Recipe for Me [Analogical] (Genderqueer Pride AU) (Asexual Pride AU)

I shoulda done this way sooner. Also you'll be able to tell when you read this: I want a bagel.


"🎶So raise your riiiiiiiiiight finger and sooooooolemnly sweeear: Whatever they say about me... IIIIIIIII DON'T CAAAAAAAAAARE!!!"

Virgil sang out while stitching something for a present. Virgil's boyfriend Logan referred him to a Therapist who helped tremendously with their isssues ranging from relationships, to anxieties, to depression, to dysphoria. Emile, the therapist, told them to make a 'recipie for me' project to help with personal self esteem and seeing their worth both as an individual and in their relationship with Logan. Virgil was working on the very last part of their Recipie for Me. Virgil looked up from their karaoke&sewing session when they heard a polite knock at their bedroom door.

"IT'S OPEN!!!"

Virgil called out to the other side, not really caring. They know that the only person who could get in this House was either their boyfriend or their ex who still denies the fact he owns a copy of Virgil's house key and steals all of Virgil's Fucking bagels like GodDAMNIT Deceit buy your own FUCKIN BAGELS!!! Virgil continued with the stitching on the tricolor flag while Logan walked into the room. Good, it's not Deceit. Their bagels were safe.... for now.

"Virgil? Might I ask what all of this is for?"

Logan sat down next to Virgil on the floor, picking up a crochet doll of Logan, one of which that used to be holding hands with a little crochet Virgil. It also disturbed the much caller string voodoo dolls of Remus, Roman, Deceit, and Patton that were lying against them. If you have no idea what those are, google the NOLA Voodoo Dolls they're adorable and I love them. There were thousands of little trinkets and doodads strung across the floor about to be organized in a small, broken laundry basket because that perfectly described Virgil's life.

"A project that Emile gave me for the week. A self esteem project. It's called a 'Recipie for Me' and you make little crafts and collect childhood items hat give you nostalgia or have a deep meaning to you, and you put them in a box. Then you take a picture and write down what's in it and alter it when it changes. It's a reminder that I'm unique and my preferences and ideas matter and stuff like that. I'm making a little pride flag thingy majig to act as a blanket in the box and, uh, yeah. It's actually going really well, though I'm worried I won't fill the entire laundry basket. Also, off topic, remind me to buy more bagels when I go to the store."

Logan nodded, processing all the information right spindly through his brain as he examined some of the things Virgil was gonna put in their Virgil Basket. He probably didn't even note to remember that they need more bagels. He focused on the small photo albums and the old sketchbooks and some old shirts that they made into pillows because they grew too starched to those childhood shirts. One thing stuck out to them in particular. Virgil stsrted to panicky when they saw what was in his hands. He yoinked it.

"Hey! Nuh uh! That's a secret you can't look at that!"

Logan rose an eyebrow, calmly taking it back from Virgil as they started focusing on their breathing. Well, there it goes. Drat. He was going to make it a surprise and everything. Logan skimmed over it and Virgil held his breath, biting his bottom lip. Yikes. He needs to calm down. It's not like this is bad. So what if he knows what Virgil was going to do now. And no, it's not make some bagels. Though, they could go for some bagels right now... maybe this oneshot should just be called 'bagels' 

"A list? Are you planning to make a separate basket for another topic or is this something for another project entirely?"

"Uh, yeah let's go with that. See, I was going to make one for you as a surprise. I already brought the fabric to make you an asexual pride flag and everything. I was also going to swing by that old fashioned book store to get some of your classics you like. The little me Doll was gonna gonin your basket and I planned on making more voodoo thingies for yours. I just wanted them to ho,d hands for a while..."

"That's adorable."

Logan giving them compliments so bluntly like that. Virgil even swore they heard a snicker coming from him. It's embarassing to say in the least. They rolled their eyes and concentrated o; their work. The black stitches were visible but that's okay. It shows off that the flag was homemade. Nobody's gonna see it except for Logan and Emile once they show him it on their phone. Oh, and fucking Deceit when he comes in to steal fuckin bagels.

"Here, why don't I assist somehow? Tell me what needs to be done and I shall complete the task. I refuse to take 'no' as an answer. This is also an excuse for me to spend some quality time with you. Here, pass me the black and gray fabric and I'll begin stitching mine together. We can both work on our sewn Pride flags while we chat. I could also prepare and fetch us both some tea. You know, that sounds like an optimal and preferable plan. One moment, love. I'm going to get us some tea. Green?"

It's so amusing to Virgil seeing their lover convince himself like that. It's as I feel he is always debating with himself and by verbalizing thst debate he can hear the correct choice. Logan stood up and left to get some tea. Virgil can't stand coffee, they can't take the overwhelming bitterness. Some queer they were. Virgil got the four lengths of fabric they had cut specifically for Logan's Ace flag that they tucked away in the back of the closet and they got a needle and threat ready for Logan, Light lavender thread so it shows through. The entire point was to show off that the person making the recipe basket made it themself, and its proof that the person can do things.

Logan came back with two hot cups of tea. He sat down and took the black and gray in his lap, begining his work. Virgil took a break, tying up the threat and finishing sewing the green onto the white at the bottom of their genderqueer pride flag. Yeah, they smiled at their skill. They were valid and this work and effort they out into the flag proves it. They folded it up nicely and returned the leftover thread to their sewing box and they threaded their needle with the correct lavender thread for the Ace Flag. Wow Virgil really likes sewing. Almost a day much as they like bagels.

"I'm going to work on attatching the white to the purple. It'll be faster getting the flag done."

"What if I would like it not to be done faster?"

"Oh relax, there's plenty we gotta do if we're going to make this thing good. Knowing my perfectionism and how your OCD works we're going to be searching the house and maybe going out to buy some new additions to our baskets. I know how we are and I know I'm going to have to make it impressive or I'm going to gate it's, trash it up, and try again. Basically a rage quit. Wow that's a lot of words bleh. Long story short this is going to be a process. Don't worry about going too fast."

Logan nodded, smiling at their smile they flashed him. Logan took a sip of tea and Virgil stsrted sewing together their two pieces of Logan's flag for his Recipe Basket. You know what? Virgil really likes this little challenge thing. This little project that Emile gave them was really therapeutic and wholesome and just wow. Virgil laughed to themself, earning themself a confused glance from Logan.

"I'm so glad you dragged me to that therapist's office. Emile has been so good to us both individually and as a couple. I have no idea what I'd do without ya."

"Of course. I remember when we first started dating and you were so para- ...sorry I forgot how much you detest that specific vocabulary term. You were so anxious. You didn't want to accept the fact you needed help and you thought that if you put your focus on someone else it would magically fix yourself. I have never felt more joy than I have seeing you develop and learn to trust me. You have also helped me grow as a person too, learning to be cautious and courteous and showing me many interests I can pursue in this life... You showed me I don't have to be ashamed of the things I was raised to repress. You've been nothing short of the perfect partner. I, too, have no idea what I'd do without you."

"Logan shut up before I start screaming."

Too late. Virgil scrambled to sit up on their knees to reach over their bed and find a pillow to scream the flusterdness out of their system. Logan chcukled under his breath, finding peace with the fact that he was dating a genderqueer mess. Virgil screamed a high pitcher scream in the pillow and Logan laughed for real this time, covering his mouth with the back of the hand. However, the pair near,y jumped five feet in the air when the door was thrown open. God fucking dammit Deceit.

"I heard screaming. Are you both alright?"


"Calm down, Virgil. I'm not breaking into you're house. I'm totally not here to steal bagels either. I just heard a scream and came to check if you both are alright. Making sure you're okay is the most important thing to me."

"Falsehood. You wish to steal our bagels as Virgil had stated. You have done so many times. Go ahead and take the bag, second shelf in the refrigerator, however I will need to take your house key so you don't keep allowing yourself in. Our next course of action will, in fact, be a restraining order. Breaking and entering is an offense to be taken seriously. I don't want you causing stress to my significant other."

"I've told you once and I'll tell you again: I don't have a house key. They never gave me one. Y'all just keep the window open. Okay, that's a lie. I know Virgil always double and triple checks all the doors and windows are locked. My boyfriend's twin brother taught me how to pick the window locks. Also thanks for telling me where the bagels are. Bye Logan~ Bye Virgil~"

Virgil scowled and crossed their arms, Deceit shutting the door behind himself. He was just going to go steal bagels again. Logan placed a hand on Virgil's shoulder for reassurance. But they just started laughing. They concerned Logan, but they didn't care right now. 5ey found the humor of this entire moment. Virgil smiled, looking Logan in the eye.

"Our life is so weird."

He paused a moment before giving a small smile back to his lover.

"Yes, I suppose it is."

1875 Words


All of y'all are worth it. All of y'all have different likes and assets that's make you so unique. Everyone is so diverse and that alone is beautiful. You are beautiful because you are different and you are out there. So respect yourself, show off yourself, and just let yourself he yourself. I HIGHLY encourage you to go and make yourself a 'Recipe For Me' Basket. I know I'm going to. (I'm so proud of that idea I made up). Maybe tweet them or post the, and tag Thomas in them. Do what you want. Just know that everything that makes you who you are is valid, and you are beautiful.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

