Ego [Logince]

This was the first one of my prompts for Pengi11 and I's prompt swap. That sounds weird, even though it is grammatically correct. Oh well.

Also the original prompt was Logan kissing Roman to stop him from complaining but I kinda went too deep because I was feeling bad and kinda took it out in writing so I'm sorry.

TW:// Yelling, Arguments, Stuff like that. Also calling Virgil Paranoid.


Logan was so annoyed by Roman's constant pestering for Thomas to find a romantic mate. Remus has been begging for Thomas to copulate with someone too but nobody cared what he had to say on the matters of partners. Back to the subject at hand: Roman. He had been making up fantasies about every cute boy he spotted and about all the celebrities Thomas finds aesthetically attractive. It was going too far and it was driving Logan insane and back. 

So Logan had reached a hypothesis. Since Roman is craving physical, romantic affirmation that he was valued to another being then Logan hall serve as the independent variable and see if his physical affection would cure Roman of his insecurity, thus leading him to complain less and giving everybody less headaches. It was quite the sound theory in all point of Logic, however this was a matter of feelings so he had to consult the experts before doing anything too drastic or doing anything that could worsen this situation.

...however the conversation was short lived.

Everything had just gotten set up in the "family room" as dubbed by Patton himself. Patton and Virgil had just smuggled themselves up with some tea and coffee respectively while Logan had poured himself some healthful water. Water! It's important to stay hydrated! If you read that in a cliché British voice... the phandom has gotten you. It's too late to turn back now. Before anything helpful could be said Roman dragged himself into the room and flopped down on the couch lazily, not even caring that his arm had slapped Logan's thighs and landed on them in a form that was the exact opposite of grace.


"I just don't understand! It must be something one of us is doing wrong, right? We've had the dark sides at bay for a while so it couldn't be them! I don't know what's wrong with us! We're thirty years old and we still haven't found the prince of our dreams! It's pathetic! Virgil's too anxious, Patton's too picky, even I have a quirk for I am too clingy and desperate! Why can't we just be loved by a kindred man who accepts us for who we are and loves us for who we are! ...who also is a handsome god like Jeremy Jordan. Is it that hard? No! So why! Why can't we just find a man!?"

There he goes again, blaming everyone for the failure of what is essentially his job. However, this time he was including himself in his little blame game. Ah, so he finally realizes that he is the problem? Or at the very least a part of it? He wasn't wrong about Patton being picky and Virgil being too skittish. Logan found it amusing how he wasn't mentioned. Probably after Logan managed to shut him down before he could go very far in his whining. He knows better than to mess with Logan when he doesn't deserve it.

"Roman, could you maybe not right now? We don't need to be feel guilty about your insecurities."

Oh dear, Virgil, you just made it worse. Roman's face went red. Logan was tempted to summon himself some earplugs because he was about to go off.

"MY insecurities?! Ha! That's rich! I have no insecurities! I am just pointing out the fact that, Hey! Maybe we need to find someone because everyone else our age should be married by now and have love because they weren't reclusive about themself and they were willing to put themself our their and follow their dreams! But nooo you just HAVE to be so to yourself and so neglecting of the fact that Thomas is romantically absent! People need love Virgil! And because of your moronic excuse and stupid little assumptions you never gave Thomas a chance to find the love he needs! You baby him too much! You make him scared too much! And you're blaming me of insecurity! Oh honey that's rich!"

Patton's eyes went wide and Virgil bit his bottom lip, nodding and not even taking offense to that entire little rant basically telling him that Thomas being single and lonely was all his fault. Logan was trying to asses the situation in his head. Virgil clenched his fists and Logan knew it. If he didn't intervene this would end badly, however Roman has to know that he can't just emotionally hurt someone like that. Logan would allow Virgil to bite back then he will take Roman away. Patton looked at him, scared and not understanding why he isn't helping. He shall understand soon. This is how you train an ego to not be so narcissistic.

"Wow that's such a princely thing to do, Roman. Blame me for your own faults. I'm protecting Thomas. I know I was a little too much back in the past and I'm still a little much, but I do my best to cooperate. I give you time. I ease up for you to do your thing but you are the one who's failing at-"


Roman's outburst in the middle of Virgil's counter made the tension even worse. Virgil flinched and his skin went pale, tears suddenly stinging in his eyes. This was too much. Logan had made a miscalculation. Logan stood up and firmly grabbed Roman's wrist, snapping and bringing him to Roman's room. Logan was beyond infuriated. Roman knew that nickname was off limits. He knew the mention of that word was strictly forbidden. Roman had gone too far, just as he always does. Logan was struggling to stay calm, his voice raised as he scolded Roman for his actions.

"Are you such a stupid man that you would do that to one you consider your friend?! The mentions of paranoia and calling Virgil by his deadname is STRICLY FORBIDDEN. Wether your intentions of emotionally hurting and even abusing Virgil with your own frustration were intentional or not you need to calm yourself and you need to be sternly talking to. Sit down now."

Logan pointed to Roman's bed. Guilt was already spread across Roman's face as he sat down. Logan took a Sharp Inhale in, holding his breath to steady his breathing and heart rate. That was unacceptable. Roman needs to apologies poste haste.

"What was going through your head? Was that adrenaline rush worth it? Because you have done messed up Roman. You need to accept your insecurity and find a way to solve your own personal issues rather than lash out at other human beings. That is the only acceptable path. Inflicting Psycological pain upon others is not acceptable. Now, you are going to reflect upon what you must do for yourself and you must give a VERBAL apology."

Logan paused for a moment before leaving Roman. He knew he was being harsh, however harsh actions require harsh consequences. However, Roman was a tender man. If you are nothing but salty to him, he will be repulsed and grow even worse. He needs to have a small bit of sweetness if you ever want him to come around.

"If there anything you want me to do to help you deal with this, do not hesitate to ask of me. I do not want another incident like this to happen again and happiness between all sides is optimal for Thomas."

Logan then left Roman in the room. Logan saw Virgil completely fine on the couch with Patton, snuggled in even more blankets and hugging a cute little annoying dog plushie. Undertale fam where you at? Only the cool kids tho. No cringe allowed. Logan got some warm mixed berry tea, knowing Roman likes it fruity, and he also made some more drinks for Virgil and Patton. He handed the hot drinks to the Boys and gave Virgil a forehead kiss, for physical affirmation that he is a good boi, before returning to Roman.

He walked into Roman's room to see three pages of parchment written out, lines crossed out and littered on the floor. Logan picked up a parchment and found it to be a rough draft of an apology for Virgil. Logan brought the cup to Roman's desk as he scribbled away with his quil, trying his very best. Logan figured he should try and do the same thing he did with Virgil. He pressed a quick kiss on his forehead, startling him and bringing him out of his thoughts.

"What was that!?"

Roman's face was flushed and it was kind of... how do normal people put it? Cute? Yes, it was quite cute. A much More preferable reason for having a red face.

"You were complaining about a lack of romantic gestures in our life so I figured you would appreciate a romantic gesture from someone, that someone being I. Keep on working on your apology for Virgil and work on your own personal development, for that is important for your happiness. Alright? ...Ego?"

Roman smiled weakly at the name. Most people forget that he is not just Creativity or the Prince. He is also the Ego. Roman likes to be remembered for that From time to time. Logan smiled again and left the room to go and do something for himself.

1590 Words

The giant message is to not lash out at people. You may be having a bad day or bad life, but you don't need to inflict that pain on another person. I promise it doesn't make it any better. Taking action and doing what is best for your mental health and happiness is what will make the pain go away. You don't deserve to be in pain, and they don't either. So work on yourself, and don't worry about others. Your happiness and health is what matters.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

