I Don't Care [Roceit]

This song inspired me hardcore. It helped with my bad mood today... I'm sorry for not being enough.


Deceit knows he's a bad person. He knows he has no other purpose than to do something that Thomas's morality and the very core of his being doesn't want to do. That's why he always saw himself as a villain and played the part. He surrounded himself with sides like him, becoming both the puppet and the one tugging at the strings. He threw himself into the dark sides and became a slimy boy. He loved the way he became. Being bad felt so good and fulfilling. It was like he was playing into his true nature and being himself, even if that was being a sleazy Disney villain a.k.a an off brand Doctor Facilier. But then something horrible happened to him: he fell in love.

Yes. He fell in love with Virgil. That's a lie. He fell in love with Patton. Nope, that's not true either. He could list countless names of people like Logan, Remus, Remy, Dr. Picani, that one GPS people hadn't given a name to and that one glasses denial guy from another Sanders Short on Twitter. All of those would be lies. Deceit just hides the truth and doesn't tell anyone that... he loves Roman. That's also a lie. But where was the lie? Well, that's not going to be revealed in just Words. 

Deceit was sitting next to Roman as her steummed the guitar. Deceit watched him learn how to play different notes by strumming specific chords and holding down others on the staff of the guitar? Was it a staff or a handle? The long rectangle part of the guitar. Roman was learning how to play it because he was bored and needed something creative to do while Logan took over dominance of the mind while Thomas did some research on some trans Greek myth that he wanted to put in a video. It was a reasons to smile and he wanted to find something with trans positivity. Talyn mentioned Joan talked about it once and now Logan had a mission. Deceit was very angry about this whole ordeal. Lie. He liked it. It meant he could spend time with his boyfriend.

"Roman, that sounds absolutely dreadful. Can you play some more?"

Roman sideways glanced at him, sort of in his own calm little trance-like state. He gets like this when he was so focused on a task. He gained this sort of tunnel vision of determination. Deceit found that sort of drive extremely attractive. Roman was passionate about everything he did and always followed through with what he boasts with evidence that he can perform a task. Besides, he was the only person who actually listened to him sometimes. He was right. Deceit doesn't only speak in lies. It takes self control. He just felt too sleepy right now from listening his beautiful attempt at playing a song. Roman nodded and tried strumming multiple chords in a row, a pattern that sounded familiar. What song was this? Deceit honestly didn't remember at all.

"You know I don't care, right?"

Roman suddenly said out of nowhere, not stooping his hands from memorizing the patterns of both his wrist flicking and hitting certain chords whilst his fingers moved to joke down different strings. Deceit was genuinely confused. What could Roman be referring to? Had it something to do with the song at all? Deceit remained quiet, listening to the background music of whatever tune was stuck in Roman's mind, which in turn would be stuck in Thomas's. He just smiled his normal devilish smile. Wow, he didn't know! 

"I definately know."

"That you're a dark side. That you're a bad guy. I don't care. You're sneaky and sarcastic and I know Virgil hates you for whatever reason. I get that you're sketchy and you shouldn't be trusted all the time. I get that. I'm not stupid like everyone thinks I am. But what I do know is that I love you. There are many great things about you. Like how you purr when I scratch your chin you start to purr and when you're tired you just murmur random lies that are so obviously not true and then you say that you hate me before you go to sleep and I just say I love you too. You also have a really keen fashion sense and you're very grounded on yours ideals. You're very smart and you love theater just as much as I do and you're amazingly smart. You teach me new things every day. I don't care if you're supposed to be evil, you'll always be a good guy to me. Even if you don't want to be a good guy. You'll still be my love."

Deceit had no idea where this all was coming from. Roman stopped playing halfway through his monologue. Deceit had tears swelling in his eyes from hearing all those wonderful compliments about him. Nobody has ever been so nice and loving to him before. However he hid them. Roman didn't have to see them, and they were crocodile tears anyway. He wasn't sad. He was happy to hear that. Deceit was an asshole. That's putting it as simply as possible. He's a little asshole. And he's proud to be an asshole. Roman then reached over with the hand he had on the rectangle part of the guitar and hovered it under his chin, asking for permission. Deceit rolled his eyes and let the curl of his lips say everything that needed to be said.

Roman began catching Deceit under his chin. Deceit's scales perked up a bit and smoothed themselves out, eager for the attention. Deceit was touched s tarred a bit, but he didn't care. Roman gave much better scratches than Remus so Deceit officially made the evil Creative side banned from touching his scales. Deceit closed his eyes and leaned into his touch, letting out a soft purring in satisfaction. Roman laughed that angelic, strong, Royal laugh that was music to Deceit's ears. Roman was so beautiful and amazing. What did he do to deserve such an amazing king? 

"Oh I'm not liking this at all~"

"Ha Ha, should I stop then? Don't answer. I already know you're going to say the opposite of whatnot you want because you're sleepy and then I'd just tease you more. We both know that's what you want, so there's no need to say anything my Emperor~"

Deceit never liked that nickname. He never liked that nickname at all. That's a fat lie. He loves it when Roman calls him his emperor. It gives him a feeling of power and superiority. Unlike the validation and love Roman feels when he gets called a prince, Deceit just liked having the feeling of power and dominance from being called Emperor. Even if he's being the most submissive little bean ever when being called it. Roman kept scratching his scales, but his hand treced up Deceit's face and behind his ear. That's not the spot at all. Nope. No sir. No ma'am. No respectable people that aren't sirs or ma'ams. Roman definately did not hit the jackpot. Roman could tell when Deceit began squinting his eyes and purring a bit louder. It made Roman laugh.

"You're absolutely adorable, you know that? Just like a little corn snake."

Deceit bit his tongue, not saying a word. He was much better than a corn snake! He was an all mighty and powerful Cobra! He was Venomous and ready to kill! Take any of his Sanders Sides appearances! Take the courtroom scenario! All of them proved how vicious he can be when it comes to getting his way! Deceit didn't want to say anything that would be misinterpreted, so he didn't say a word. He opened his eyes and pulled Roman's hand away by the wrist, eyes dialating to the light of the room after being closed for so long.

"Ssssssstop calling me cute. I hate it. And I'm not lying."

Deceit made sure to use his most serious voice to show that he was trying his best to come communicate in the tongue of normal sides. Ya'know. The truth. Roman sighed, clearly not liking it. But he obeyed. He took Deceit's hand and kissed his knuckles over his yellow gloves before licking up the guitar and placing it back in his lap. Deceit let his hand go, but only if he could rest his hand on Roman's leg in return. The price to pay. Roman began playing the guitar, learning whatever song he was trying ti learn. 

All the while Deceit was growing increasingly tired. His eyelids soon became too heavy for him to deal with, so his head leaned on Roman's shoulder and he began to lightly snore. Roman put down the guitar and picked up his lover bridal style. He smiled at his sleeping fsce and tucked him in tenderly into his own bed. Roman littered his face with goodnight kisses and filled his ears with sweet whispers of beauitful nothings before he went back to his spot on the floor, sitting cries cross applesauce, and resuming to learn the most beautiful song ever by Conan Gray on the acoustic guitar: I Know A Place

1535 Words

Yay this turned out halfway decent and I met my quota. :) Oddly enough I was thinking of how good pink and brown looks together when I started brainstormimg a short story idea. That's when I found the song and got the inspiration to write this. I'm glad I was able to get a thing at least halfway worthy of you guys out today.

People can be assholes, they can be snarky, and they can be a little bit hard to deal with. But just because they're a little hard to befriend it doesn't mean that they don't deserve love and friendship. Some people are naturally cold and naturally introverted and naturally sarcastic and naturally pessimistic/nihilistic. As long as they aren't harmful or emotionally hurting you, why not give them a chance? If they seem like an okay person... maybe try to be their friend? But if they are bullies stay away! Big difference in the kind of asshole we are talking about here! Uh... don't take that sentence out of context.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

