Home [DLAMP]

I remember in 2012 when Phillip Phillips won American Idol with this very same original song. It means a lot to me. It will always mean a lot to me. So... time to make a very emotionally sweet story.


They always say that home is where the heart is, but when Deceit left his fellow dark sides he had thought he had abandoned them both. He was an outcast and a villain to the core sides, hated by all. Especially Virgil. He tried to use his trade to be a part of the group, get his words in, but sadly they'd always pick him out of his impersonations and banish whatever's he had to say along with him. It wasn't until after the wedding incident and after they had met Deceit's ex boyfriend Remus, emphasis on ex he was annoying as hell, had they decided to finally hear him out. Starting with Roman.

"You don't understand, Roman. I want Thomas to stop lying to himself. He's a pushover. He thinks he's not a better person and he thinks that he doesn't want the things he wants as much as he does. You've seen him! You've seen how he is such w pushover to do whatever he is told and whatever he is told is right! He needs to assert himself and get what he wants! He's going to regret it! I absolutely loooove how I'm the only one who fights for what Thomas wants and I'm the one considered the villain!"

Deceit paced around, ranting to Roman who decided that he wanted to talk to Deceit and see exactly why he was acting the way he was during the trial after learning that his twin brother, who he hates, broke up with him before the trial. Well, Deceit broke up with him before the trial but... yeah he had some pity on the slimey boi.

"I do understand. I am Thomas's hopes and dreams. I just learned that I can't always get what I want because there's normally something better to do. Something morally better. Something logically better. Something that doesn't cause Virgil so much anxiety. I'm told I reach too far a lot. Most of the time it feels like I'm in an assembly line at Hadestown, other times I get to have some power like when I was the judge. I liked being the judge. It made me feel powerful, like my contributions meant something... like my hopes and dreams mattered. I wanted to talk to you so I could thank you."

Deceit listened to him very carefully. He always knew Roman as insecure but he never knew at this degree. Deceit rested a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. Roman started st the side of his face that he could see: The snake. Deceit looked as sympathetic as he could. No lies, no sass, just brutal honesty.

"I'm sorry."

After Roman it was Logan who came around next. They approached him with the he flies acts and their side of the story. He was quite easy to convince after having the facts and the backup. Logan didn't need much after that and started talking with them. He was the first to include Deceit and summon him on a major decision. Logan and Roman were Deceit's first friends outside of the toxicity of the dark sides. Deceit had never been happier.

Shockingly enough, Virgil was the next one to accept him. Virgil always hated him. Deceit used to be just as toxic as everyone else. Deceit was horrible to him. Deceit was held at a higher pedestal of awfulness than the others because  he used to date Virgil. Logan knew there was something up, and since Roman is a crazy shipper and in on all da backstory, they set the menu up to talk. Deceit apologized. Deceit made it clear that he knows the past happened and won't say to forget it, yet he also made it clear that he wanted to move on and that he has changed.

Last was Patton, the one who said lying was always wrong and you should never do that. It was morally wrong to lie. Lying can never be good. Patton needed some hardcore convincing to even get the thought through his head that Deceit could be here for good reasons. It took everyone. It took Logan, Roman, and Virgil to convince him that he was just fighting for what Thomas wants and needs to not be a complete doormat.

They always say home is where the heart is, and when Deceit departed he had found them both in a brand new family that had finally accepted him. He found a family who has finally learned the lesson that lying can be good and asserting yourself is very important.

"Welcome home, Deceit."

Deceit clearly remembered Virgil saying with his hands in his pockets whenever he got his own room and went in with the core sides.

"We're happy to have you." 

Nobody has ever been happy that Deceit existed before. Deceit remembered smiling genuinely and when Virgil teased him about it, he pulled a classic Deceit and told him it was nothing. Deceit never forgot that.

Deceit has abandoned the dark side of the mind. He abandoned Remus and the others. He changed for the better. His black became yellow and what used to be yellow became white. There's nothing wrong with a little white lie. There's nothing wrong with a little deceit to assert yourself or to protect someone. Deceit had a spot from on the kitchen counter where he would come in and stand either by Roman or by Logan whenever he was needed, even just making witty comments from his spot on the counter. All that really mattered was that he was included.

Deceit was home.

920 Words

Again, I fell short. I didn't really have any inspiration for this oneshot. I'm sorry.

I also can't think of advice. My mind is blank and I feel like crap. I literally just wanna binge 7 Deadly Sins on Netflix all day. Don't even wanna work out.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

