To Be With You [Roceit] (Agender Pride AU)

21 Chump Street is Top Tier.

Trigger Warning: FWB, Shusive Childhood, Lots of Mentions to Topics Patton cannot be exposed to 


"What the heck I gotta do to be with them, man!"

Roman threw another rock across the lake in his neighborhood, his best friend Virgil sitting near him and listening to him about his issues. From what Virgil knew, Roman had a crush and was keeping the pronouns genderless because his crush isn't on the binary or he wants to keep it a secret so Virgil can't tease him about it. Virgil was placing all his chips on the latter, he was just waiting for the roulette to spin.

"If I knew who we were talking about I could probably help you, dude." 

Roman gave him a sideways glare. He knew exactly how Virgil could get whenever he told some sort of secret. He turns into a sadist teasing you and shows no mercy. And Roman knows how he feels about his twin brother's friends, but he just so happened to fall in love with one of them. Roman let out a long sigh. One sentence. One phrase and that's all it would take for Virgil to know who. They used to be "friends" after all. Roman thinks friends with benifits.

"A shady bitch? Oh I don't like that nickname at all."

Virgil whipped his head over to to look at Roman like he's a crazy bitch. Well, he is. He knows exactly who Roman had fallen in love with: Deceit. The coolest person around. They're the only Agender and they constantly say stuff like "everyone finds me cute and that makes everyone gay!" They're flirtatious and can be quite the tease. Nobody is safe from their charms. Not Virgil, and apparently not Roman. But Deceit always had a fondness for Roman. He's Remus's goody two shoes twin. Virgil was basically a tool to them. Virgil was used. His feelings were used. He loved them, but they didn't see it that way. They took advantage of that. What else would you expect from the child of prostitution and stripping.

"You're kidding. You're in love with them? Are you sure you want to go down that road? Because I'm not going to stop you or let you cry on my shoulder when either they reject you or they use you and throw you away."

Roman can't help the feelings in his chest when they walk by. Whenever they look at Roman or talk to Roman, ever since he met them when they were hanging out with his garbage brother Remus, it's always been special. Roman knew everything that had happened before. The dangers. But Roman wants to fix that. He wants to be the person who heals them and can stay by their side. He wants to be the person they confide in and spend the rest of their life with. Roman knows what he wants.

"I want them. I'm sure."

Virgil shrugged. That's what he wanted then he isn't going to get in his way. Virgil knows Roman too well. His head's hard as a rock. Virgil doubts even if he did protest or freak out about it being Deceit of all people it would just make Roman even more determined and make him lash out at Virgil. Virgil doesn't take being yelled at very well. His mom does that enough to him.

Roman had his mind made up, but where was Deceit's mind?

Deceit leaned against the balcony, their arms being indented by the iron bars. The water under the bridge was quite calm. It would be nice to skinny dip and go for a swim, but it would also be kinda cool to just sit at the bottom of the river and wait for their breath to run out. Their parents wouldn't care either way. They threw their entire pac of cigarettes in the water. They never liked them. Just did them to give their father a "son" to be proud of. Tough and bringing in the money at his strip club.

But no matter how many people he gets to buy him dinner or gets in their bed there's one face stuck in their hella Pansexual mind. Their best friend's twin brother, fraternal don't worry it's not creepy Remus as a mustache, Roman. They were so friendly and chivalrous to everyone. When hanging out with both Remus and Roman they're so gentlemanly. They make Deceit eel like they're  person rather than a sex pillow like they were raised. But Remus was too creepy for Deceit to feel anything towards him. He eats deodorant. Not exactly their type.

Deceit noticed a number that he had removed the contact from, the number wasn't the contact but two large letter Xs surrounded It. Deceit never remembers the names nor cares after they're done with those people. But This number brought dread Into their stomach. They knew exactly who this was. It was Virgil.

X969-666-7343X: Yo, it's Virge. Just giving you a heads up that if you hurt one of m best friends I will come back with the very same rope you used to use on me and I will make you miserable. Got that buddy?

Deceit remembered Virgil. He was a clingy little boy who was a power switch. He had cute little belly chub and Deceit knew Virgil loved them, but they didn't love him back. They were attatched and didn't want to be alone, so they strung them along. But then they went ghost and avoided him. Deceit felt bad, but repressed it like they repressed everything. Like their gender before they ran away from home. Haha. Dysphoria jokes. Either way they better apologize. They were starting to feel sentimental.

Deceit: No promises. You know how much of a horrible person I am when I don't return the feelings.

Deceit: Oh, and I'm sorry I abandoned you out of nowhere. You didn't deserve that. I know you hate me, but there. I said it.

Deceit: Sorry.

Deceit restored the contact. Yeah, they're verh sentimental. Probably comes with the suicidal thoughts. Deceit knew that Virgil texted back immediately, but they didn't want to read it now. It's probably him telling them to fuck off and not even talk to thins supposed best friend who has a crush on them. Everyone has a crush on them. They want them for their body and good looks. Deceit doesn't mind that part. As long as they respect they are proud LGBTQA+/GRSM then everything's Gucci.

Who even was this best friend guy anyway?

Roman found Deceit leaning against a brick wall not smoking a cigarette. Remus told him that they left thirty minutes ago and was probably at their little spot where they go whenever they expect someone wants to meet up to sleep with them or ask them on a date. It was Roman's turn to go and see if Deceit wants to talk to him. Roman stood by, waitin for them to notice him. It didn't take too long. Their face was different. There wasn't a knowing smirk, but a shocked fallen face.

"Roman? What are you doing here? I wouldn't have expected you to..."

Roman shook his head, feeling his face flush. Thinking about sleeping in the same bed just CUDDLING with Deceit would cause Roman to turn into Virgil with the level of anxiety he reaches. Roman rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. People like it when you're honest, right? He should just come out and tell him. Roman leaned against the wall next to them, casting his eyes down and saying his monologue. Before you ask, yes this was rehearsed. 

"Deceit, I know you've had a horrible childhood. I know that you grew up in a horrible place and that the mentality of that abusive childhood is hard to get rid of. I get it. And some of that ain't ever going to go away. But I want to help you. I want to hold your hand and stay by your side and help you grow up and build a good life. I want to kiss your face and give you encouragement and build a healthy, happy, consensual relationship with you. I want to teach you that you're a person who deserves love and respect and I don't cares if you break up with me or say no. I will still have feelings for you and still wish you the very best. That's what you and everyone in this world deserves."

Roman looked up and saw Deceit crying, hands out of their pockets. In Deceit's mind they were crumbling. They have never been told such kind things in their entire life. Ever. Deceit instantly enveloped Roman in a hug. Not a sexual, groping hug nor one that they would fake after getting free food on a date, but a real hug. A loving, gentle hug. They let themselves cry. Only one person has genuinely loved them before and they let them go, not feeling the same. But Roman... Roman's different. He's... he's...

"Heh... Should I take this as a maybe? Or are you not ready for a relationship? Virgil warned me that it might be the case and if you just want to be friends first that's cool. But no benifits. And I know it's a lot to ask but I want you to try and make up with Virgil. He might not love you any more, but I know he misses you to an extent."

Virgil... misses him? Deceit let Roman go and looked at his phone.

Virgil: Thanks. That means a lot. Look, feelings are gone so no more sex. But you were good to me when we hung out. You were snide and snarky and you had a lot of things I really liked being around. I may be a bit bitchy but... I want to be friends again.

Deceit smiled, letting themself keep crying. This doesn't normally happen. Normally Deceit has to hide the fact they have emotions. But Roman? He always had this vibe... this aura... it allowed them to be venerable. It made them feel safe. Roman was such a good person, and so was Virgil, but Roman's different. Is this because they love him back? Is this what it feels like to love someone and not lust over someone?

"What will it take for me to be with you, Dee?"

Deceit shook their head, shoving their phone in their pocket and laughing. They opened their arms and took Roman into it. His hugs were nice and warm, comforting and soft. Deceit craved that.

"Just Be you, and stay you. That's all I need."

1745 Words

People with dark pasts sometimes can't help the way they are. People who are abused are effected forever. Your youth and how you were treated, even later in life, it becomes you. That's why staying away and preventing abuse is so important. But if you have endured something, it's okay. I'm sorry that it happened. But it will get better. Find good people and stay around them. They'll help you and love you if they're good. You deserve the best. I love you.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

