Anxious [Analogical]

First oneshot, Hello FamILY! I hope you enjoy!

I did edit this after seeing so many lovely comments about it. You guys deserve the best. I rarely ever edit my fanfics, but this time I made the acception. I love every one of you Beauties, Gentlebeauties, and NonBinary cuties!


Virgil woke up this morning paranoid. He hated it. He hated that word. But... what else could describe him? For no reason in particular he was antsy about every little thing and there was no reason why. No events today. No videos uploaded today. No bad dreams or anything from the other dark sides looking at you Remus. Today he was just extremely paranoid for no good reason and right off the bat, everyone else knew. Logan had conducted a plan to help ease Virgil's anxiety. We aren't going to talk about how ironic that is.

Right now, Virgil was sitting in the kitchen all alone with all the lights on with a rolled newspaper in his hands. Logan's only safe assumption is that he saw a bug, got scared, and was hunting for the kill. It wasn't a spider, however. If it was a spider Virgil would be holding a cup and an index card and keep it as a pet. Or if it's a cricket or grasshopper it's ditto. It must be a millipede or something based on the lack of cup. Logan slowly approached Virgil, who was scanning the kitchen for the threat. 

Logan placed his hand on Virgil's shoulders, startling him causing him to jump and nearly fall off the counter. Virgil dropped the newspaper and whipped his head over to glare at whoever spooked him. He relaxed when he saw Logan's calm and collected expression. He stared at him, waiting for an explanation even though he already knows what's about to happen. Something involving the anxiety spike and he'd try to Logic his way out of it. But anxiety isn't something you can cut with facts... most of the time. Okay half the time. Sometimes reassuring facts and progress eases fear.

"Come along with me."

The the butterflies and bees. Oh no, following Logan blind normally was a horrible idea. If this was a tumblr post, Virgil would say that he learned that twice at the Mexican Boarder. Only the truly introverted get that joke. Logan took his hand, which was surprisingly warm despite his cold demeanor, and helped him get off the kitchen counter. It was like some cliché Disney movie shiz. Virgil, as he walked away, made an "I'm watching you" gesture to the kitchen to the scary insect that was hidden somewhere.

Logan took Virgil into his own room. Logan's room. Logan hardly ever allows anyone to enter his room, and there's a reason. It's a quiet and calm place, but it's Logan's sanctuary. He never lets anyone in with him.. Virgil had only been in there once before when he had officially gone haywire after leaving the dark sides and having an extreme panic attack after remembering all the awful things he had done. Logan entered in a password in front of the metallic entrance and it opened electronically. Virgil froze, staring inside.

"Come on, Virgil. I understand your reluctance, but trust me when I say this is best for you."

Virgil took a sharp breath and continued to follow Logan into the void. The void where Logan goes to sleep mode and completely immerse himself. Whenever someone is in this place, i.e Logan because nobody else has ever been in here before, the rest of mind shuts down. This place is known by everyone else as "Tunnel Vision", but it's officially the Chamber of Single-Mindedness. This meant that Virgil will be forced to be in here and Thomas can only focus on taking down this inexplicable Anxiety with no reason in particular.

Logan conjured some pillows and blankets and set them down in a comfortable position. Virgil sat down and crossed his legs, knowing and not knowing what was happening at the same time. Somehow being in here only made him more antsy and he began rocking back and forth, hugging a pillow and looking around. There was nothing. Just space. Just a Galaxy. It's dark and kind of cold in here. The nothingness made him restless. Logan sat down on his knees, covering his body waist and below in a blanket. He conjured a cup of tea and handed it to Virgil.

"Now, Virgil, I am going to need you to take part in a psychotherapy session with me. I'm going to need to figure out exactly why you are anxious. No Sanders Sides episode, no Roman and Patton and Thomas, no overbearing dark sides to toy around with us, only you and I in a calm environment. Relax. Do your breathing exercises."

Virgil nodded, taking a deep breath in and holding it. One, two, three, four, five six. Then breathe out. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Virgil repeated the process before he felt himself grow level headed and his chest not feel so tingly. Virgil then took a sip of the hot tea in this cold environment. Camomile, nice touch Logan. He learned that he doesn't like green tea. He cares. Virgil smiled, letting the steam hit him in the face. He set the cup down on the invisible floor because they are literally in a Galaxy with nothing but blankets, pillows, themselves, and the tea. Now it's time to spill it. Figuratively. Virgil doesn't want to waste this perfectly good cup of tea. 👏THIS👏IS👏WHY👏WE👏SAY👏IT👏

"I don't know why I'm anxious. I just am. I wish I knew."

"Now, Virgil, there is always a reason for every emotion, wether conscious or subconscious. Since you claim to be unaware I'm guessing it's subconcious. That will force me to have to bring up several topics and I will use process of elimination to determine what is troubling you. Of course, with your consent. I will not do anything without then cinsent of the second party. Do I have your permission to conduct this session Virgil? I can promise with 100% accuracy that this will do nothing but benefit you."

"Oh, uh, sure I guess."

Virgil cringed. That did not sit right with him. Logan bluntly listing a many things that could possibly make his anxious would probably make him more anxious. This was going to give Thomas the biggest anxiety spike in the world, wasn't it? Virgil could hear a faint knocking on the metal door. It must be Roman. Patton knows better then to question Logan's methods. There was a faint screaming too. Logan sighed and snapped, making the atmosphere feel thicker and soundproofed the room both ways. He doesn't want to deal with the melodramatic meltdown of a Prince right now. That was really funny to Virgil tbh. It made him crack a small smile for maybe half a second.

"Apologies for that. You know how Roman can be when he doesn't understand what's going on. Now, let's get started shall we? Now, Virgil, do you think that you're nervous about anything revolving around career or finances?"

Virgil paused, thinking. No Thomas is pretty financially sound thanks to Logan and Roman. His two YouTube channels are doing great and he has enough money to go out with friends whenever he wants. Virgil knows better than anyone that being around friends is the best thing to help with his anxiety and insecurities. Virgil shook his head and Logan nodded, moving on to the most likely thing.

"Are you nervous around anything like sexuality and romance? You know, the things I lack all but the most basic knowledge on. Or I 'suck' at to use one of my previous vocabulary terms."

Good use of a vocabulary card. Virgil thought about it, then froze. All his friends were in relationships and Virgil was longing for that. It didn't help that he learned that the Duke and the Stuckup Snake From Hell were in a happy relationship it kicked Virgil into overdrive. Thomas should be in a relationship by now. He's thirty! Hell, he should be married by now! Perhaps Virgil was highly insecure about being alone and worried about being forever alone. Both Thomas AND himself. The paleness of his face confirmed it.

"Ah, I see. It's a deep insecurity and I apologize. However, statistically, a human being is never truly alone so I doubt you'd need to worry. I know how facts only ease you a little bit, but thank you for order identifying the problem. However, easing your anxieties is another concern."

Logan thought. Then he had an idea. Perhaps it wouldn't be best to do it in the chamber of Single-Mindedness, yet it could make for a spectacular metaphor... Logan cleared his throat and reached for Virgil's hand. He mentally changed the chamber from literal to metaphorical thought, meaning only the words will be drafted rather than the images of themselves. Thomas wouldn't want to see two versions of himself embracing. That's weird. Virgil looked at him, confused scared and melancholy. Logan is not good at this, but he can try his best.

"Listen to me. It's okay to love yourself. It is not healthy to believe that fulfillment only exists externally. Having a healthy self confidence and self love is perfectly okay. Many people ended up happy and successful with only platonic relationships and single for the rest of their lives. That is perfectly socially acceptable and you do not need to feel as though you need that to be complete. Another person does not make you whole, another person is supposed to act as company and a bonus to life. I cannot stress enough how much individuality and self happiness is intricated into daily life. You are more important than any other person. It is one hundred percent fine to be romantically single or sexually absent. As long as you are happy where you are, that needn't be the focal point of life. "

Virgil's eyes had a shine of relief and comfort from those words. Logan watched him weakly smile and finish up the rest of the tea. Logan knew that the camomile would be more favorable to Virgil. He does learn the small things. The little details mean the world to Logan, especially about Virgil. Logan stood up and clapped. Everything dissapeared and the Metal door opened. Now the "Tunnel Vision" was deactivated and Logan grabbed Virgil's hand to help him stand up. That's when Roman ran into the room, clearly angry. Cry Logan a River, Princy. Logan will happily go for a swim in it.

"Logan! I was working on something really important! What was so important that you had to- Oh. Hello Virgil. Uh... never mind Logan. That's important enough."

Roman nervously laughs and turns around to leave. Logan pulls Virgil back up onto his feet and they left the room. Logan looked the door behind him and still felt Virgil's hand in his own. Logan turned around and Virgil just stared at him blankly. Logan didn't understand emotions, but he did learn to accommodate for Virgil's needs and became fond of him. That should clear up the paragraph just before this one. Remember when Logan said the little details matter? Especially about Virgil? This is where that comes into play.

"Virgil? Are you in need of physical affection? I understand if you need physical reassurance to reaffirm the idea that you are-"

"Logan... don't hate me but..."

"You wish for some sort of romantic affection from me, Don't you? I don't blame you. I am superbly attractive~ AHEM excuse me. Regardless of that deemibly flirtatious statement; I will not mind whatever you wish for me to do for you unless it is something that involves a bed. That should be rephrased properly, forgive me. I will show you affection in any way you ask unles sit is sexual. Cuddling in bed is highly recommended."

Virgil took a deep breath. Logan had done so much for him. So much reassurance. So much help. So much care that Virgil couldn't help but love him. Virgil grabbed his hands, pausing. His heart was racing and his face was bright red. Virgil watched Logan's face for any reaction. Oh lord. He expected and predicted exactly what Virgil wanted. Logan closed his eyes and waited. He waited for Virgil to kiss him. His lips were slightly more prominent, held together and ready for Virgil to kiss him. Virgil only had the courage to give him a quick peck on the lips before making Roman's sash jealous with the color red his face was adorned with. Logan opened his eyes and watched him. He let out a small, deep laugh.

"To be honest I expected you to have a giant cliché moment like in the romance movies you watch with Roman. Come here, Virgil."

Logan brought Virgil close for an embrace, knowing how sensitive and necessary physical affection is for Virgil. Virgil closed his eyes and let his breathing go steady. The best part was that Roman and Patton were standing in then doorway, Patton handing Roman a five dollar bill. He lost the bet. 

Edited 2185 Words

Tbh I loved the new Sanders Sides video because it shows how much Logan is considerate towards Virgil and his little competitive nature towards Patton. It was a giant Logan's episode and I loved it

It's okay if you Long for romance or to be hugged or kissed. That's normal. People are social creatures, the desire for touch and romance (unless aromantic and even so the need for touch and platonic relationships may still be there) is second nature to us. People can literally go crazy without being hugged or holding hands or even brushing by someone every once in a while. That's called touch starvation and you never really notice it until you've had physical contact for the first time after a while. It is 100% okay to want to ask for a hug or wnat a relationship.

Internet hugs and blow kisses! <3

