Secret Santa [Moxiety]

Updated 2019 Secret Santa for everyone! Enjoy the pinning fluff!

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Joyous Kwanzaa! Or whatever holiday you celebrate, have a wonderful one of those!

/also the actual secret Santa part is gonna be pretty much all dialogue so use your imagination okay? ;) \


Oh jeez, it's Christmas Eve and guess what? Virgil got Patton for the secret Santa for the third year in a row. Roman did the drawings last time, and Deceit did them this time. Year before that Thomas chose because he wanted to make 'the best matchups' for secret Santa partners. This was rigged. 

What should Virgil even get for Patton anyways?! He got him a card, a kitten Pokémon plushie (it was Litten because best Alola starter fight Virge.), and one of those old Doctor Suess Fill In Your Own Books thst virgil found deep in the long term memory. What could he even get him this year to top it?! He really really REALLY wants it to be good!

Virgil was stumped, listening to My Chemical Romance singing All I Want for Christmas for the millionth time, trying to get an idea. Patton is the heart. He likes gifts with meanings and cute things. He could just get him a teddy bear. Hey, wait a second. Virgil sat up from his position of laying down on the floor, knocking his AirPods out of his ears. RIP MCR. 

He could get him a teddy bear. Yeah, he could get a baby blue teddy bear and dress it up like Patton. He could sew the clothes himself like a Build-A-Bear and stitch a pink heart on his chest. Or even better, Patton's logo. Virgil grinned and clapped his hands, summoning his sewing box and a blue teddy bear. Aww yeah this was gonna now Lit. Litter than a Litten.

Virgil instantly began working on the heart stitching, glancing at his phone for the time every so often. The Christmas party was at five, and that's when the secret Santa was. It was noon. Virgil only had five hours to stitch the heart and hand make the felt blue polo and cardigan. Oh crap he's gonna need to find some way to get some glasses on the bear too oh no. Five hours isn't nearly enough time! Virgil shouldn't have procrastinated! 

Virgil took a sharp inhale and held his breath, exhaling when he couldn't hold it any longer. That's not how breathing exercises are supposed to work but whatever. Regardless, Virgil kept working until the heart was done and he could begin the shirt. Virgil wrapped a rectangle of felt around the bear for s a rough measurement, stuck a pin there, and began working on the torso part of the shirt. Don't worry, the shirt is a different shade blue than the bear. It won't blend in.

As Virgil was working on his stitching, his AirPods back in his ears and now listening to a shuffled Panic! At The Disco And Fall Out Boy playlist, he didn't hear a knock at his door. Roman being the nosy little bastard he is came into the room and gasped, getting a cheeky smile. Roman sat down next to Virgil as he slipped the blue shirt onto the bear. Roman sneakily pulled out an AirPod and teased Virgil. 

"So, you got Patton didn't'cha?"

If Virgil Was a cat, he would've latched onto the ceiling with his fur sticking straight up. Wait, not even as a cat Virgil would do anything straight. With his fur sticking gay up. That's better. Virgil hissed at Roman, who simply laughed at his behavior. Roman's gaze fell onto the bear. It's so well made!

"Wow, you're really going all out. I mean, you go all out every year. You always seem to get Patton, don't you? It's really cute. And you always give him such amazing gifts. It's almost like you like him or some... thing... OH MY GOSH!!!"

"Shut up will ya?! I don't want the entire mindpalace to know! You know what Deceit and Remus would do if they found out?! I'd be teased worse than you tease me! And that's pretty dang bad! If I'm being honest I thought y'all kept giving me Patton because you knew for a fact I liked him. It seemed like the entire thing was rigged in my favor."

"What?! No! We rigged it so you'd get Patton because we know how much it means to him to get a gift from you! It's also cute to see you all red faced trying to hand him a gift you obviously worked hard on. To be honest I had my stupid twin brother so I got him a Boris Plush from Bendy and the Ink Machine but I sewed purple tentacles for his arms and honestly I think I did pretty good."

"Nice change of subject Princey. But dang you right. That's the perfect gift for that garbage raccoon. Now can you please leave? I'm really busy."

Roman respected Virgil's desire for solitude. He was an introvert after all. Virgil was red to the tip of his ears and his heart was pounding. If he gets hotter he might consider taking off his hoodie! Roman waved off and closed the door behind him, leaving Virgil to his emo punk music and his sewing. Virgil took a deep breath, doing a proper breathing exercise this time, and let the air go. Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide extange baby. Science Rulez! BILL BILL BILL BILL!!!

Virgil got back in his zone, sewing the little cardigan. He noticed that he finished the entire project with two and a half hours to spare. Wow, he was a lot more efficient than he thought! With a smile and some pride, he decided to sew little cookie cats into the soft grey cardigan that would be draped over the bear's shoulders. Patton loves Steven universe! So he's gonna love this! Virgil couldn't wait to see Patton's smile.

Virgil finished that task with a little bit of extra time too. What on earth could Patton want on his bear? Maybe a little item? A few bracelets? Virgil's eyes landed on the beige felt and he snickered, making the obligatory Jake from Statefarm joke in his head as he reached for the felt and began to make the bear some kahkis. Virgil also got spooked by the classic 'But It's Better If Ya Do to I Write Sins not Tragedies' scare. Panic fans know exactly what that is.

As Virgil was finishing up the little stitching details on the kahkis, making the bear absolutely perfect, Virgil didn't notice another knock on the door. Just like last time, somebody let themself in. But this time it was Logan, and Logan is much nicer than Roman when it comes to respecting Virgil when he isn't paying the most attention to his surroundings. Logan calmly tapped Virgil's shoulder.

"Virgil, it is 17:00. This Christmas party will be begining now. I assume you have gotten Patton as your Secret Santa yet again?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Roman already let himself in and told me they've rigged it because it makes Patton happy to get a gift from me. So I wanted to make him extra happy this year and out in a hell of a lot more effort. What do you think? I didn't mess up did I? Did I do too much on the cardigan? Are the glasses accurate? Do you think he'll like it Logan? Be honest with me. Give me the cold, hard facts."

"Considering Patton adores anything you give to him, there is no doubt he'd love it. However, assuming that isn't exactly what you want to hear, I will phrase it as such: your craftsmanship will be much appreciated and the accuracy will leave Patton at a loss for words. You will get one of his signature, genuine smiles and your face will go red, as it does every year. Virgil, my turn for questions. Do you hold romantic feelings for Patton?"

"Oh my god is it really that obvious!? Ughhhhhhh!"

"By that response I'll assume yes. My suspicions were correct. Perhaps this gift extange could be the perfect opportunity to confess your feelings. You already know Patton values your gifts above all else. Who knows? The probability I'd over sevent five percent of him saying yes if you ask him to accompany you on a romantic outing~"

With that, Logan turned and left. Virgil stood up and clapped away his music and his sewing supplies, having nothing but the bear in hand. He looked in the mirror: red from ear to ear. Virgil tried to shake the blush off, but he couldn't get rid of it. He doesn't have time for another layer of foundation and he can't splash water on his face because it ruins his makeup. He's just gonna have to suck it up and go... yikes...

Virgil stuffed his present his his hoodie and found his seat on the stairs. He shed his hoodie, wrapping it around the bear without anyone noticing what the bear was, and showed off his updated Christmas sweater. Yeah, he wore his sweater under this hoodie the entire time. What are ya gonna do about it?

"Guys! It's time for the Secret Santa! I'll go first!"

Oh we're just gonna get right into it? Aight. Patton, giddy like a four year old trying to sleep when they know Santa is downstairs eating all their cookies, took out a beautifully wrapped gift and he passed it over to Logan. Logan, not wanting to destroy the paper, swiftly removed the tape and reveal a book of the Brothers Grimm original fairy tales.

"Patton... you got me the originals?"

"I know you really like the old fashioned readings and you like history and you've been talking about how fairy tales weren't always the way they are now... so I thought I'd get you this! I hope you like it!"

"I do. Thank you, Patton. As for my Secret Santa gift, I had gotten Deceit. I figured since you are a man who enjoys the game of court, I had gotten you a tablet with the entire selection of Phoenix Wright games on it. I do hope you enjoy it. Considering you like to point out lies and inconsistencies and play attorney, or rather prosecutor like in your debate with Patton, I beleive you will take immense satisfaction in this gift."

"Logan, I have no idea what to say. You've always been such an insightful and observatory man. I loathe this. Thank you."

"Of course, merry Christmas Deceit."

"As to you. Now for my gift, I happened to get Roman. Because he is such a hard person to get gifts for and I had no idea what he likes whatsoever I decided to go out on a limb and.... Get him the original book for the Phantom of the Opera and a complete works of William Shakespeare. And while I was at it I decided to throw in just a small little present and get Thomas and Joan to se Little Shop of Horrors live on January Twelvth."


"What? Is it so hard to believe that I snuck behind your back and had Thomas save a bit of money for an 'emergency fund'? That was just a little lie. It was a Musical Fund."

"Deceit thank you so very much, oh my gosh! I'm so heckling happy! Well, uh, I guess it's my turn. My gift dulls in comparison, but I got Remus for my Secret Satan."

"It's Secret Santa Onii-Chan~"

"Not for you. Anyways I went ahead and made you this."

"It's so... malformed. I LOVE IT!!! Thank you Roman! You're the best twin brother ever! Ooh, this is gonna be a treat~ Viiiirgiiiiiiil~ I got you! And I know how much you adore those emo bands so I got you a bunch of those put 'me on yourself tattoos! I got some really cool ones of creepy crawly spiders and everything! Don't worry, I kept it all vanilla because I know you aren't up for the good raunchy stuff~"

"Woah, thanks for being considerate Remus. That's so... unlike you."

"I try."

"Wait, If Virgil's the last person that means... Virgil got me! Yay! What did you get me Virgil? I'm so excited I can hardly wait!"

Virgil's blood went cold. Oh jeez he's gonna look like such a buffoon. He knew he wasn't gonna be the online one giving a stuffed animal. His gift was so lame compared to Deceit's and Logan's and pretty much everyone else's. Virgil tried to calm his breathing as he unraveled his jacket. This is gonna be so lame. He revealed the teddy bear and handed it to Patton, bowing his head In embarassment. The shame was getting really hard to bear. He was so scared. Whst if Patton's didn't like it? What if he just took it and threw it in his face and tore up the clothes? What's if all his hard work ended up in vain?

"I kinda sorta made this for you..."

Time seemed to stop. Just like Virgil's heart. Figments of the mind don't have actual hearts but I feel felt like Virgil's heart stopped. He could feel all the other sides staring at him. He also felt people who weren't there staring at him. He wanted to crawl and hide. He wanted to run away. He wanted to hide in his room and listen to I'm Not Okay (I Promise). Roman gave him a grin and thumbs up and Logan gave him a nod and a sly glasses readjust, letting him know subtly he did a good job. But what if he didn't do a good job?! What if-


Virgil was thrown backwards into a tackle hug, Patton jumping onto him. They both fell back on the stairs, laughing. Patton had the sunniest shiniest smile in the entire world. Relief washed all through Virgil. He did do a good job. He did a good job. That's all that really mattered. He hugged Patton back, not having any words himself, while literally everyone else in the room was wondering how they weren't a couple yet. Patton shocked everyone when he gsve Virgil a kiss on the tip of the nose. Virgil was about to ask when Patton pointed up. With a sly smile, he said one word.


2400 Words

Wow I went all out with another one! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Joyous Kwanza! Happy Holidays! Just go out there and have a good Winter!

The lesson? Hard work will never go unnoticed! Your efforts are always worth it!

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

