Four [LAMP] (Apprentice AU)

This is Pengi11's prompt for the swap! I did change it quite a bit I miss sorry but I really tried! Hope you love it!


In a world scattered across time and space is a place where magic still exists. Magic of Light, magic of Darkness, magic of Anima, and magic of Astra. Of the four Pyres, there are four masters. Thomas: Master of Light. Deceit: Master of Darkness. Emile: Master of Anima. Remy: Master of Astra. The four masters rule over their lands guided by the magic of their expertise, however the magic binding their soul will not last forever, so they each must raise an apprentice.

In the aspirations of Light, a Knight of King Thomas's Royal Guard proved himself worthy to wield such an element. His name was Roman. With the smile of the sun and the confidence of a lion, he could lead the Kingdom of Light through any miserable time and keep the lanterns glowing brightly with his sheer magical energy. All he needs is to be trained in the ways of King Thomas, then the crown can be safely held in his hands.

In the shadows of darkness, Deceit raises his own flesh and blood to take over the throne. His name is Virgil. Though he may be weak and fragile mage at the moment, he has the greatest potential in the Cities of Darkness. Virgil is a unique sort of shadowing, his powers developing early and his ability to control the tremor inside him almost expertly from a young age exceeding any other. Deceit has no doubt, with some physical and emotional reaffirmation, he will be a wonderful ruler.

In the Land of Anima, a cleric boy has earned the attention of Emile. He is extremely sweet and kind, his mind for the people and the greater good. He is the spitting image of what a true Anima Child would be despite Emile and Patton sharing no common blood. Emile has taken him home to learn the Magics of Anima and teaching him how to be a wonderful Monarch, and not the butterfly like Patton tends to believe.

In the empire of Astra, a star child has fallen from the sky and been blessed to the land just as tradition foresaw it. Remy took in the star child who deemed himself Logan and taught him everything. He was quite boring and dull in Remy's opinion, however he did have his moments and was a very intellectual kid. Remy took a liking to him. Henwould make an excellent, objective and realist Emperor.

The Four Pyres Have Four Apprentices who will end up being the Four Leaders Of the world after the magic leaves their bodies and they wither away from eternal youth and life. Once they start the ritual, their bodies will be engulfed with the blue flames of heaven and their tired souls after a dozen centuries of dedication will finally be put to rest and the world put in the Apprentices' hands.

But where are those four? It's almost time...

King Thomas, Master Deceit, Monarch Emile, and Emperor Remy all set out to find the children they planned to bestow their wisdom and magical abilities to, their efforts remaining fruitless. King Thomas was freaking out, Master Deceit was fuming. Monarch Emile was worried sick, Emperor Remy was simply disappointed. Where are those kids?

Where are they?

Well... they're here.

Deep in the church of corners, where all four lands come into the center, the four lads sat around. They all were making merry without the alcohol, juice boxes with a magical remedy to improve stamina served all around as a courtesy of Patton. There were also freshly made light ambrosia thanks to Roman, a soft arm shadow blanket making all four feel welcome by Virgil, and a sky of stars overhead thanks to Logan. All four Magics working in harmony and being blissfully joyful together.

 Patton had made each of them flower crowns of different colors, showing off the beauty of the magic residing in each person. Virgil had Purple flowers, Roman had Pink, Logan had Orange, and Patton had Blue. The different colors of the different Magics in full bloom.

Roman had gifted each of them a crystal of light, connecting their souls together so that they never will have to suffer alone. The crystal glows whenever one is suffering, and they can use the crystal to teleport to one another or to simply talk using it as an communicstion device. A gift of love and light.

Virgil had created special bracelets made of shadows that will forever be engraved into the wrists of his loves. These bracelets will protect them from harm in the darkest times, building a shield whenever the user feels threatened. A protection vow from the boogeyman.

Logan plucked a star out of the sky and tore it in four, placing one fragment in each of their souls. A star's heart implanted in the soul created a natural cure against most diseases that would normally be fatal, and helps heal wounds even without medical nor magical remedies. It's a blessing from the sky.

The church of corners is and will always be a sacred place, however now it is even more sacred to the four apprentices of Pyre. The future king, the future master, the future Monarch, and the future emperor have all fallen in love and made vows to one another that they will always love, support, and remain together until death do they part. A celestial bond ties them together past the four Magics of the Earthly Realm. It was as though Destiny took them by the soul and fired the four to meet here and fall in love.

Love is a beautiful, wonderful thing.

The four were overjoyed to have found it.

So the four Apprentices went to assume their rights to their respective thrones after the sun had risen yet again. Their absence for over twelve hours was hardly excused by most, however Monarch Emile had mercy when he saw the happiness and rejuvenation eminatimg off of the hearts of the children.

The Pyres lead the children to the church of corners, where they used their magic to make four circles in linear on the ground. Respectively, each apprentice stood in their circle. They stood in the order from left to right: Roman, Virgil, Patton, Logan. However, it was Logan whonspoke uo first about the decree that the four had agreed upon together. Logan reached for Patton's hand and begun.

"We May be the Apprentices of the Pyres, but that is not what we wish to become. We do not want to end up burning ourselves to free ourselves of the shackles of great responsibility. We wish to keep this responsibility forever, livings and loving together, and creating a new world of Purity and Unity."

Patton took Virgil's hand, smiled very affectionately at him, then resumed the thought Logan left off on.

"We wish to not be addressed as any formal name. We only wish to be addressed as the Fsthers of the new United holy land. No longer will Anima, Astra, Darkness, nor Light be sepersred into Kingdoms nor Empires. The land shall unify and civilization shall grow together rather than apart. Advocation and expressions of segregation will be strictly forbidden in this new infinite era of love.

Virgil took a deep breath, shaking. He dared not look in Deceit's eye as he took Roman's hand and spoke.

"No longer shall the darkness hide and be feared. No longer shall the light be of all glorious and hold the most land. No longer shall the Anima be left in the dark about the world around them and no longer shall the Astra be ridiculed for their beliefs. Commandments shall be written, society shall be formed, and love shall be with all."

Roman did not have a hand to grab, so he just squeezed Virgil's for reassurance. He knew the shadowling needed it.

"In the name of the Celestials, in the name of Earth, Heaven, and Hell, we vow to keep our promise and live an eternity devoted to our people and our loves. We vow to live not only for ourselves, but for eachother and for those who populate the world we strive to build. We vow to spread peace, kindness, and tranquility throughout a single unified kingdom and let the people choose what they want. We vow to be accepting, forgiving, and respecting rulers of the new land."

They let their hands go and synchronized put their right hands over their left wrists, over the bracelets, and lifted their left hand to hold onto the crystals. They still wore the flower crowns from earlier, refusing to take them off. Patton and Virgil were both crying, Roman was smiling through the sorrows in his heart coming to view, and Logan remained a stoic star child as all knew him to be. They still had one last thing to say before they inherited the power to make this new world. United, the four Apprentices spoke as one.

"Thank you for everything you have done for us. We love you like fathers and we will never forget everything you have done for us. We promise to honor your memory for all we shall live by creating the serene lands of unity."

Thomas and Emile have been brought to tears. Deceit stared at the four, confused and unsure of what to feel. Remy applauded them, giving them praise for doing such a wonderful job. Thomas, Emile, and Remy lifted their hands to the air. They all turned their heads to look at Deceit: The last one to lend his strength. With a depe breath, he lifted his left hand to the sky. Glowing of their respective colors, matching the blooms on their apprentice's head, emerged from their palms. They directed it at them.

Once the blinding lights came of all sorts of different colors, there was no turning back. When the room became tranquil after the screams of pain and the tears of few, the four Pyres were gone and traces of blue flame were found in the floor. Patton fell into Virgil's arms, weeping for his dead master. Virgil ran a hand through his hair, Roman embracing the two from behind and holding them for consolation. Logan joined the group hug, a single tear sliding down the left side ornament his face.

Now it is time to keep their vow.

For all the ones they love.

1735 Words

I started writing this at three in the morning due to period cramps lol. I'm sorry if this is really bad. I kinda did the FEH blessing thing for the magic so sorry for not being original.

The lesson? I thought it was obvious. The message is to do things for love. Be brave for him. Find the courage to talk to her. Hold their hand when they need it. Ask for consent, then kiss him. Comfort her through her hard times. Ask them for help. If you love someone, you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help or offer help. In fact, you should be inclined do to so either way if you love someone. Love is a very powerful thing, ya'know. I'd do anything for someone I love, so what about you?

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

