Eres Mi Luz Del Sol [Logince] (Highschool AU)

This is sort of based on a friend of mine, but not exactly. Just the part up to Texas before the family accident.


Roman was a bilingual man. He was born with his Mother in Puerto Rico before moving to Texas at a young age with Mom. Then, when she died, Roman was forced to go to Florida to be in custody of his Dad. Unlike what  Mom said, Dad turned out to be a cool guy. He did have his flaws, like being alcoholic and having no impulse control, but he was kind and respective of Roman and who he was.

Roman also grew up for a great love of finer arts. He played acoustic guitar, was in both choir and theater, and was an all around essential guy. When going to Highschool in Florida, these talents lead to him making many friends and becoming popular right away. He also made it very very clear from day one that Roman was hella bisexual and a flirtatious man. He was also quite egotistical. 

So Roman ask instantly loved right away and quickly made acquaintance of Logan Burnham. Logan was another popular student who was very smart. He was the guy everyone went to for help on homework and he was said to be the most savage roasters in the entire school. He was said to be smarter than the math teachers at the school and rumors formed. People began pressuring them to meet, get together, and probably bang. Idk. Fangirls amirite.

Roman did try, but Logan ended up not liking him right off the bat. Roman liked this guy. He seemed like such a stick in the mud, but he also liked Crofters and everyone made him out to be quite pleasant so Why not try? Miguel needs a Tulio after all! But every time Roman tried to interact or meet or set up arrangements, he was shot down by Logan. Oddly enough... Roman started forming an unrequited, pinning crush on the guy.

So Roman would sometimes follow him, try to see him outside of school, and stalk his Instagram. He was insanely good with color theory. He made aesthetic boards and pages online and he also has a younger brother who did tarot readings. Much better than Roman's stepbrother who luckily didn't live with his dad fill time that's kinda creepy and likes to gross people out. Damn Remus.

Either way, Roman was a hopeless romantic. It's right there in his name. Now we get to plot! Today, Logan had been really hard to reach. Most of the time he can scrape up some sort of conversation by playing into the things he enjoys like Crofters, books they both read, exetera. But not today, so he decided he should stop trying. He went into the band room after school hours and got out his guitar. He decided to revert back to his native tongue, signing a song that his mother would sing him to sleep. 

"🎶Tú eres mi luz del sol, mi única luz del sol. Me haces feliz cuanto los cielos están grises. Nunca sabras querida, cuánto te quiero. Poor Favor no te lleves lejos mi luz del sol.🎶"

Logan was walking through the fine arts hallway to get to the orchestra room, which was adjacent to the band room, when he heard music through the doors. The bpvoice was beautiful, however Logan wasn't familiar with the language. He was fluent in English, French, Korean, Arabic, and Simmish. He was also Conversational in Russian, German, and Spanish. He did recognize some of the words, but couldn't get a meaning. To be honest it sounded more like Italian than Spanish. Logan waited outside the door when he heard the voice begin to sing again in a masculine alto.

"🎶Tú eres mi luz del sol, mi única luz del sol. Me haces feliz cuanto los cielos están grises. Nunca sabras querida, cuánto te quiero. Poor Favor no te lleves lejos mi luz del sol.🎶"

No, the 'Tú etes' And the 'poor favor' definitely meant it was Spanish. Logan heard the guitar stop from the other side of the door. Logan decided that otnwould be best to investigate the musician. Besides, Logan was beyond curious himself. The acoustics and voice harmonized perfectly and the product was most pleasant. To not intrude, Logan knocked on the door and waited for the door to open. He was beyond surprised to see the egotistical nightmare from the Caribbean on the other side. ...then again he should have known better.

"Logan!? Hey buddy! I didn't expect you to be here! Haha! So... uh... please tell me you didn't hear any of that?"

Logan rose an eyebrow. Why would Roman, the overdramatic chick magnet who believed he was the best at everything, be insecure about something related to the finer arts. Logan manages to nonverbally get the pint across to him that Logan wished for Roman to elaborate. Roman sighed and held the door open for Logan, inviting him in. Roman leaned his guitar against the wall went to sit down. 

Logan sat down a seat away from him, trying to deny the fact that he was super gay. Oh, you didn't infer? The reason why Logan is so averted to Roman is that he kinda has a crush on him and wants to maintain his 'straight' image to please his mother: the principal. Also he loathes his perosnality type and doesn't understand why he's attracted to him of all people. That also helps into his decision to stay away. Roman sighed deeply, elbows on his knees.

"Before I basically tell you my life's story, can you promise me one thing? Can you promise ke that you won't hate me any more than you already do and at least give a chance to try and be your friend?"

Logan kept his eyebrow up, slowly nodding. He didn't know what kind of deep, emotionally scarring backstory he was getting into. Whatever it was, it couldn't be Dr. Doofinshmirtz Level dramatic... right? Roman took a deep breath, saying a few words in Spanish under his breath before he went on to explain. 

"That was a lullaby my mother taught me when I was very little in Puerto Rico. My parents were divorced and she got custody because my dad drank a ton. He still drinks, but as long as I'm in bed before eleven I'm fine. My mother died in Texas during a shooting. Some privileged man thought she was one of the illegals and shot her point blank. Since I'm a minor, I had to move here with my dad. I sing that song whenever I feel super depressed... and I kinda do feel depressed that you're trying to exclude me and avoid me, that's kinda what a lot of kids did back in Texas did too."

Logan was frozen. Okay, that takes the cake. Dr. Door cant even compare to that one with his gnome stories or long lost friend Ballooney. That's absolutely horrifying. Logan could never imagine that sort of life. Roman sighed, still leaning over himself. He looked as though he was going to cry. The popular, egotistical persona he explained hid insecurities and a past of being pushed off to the side. Logan should have known before assuming the worst. Logan cleared his throat, moving over a seat and placing a hand on his shoulder. He better apologize for his horrid, ghastly behavior.

"I apologize for not considering your emotions in this, I am not very good with expressing or dealing with the feelings of others. What happened to you was horrible, and you've compensated for that with a feigned self confidence and I had only made that internalized depression more toxic with my actions. I'm sure your mother was a wonderful woman and she is proud of you from up above."

Roman nodded, letting tears slip out of his eyes. Uh oh, crying. Logan does not know how to comfort nor console anyone. Roman placed his hand over Logan's, which was still residing ontop of Roman's shoulder. He flashed a bright white smile at him, smiling through the pain. His tolerance for this much emotional turmoil was remarkable. Logan was even considering trying to 'hug' him to make him feel better.

"Thanks for listening to me, Logan. You have no idea how much it means to know that you don't actually hate me. Ha ha ha..."

Laughing to erase pain, a comment yet unhealthy habit. That's it. Logan held his breath and opened his arms. Roman started at him a long while, confused, before Logan nodded. Roman leaned over into his embrace, holding him but not sobbing. Logan was extremely confused by this. Don't people normally break out sobbing when this happens? Perhaps he needs to research more roamnce movies to double check. Either way, Logan ridgidly returned the embrace Andy patted Roman's back for comfort.

"There there, everything is going to be okay. We may not be able to alter the past, but we can still build a future."

Those words really stuck with Roman. He smiled and wiped his eyes with his knuckles. Yeah, his mom was up in heaven and smiling. He was getting older and then he can move out and build his own life. He can be a musician and/or an actor and he can be happy doing what he loves. Nobody hates him. Nobody hates him. Nobody hates him.

Nobody hates him.

1550 Words

Wow that went deeply sad I'm so sorry. Normally I go for fluff but this one took a turn for the worse I'm so sorry.

Nobody knows exactly what another person has been through, so try to keep that in mind before you decide something about a person. But if they are genuinely a bad person, don't make up excuses to stick around. A person may be a person, but so are you and you deserve to be treated right.

Internet hugs and blow kisses! 

