Light and Daffodils [Royality] (Trans Pride AU) (Pokémon AU)

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In Sinnoh the gym in Sunnyshore was torn down after Volkner retired, two boys creating their own smaller gym in Floaroma Town. Sure, it was a tiny village, however the two boys were happy. Plus Fairy types were new to the region and Cynthia was more than happy to bring some modern flair to the Sinnoh League. That's how the lovers: Patton and Roman had gotten their gym after Roman had the courage to come out.

Roman had just chopped off all his hair and got his first chest binder too. He didn't care how girly and traditionally femme fairy types were. He and his boyfriend Patton loved fairy types with every fiber of their being! The difference between the two of them is that Patton is more of a grass/Normal/Bug kind of fairy type guy while Roman is a steel/Fire/Flying Kinda of fairy type guy. The two kinds of gays.

Unlike what they expected, children and adults alike were very accepting of the two. They didn't make a big fuss over the two of them being gay and openly accepted the couple into the Sinnoh Region after fleeing Johto. Johto wasn't as progressive yet, but they were getting there. Floaroma town also embraced Roman afternoon learning he was trans, accepting him and showering him with their love. So in honor of this wonderful town, this was their gym. It had finally been fully built.

Roman wiped his brow with his lovely childhood friend Grandbul at his side, both of them covered with dirt and scuffed up from gardening. The entire gym was filled with gorgeous yellow sunlight and bright yellow daffodils. Yellow was Patton's favorite color. He had been gushing about how cool the gym would look with flowers everywhere, so Roman finally did it. He also put rainbows along the walls and at the back painted a Trans Pride flag on where they stand for their double battle. He turned to his partner, going in for the first bump.

"I think Patton's gonna love it, yeah? Yeah."

The Pokémon and the human fist bumped, doing the goofy Big Hero Six "fa la la la la la la" afterwards. And no, that was not supposed to be then Christmas song. Roman shifted the binder he wore, feeling a bit of fatigue. That means he should probably take it off, but he feels awkward and weird with it off. He sighed, looking down at himself and stifling a laugh.

"We need showers. Come on, let's get us cleaned up."

Roman started walking towards the back of the gym where the door to the staircase is. Roman and Patton sort of live upstairs in a loft like area. Where was Patton right now? Well, Roman asked the kids who worked in the daycare to go play with him over the by the bridge and maybe beg him to give them a tour of the windworks just to buy himself some more time. 

Grandbul followed behind him, the grumpy fairy Pokémon happy to be by Roman's side througiut his entire life and transition. Roman was so lucky to have Grandbul, ya know? A friend who knew him before he even knew himself. They got to the stairs and went out a side door, taking them both outside. There were two rubber hoses, each of them held one. They knew the drill.

"One, two, three!"

Suddenly both the human and the Pokémon were being blasted with water and laughing, not caring about Roman's clothes getting wet or Grandbul dragging muddy paw prints all over the noise. They just laughed and laughed and sprayed eachother with water. Roman set his down, offering his hands into the airport for a truce. They're soaking wet, but at least now they're clean.

The two sat down on the little patio backyard they had, admiring the flowers of the town. Nobody really had any fences or a yard other than the daycare in the down. They basked in the sunlight and let themselves dry before Roman had enough. His binder started to hurt. He did have it on for a long time... He stood up, bringing his lovely Pokémon back into their pokeball with their consent and began walking up the stairs to the shower. He feels cooooooold!

So while Roman was in the shower, Let's switch to Patton's perspective. Patton had just came back from playing with the children and walked into the entire, expecting Roman on be showing off to the kids some cool Contest Tricks that be learned in Johto from the famous May and Harley and was met with a much better surprise, his Partner Cleffable knowing all about the Lights and the Daffodils.

Patton wandered amongst the pretty flowers, feeling the warmth of the sunlight pouring through the windows and spots of strategically placed glass roof. His hands traced along the pastel blue and pink walls and he stared at the rainbows lining the windows like curtains. Then he looked down and saw a trans flag beneath his feet. He giggled. That was definately Roman showing off like always. Roman was a Prince. Where was he?

"Should we go look for him, Cleffable?"

He asked his partner since he started his Pokémon journey. The Pokémon chirped in response, rushing ahead to go up the stairs and participate in this game of hide and seek. Patton rolled his eyes, fixing his circular framed glasses and following close behind. This was a wonderful world they lived in, was it not?

Turns out Roman wasn't too hard to find. He was drying his hair with a towel, wearing one of Patton's oversized yellow fuzzy sweaters with cute little hearts all over it and shorts that were way too small. You couldn't see it while he wore the sweater. Roman hated being short, but hey: Not all Princes are tall. You just got to accept that. Roman is a portable Prince and he was proud of it! Well, not exactly proud but he was dealing with it just fine. Roman beamed when he saw is doting boyfriend.

"Did you see?"

"Yes, I saw, and they were absolutely gorgeous. But you didn't do all that work on your own, did you? I know you've been feeling fatigued and your chest has been hurting recently so I wanted to make sure you weren't overdoing it or anything."

"Okay Dad, I'm fine. It did hurt after a while so I took a shower. I'm actually not wearing the binder right now and that's why I took it off. I know that a Prince has to look after himself before he can look after others, but I feel so icky and gross without it! I just wanna hive a pillow or something to make my chest flat again."

"Aww, poor baby."

Roman was pulled into a hug by his SLIGHTLY taller boyfriend, Patton making sure that his chest was pressed against his to give him some pressure so his dysphoria could be slightly better. It's not as crippling as it was before, but it still bothered him. He had been researching about top surgery here in Sinnoh and let's just say it costs way more than the two of them can make in a year. 

Roman hugged his boyfriend back with every ounce of passion that this small little spitfire had got. Cleffable and Grandbul just sat on the sidelines, drinking Pepsi gay from the bottle. Nothing here is straight, so we can't say straight from the bottle. The only reason Roman let go of his lover was because he wanted to see his adorable face.

"The light of my life, my daffodils. I love you so very much, Patton."

Roman got on his tipoie toes and pulled Patton down, dipping him for a passionate kiss on the lips. A prince's Kiss to make the other prince swoon. Literally a gay Disney Prince. Thomas Sanders and Jon Cozart would be so proud. The two broke away giggling and laughing like a bunch of dorks. And no, not whale genitalia. Roman has heard that joke so many times from his twin brother in Johto it isn't funny.

Roman looked down at himself, the oversized sweatshirt making him feel a little better about himself. Yellow was never his color, he was a red kind of guy, but the yellow made him smile. It always made Patton smile, so why can't it make Roman smile too? Roman then looked up and reached for his boyfriend's hand, turning his head to see the two Pokémon partners just chilling out on the couch being Bros.

"So are you two down for some challengers today? It's cool if Not."

Grandbul gave him a death glare. After all the work they've done today Grandbul deserves a break. Cleffable looked at Grandbul, then shook their head. Nope. Neither of them? Okay. Looks like the two will be using a different duo. Roman shrugged and began walking, leading his boyfriend back down the stairs so they can stsrt Pokémon battling together side by side, In the light and daffodils.

1537 Words

I'm a sucker for poke on, okay? Sinnoh was best Region and will forever be best Region. Where are my remakes for crying out loud?!

To all my lovely trans men or AFAB people who wear chest binders: please be safe. The last thing you want is to damage your body forever or hurt yourself because you can never get the surgery you need. Make sure you can breathe correctly while wearing a chest bender. Make sure you don't leave it on for over 6-8 hours or else it will damage the skin and muscle. NEVER use plain old athletic tape or whatever to bind yourself, that is also damaging. It sucks, but until you get a binder just wear a bunch of sports bras and clothes that make you comfortable. I want you to be safe and feel lovely, so this is what you need to do. Okay? I love you all and stay strong :)

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

