Once Upon a Time in the Stars [Logicality] (Office AU)

It's time for a story, time for a story. Time for a story made special for you. It's time for a story, time for a story! Sit down and listen, forget about curfew!


"Tell us a story, Patton!"

The company workers would ask every day on their lunch break, and every day the stepson of the company's boss would happily comply and make up a brand new story to tell. Logan was never a fan. He just worked in the tech part of the company. He was an office man wanting to bring home the bacon by doing what he does best: coding. However Patton was a cute boy so he would pretend not to care but secretly listen in to whatever story he made up for the day. Recently a shared theme was space.

"Ummm... I dunno. I don't have anything good today. Well... someone give me a random space fact and I'll make a story about it!"

A random space fact? Some useless trivia that nobody will really care about but in one random moment some space trivia is needed so finally he has reason to exist? Logan cleared his throats buying himself time and getting everyone's attention. Logan fixed his glasses and felt eyes on him. Time to get the best space fact ever! But... it has to be something easy so Patton could make a story on. Patton loves the constellations and stuff so perhaps something about the stars?

"Crux, the Southern Cross Constellation, is the smallest constellation in the sky made of only four stars."

Patton's face lit up with joy, but instantly curled downwards in pity. Logan dipped his tea, ready for whatever treat Patton had for them today. He turned back around, pretending not to listen and burying his nose in a book. He's read it over thirty times before. It was practically memorized. He could pretend to listen and be happy. 

"Okay! So once upon a time there was a tiny constellation named Crux, and poor little Crux was always jealous of their friends: Ara, Dorado, and Pyxis. They all had so many stars and we're so beloved by astronomers! Meanwhile they were just a simple little cross. Who would love a tiny cross that was made of only four stars that didn't burn as bright as all their friends'? So Crux felt all alone in the Southern Sky."

Patton paused for a while, clearly blanking for a next plotpoint. The room was uncomfortably silent. Logan internally groaned. He didn't like to be too involved with this. The reason? Patton wasn't even supposed to be here! He's supposed to stay in his Stepfather's office all day but he always sneaks out. Anyone who talks to him or plays with him is in trouble. Why? Because his stepfather doesn't want anyone distracted. He knows how cute his son is, and how Pansexual too. Ah, the situation. Correct. Perhaps Logan can discretely lead him down the path to finishing the story? He doesn't want to break the rules, rules being very important to him, however.... 

"The Summer Triangle is made of three stars, however it isn't a constellation. It is three different stars from three different constellations. Even so, it is recongnixed by astronomers even more so than the three individual constellations."

Patton listened carefully to the fact, face brightening up with happiness. Good, he deserves to be happy. Logan his his face in his book when he felt his cheeks heating up. Drat. His homoromanticism strikes again. Patton giggled, placing everything around in his head. Yep, he has a story now. Logan refreshed his psychological server so he could listen to whatever story Patton had to tell. But that smile he gave him... Logan.exe had officially crashed for a moment there.

"But then Crux Met the Summer Triangle and they felt okay with only having four stars. Summer Triangle only has three! They aren't technically a constellation, but they want to be one! Crux accepts them for who they are and they became their best friend! There's always a happy ending out there! Crux and the Summer Triangle prove it! The End!"

Patton grinned, ending his wholesome little story he legit made up just now. Logan cousont help but smile, but he hid it when sipping his tea. He can't let anyone know about this little thing he has for Patton. He nearly spat out the tea when he felt something on his shoulder. Who was that!? Logan looked over his shoulder and saw Patton smiling at him. Just for him. Oh lord he has a crush on his boss's son. Well... Stepson.

"Logan thank you for all the facts for the story today! You're really cool!"

Cool? Patton thought he was cool? Logan just sat there with his jaw dropped and just staring at Patton with his heart increasing in bpm and his face growing redder. What were these symptoms? Criminey crushes wwre very surreal just like he read in modern media. Patton laughed just for him and smiled just for him. Time seemed to freeze as his mind framed this screenshot not only in the front or his mind, but in the core of his heart. Even though that isn't physically possible. Oh my god Logan finally understands hyperboles and metaphors.

"Are you not going to talk to me because of Daddy? Fair enough. You only do what you're asked of  so can you please close your mouth and turn your face right a little bit?"

Logan did as he was told, being an obedient boi, and closed his jaw and turned his head. Patton gave him a kiss on the cheek and Logan clocked out. He has officially left the building. Logan froze and actually fell out of the chair. Many gasps and words of concern shrouded the room, but one low voice rang above the others:

"Well, son, it looks like Logan fell for you."

There were several things wrong with that statement but let's address the two major ones. First of all: that was a really corny joke. Logan hates corny jokes, unless they're told by Patton because everything done by Patton is the blessing of an angel. Secondly: that was his boss's voice. Logan quickly stood up and composed himself, a mix of emotions he hasn't felt since he was a kid swirling up within him. Patton giggled and ran back over to his stepfather, giving him a kiss on the cheek too and smiling, holding his arm cutely. Damn. Why must he be so scientifically adorable?

"I'm honestly surprised. Out of everyone here I never expected you to be the first worthy person to fall for my Patton. I'm surprised you fell for him, because you're a very dependable and respectable young man."

He laughed after saying that. It's still lunch break, and everyone was watching the three men. Logan did feel some jealous gazes or fellow coworkers who had a crush on Patton similar to he, and the fact that they were blatantly called unworthy must have upset them, and he also felt the eyes of many shippers and fanpeople on his back. It was a lot of peer pressure, but Logan has grown numb to that. The opinions and emotions of others mean nothing to him.... except for Patton's... It's his own he struggles with.

Logan watched as his boss looked over at his stepson with a kind smile, the first kind smile they have ever seen from the stone hearted businessman, and he nudged Patton forward. Patton smiled just for Logan yet again, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket and handing it to Logan. Patton's freckles hid in the rosiness of his cheeks as he handed Logan the paper, then he proceeded to play with the edge of his shirt and cast his eyes to the floor as he spoke to Logan.

"Here's my number, Logan. Please text me this weekend! I'd, uh, love to get coffee or lunch. But if you don't like coffee tea is fine! I love tea! Oh! Silly me! I, uh, should stop talking now. Lunch is almost over and you need to get back to work and I don't want to bother you!"

He's so adorable. Logan took the paper and noticed how many threes and sevens were in his phone number. Fun. Logan watched him just stand there, as if waiting for something. Logan was confused. Should he kiss him? Is that how love works? No, he knows the important of consent. He just smiled and ruffled his hair affectionately like his dad used to do for him.

"I doubt you could bother me, Patton. And yes, I promise to keep in contact with you and arrange a 'date' for this weekend. You have my word."

What a shame that it's only Tuesday...

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Bonus Ending <3

"Hey Logan! Daddy said to run these papers by you ! He said they're very important tech things thst I wouldn't understand. Also I love youuuuu!"

Patton gave him a forehead kiss, leaning around him on his tippie toes as he works in his cubicle on his computer, getting some programming things done for the interactive company websites that is very buggy. Logan sighed. It's only the first day after the weekend and he's only been here for three hours. Patton has visited him seven times already. Perhaps Logan was wrong, however bothered and annoyed are two totally different words

"I love you too, Patton, however I must return to my work."

"Ugh, fiiiiine. But you're going to sit with me at lunch, right?"

Logan nodded and hummed a positive reply. Patton dropped the papers and left, walking back to his stepfather's office to do whatever he does during the day when he isn't playing around with all the workers. Logan actually enjoyed being pestered by Patton. It made him feel loved.

And it gave him butterflies every time.

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Advice? Just be yourself and people will love you for it!

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

