lose the one he cares about most along the way

Running away from the adults and their other friends, down the street and around the corner to get to Remy's small one story house. They round it to the other side.

"Come on!"

Remy swings open the gate, letting go for just a moment. Emile has never been to Remy's house, let alone in his backyard.

"Let's go!"

He cheers, grabbing the shy boy's hand again and walking this time, leading him into the grassy field of... nothing? Nothing was here except a boring patio. Not even a pergola. Emile stood there, confused. What did Remy want to show him?

Remy went to grab something from inside real quick. He didn't even close the door. Emile slowly walked around to peek inside, but Remy was already back with a blanket and flashlight.

"Remy, what are we doing here?"

"I wanna spend Fourth of July with you! And only you. Is that cool?"

Emile froze. Spending a holiday with only Remy and not his family? That never happened! But on a holiday where his parents don't celebrate... could he actually?

"I know you already celebrated Canada Day with your parents, so that means Fourth of July is something we can keep all to ourselves!"

Remy's smile was just sent bright as the fireworks. A loud one cracked and Emile jumped. He was never a brave kid. Remy laughed and threw the blanket on top of him.

Emile lifted the blanket off of his face and smiled awkwardly. Wait... where did Remy go? Emile looked back at the door, holding the blanket over his shoulders. Remy was dragging something out with him in a giant bag.

"Yooooooooo jackpot! Ya boi found one of Daddy's tents! Do you want to help me put it up? We can camp and watch fireworks together!"

"That's an awesome idea Remy!"

Emile ditched the blanket and ran over to help Remy with the tent. A very long story short, Remy's dad had to help him out it up after Remy using the home phone to call his cell for help.

But at least now they have a tent and that's all that really matters! The two were snuggled up under the blanket,  watching the fireworks in the tent.

Emile was nearly asleep, despite the loud noise. He was very tired after all that work trying to get the tent to work. Meanwhile Remy was staring at the stars.

Remy was just looking at all those big glowing balls of light that were there all year round, unlike the fireworks. That's when Remy got an idea.

"Hey, Emile. Would you ever want to live on the moon?"

Emile reached for his glasses and put them back on his face, waking up. Emile sat up and saw Remy laying in his tummy, looking up at the sky through the door. Emile shifted himself to do the same thing.

"Live on... the moon?"

"Yeah! Wouldn't it be super cool? Just living on the moon and jumping around all the time, floating in space and making friends with all the aliens. Plus you get to eat all the cheese you want!"

Emile laughed a little bit. Remy still thought the moon was made of cheese? That's really cute. Emile looked up at the moon, frowning. Would he want to live on the moon?

"No. I really don't want to live on the moon."

"Whaaaaat? Why not?"

Emile was silent for a moment, kind of embarrassed on why. Emile always was a coward. Remy looked back at him, waiting for an answer. A firework boomed and suddenly his face was alluninated red.

"Because... I wouldn't be able to hang out with you. Im sure it would be lots and lots of fun... but you're still here."

There was a silence.

"B-But I'd love to visit it! I'm sure it's nice on the moon! I'm sorry Remy... I think I said the wrong thing." 

Remy sat up, staring at Emile. Emile sat up too, scooting back to the hedge of the tent. Emile felt very ashmed for no reason.

"Oh my goodness that isn't the sweetest thing I have ever heard you say to me! But what if we lived on the moon together?

What if Emile lived on the moon together. Emile thought of being married to Remy on the moon and having a moon family and living happily ever after. His face went pink, it didn't help that there was a pink firework going off just then. 

Remy laughed at him, which made Emile feel even more ashamed. Then he felt his had go warm. Emile looked up and Remy was holding his hand, smiling warmly at him.

"Hey, no worries. I'm sorry for embarrassing you. Let's just keep watching the fireworks, okay? Or you can go to sleep of you want. I don't mind, Emmy."


It was Remy's turn to blush. He looked away and jerked his hand away from Emile's. Is that Emile's nickname? That was really cute!

"Wait, Remy... am I Emmy?"

No response.

"Then... can I call you Rem?"

Remy perked up a little bit, turning back around in acknowledgement of the name. Then Remy began grinning from ear to ear. That's the Remy we all know and love.

"Yeah! So I'm Rem and you're Emmy! We finally got nicknames for eachother! Now we're bestest friends in the whole entire world! We have the bestest friendship ever!"

Emile laughed as Remy pumped his fist into the air. Remy was so excited and so happy. His heart felt tingly and he knew what this was. It wasn't friendship. It was love. Just like his daddy always told him.

"A friendship to the moon and back."

Remy gasped, not expecting that. Emile was giving him a bright wholesome grin. Fireworks popped behind them in rapid succession along with cheers echoing from down the street. Was it midnight? Oh well. Rem grinned.

"A relationship to the moon and back."

1050 Words

I tried making something cute, lighthearted, and wholesome but it ended up being short. Sorry. I really need to work on making long long fics. Maybe raise my quota to 1500? Idk.

My cat is laying next to me is I write this lol

I love him.

Well, have a good day my lovelies. You all are amazing and special and talented just the way you are. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

