I'm So Gay [Moceit]

I need more wholesomeness than normal today. I have no reason why, but I'm just kinda depressed. So... yeah. I love you guys.


Every time Deceit looks at Patton he wants to whisper "I'm so Gay" to himself. He always tries his best and is so adorable, even though he is kind of strict with his moral views and says lying is never good. That passive aggressiveness towards himself just makes Deceit want to prove to Patton thst he can be used for something other than evil and prove to Patton that he is worth for his love. And he isn't ashamed to say that. He wants to have Patton's love, but not like how the others have it. He wants romantic love, not familial love.

So that's why Deceit as doing this today. He wore the same suit he wore to the trial, but with a more classy context. He created this giant romantic gesture after some pointers from Roman, who didn't mind helping him after he explained its for someone he loves, in creating this amazing dinner scene. There was a feint orchestra playing in the background and there was a single candle with a blue flame burning in the centers of the table. Deceit just had to wait for the guest of honor to arrive.

"Deceit? What's all this?"

Patton found him. This exclusive place in the mind he created so where he was the only one who could enter. He made a little scavenger hunt to lead Patton here, knowing how much he loves childish games. It's another adorable thing that Deceit found that he adores about Patton. Deceit chuckled, clapping his gloved hands together. Suddenly both chairs were pulled out and Deceit walked around the table, over to Patton. He didn't answer his questions, allowing them nystery of the entire situation to give Patton a certain eagerness to stay and have a nice dinner and chat.

"Have a seat, Patton. I just want to enjoy a pleasant meal and conversation with you."

Of course that was the truth! But not the whole truth, so one could say it was a lie. Patton, confused, sat down in the chair. It was obvious he was going to scoot himself in, but it wouldn't be very ladylike of Deceit just to force him to do it himself now would it? Deceit pushed in the chair for him, pulling a napkin out from behind his ear and setting it in his lap. Deceit always had been quite the magician hadn't he? He might as well... Deceit also pulled out a macaron and handed it to the lovely man.

"Thank you Deceit! I'm just confused... why would you do all this for me?"

The simple answer? Because Deceit was so gay for Patton it physically hurt him from how hard he fanboyed over his adorable moments. Deceit didn't answer again, walking back around and sitting down across from him. With a single snap of his finger, two salads were in front of them. He made sure to add extra berries to Patton's. Deceit knows how much Patton adores strawberries and raspberries, so he added plenty. Deceit felt a great surge of pride when he caused Patton to smile.

"You don't need to worry about that. I'm just here so I can show you who I can be so you don't have to hate me."

Patton froze, stopping from digging into the berry salad and looking up at Deceit. Deceit was confused. Did he say something wrong? He thought that Patton prefers people being upfront and honest with how they feel and what they think. Deceit was doing just that. Patton's large sad eyes led to Deceit's smile falling. Did he upset Patton? How? And how can he fix it?

"Deceit I don't hate you. Do you really think that? I know I'm very protective of Thomas and I know I've been cruel to you before... but I don't hate you. You're just trying your best and I know I should let up about the entire thing but... I promise I don't hate you."

Deceit set the fork down he was about to use. Patton... doesn't hate him? He would have sworn that Patton despised lying of all sorest and despised Deceit by association. Deceit wasn't feeling too hungry anymore. Perhaps a salad isn't exactly what he wants, so he pushed the bowl to the side and grabbed his cup of ice water. Patton was too pure, and Deceit couldn't detect a single lie. Patton didn't hate him? Curiouser and curiouser.

"I know that there are some times where lying is actually good. Like Santa Claus and things that protect both you and people around you. I was just raised and told thst lying is bad and I guess I accidentally hurt you too because of it. I'm really sorry Deceit for ever making you feel hated. Is that why you brought me here? To talk to me about that? I'm sorry for making you go out of your way... but I'd love to have a nice dinner with you anyways!"

Patton beamed a smile after explaining all his guilt and the reasons behind his actions. Deceit was processing everything in his head, smile fallen and voice unusable. Deceit slowly stood up and walked around to Patton, who was watching him with confusion and a dash of melancholy sprinkled into his eyes. Deceit pulled out his chair and offered a hand to help Patton stand up. Once Patton was on his feet Deceit brought the moral side into hos embrace. He smelled like freshly cut grass and cookies. He was warm like a childhood teddy bear sitting out in the sun. It was everything he could have ever wanted. Damn, he's so gay, and this emotional moment wasn't helping in the slightest.

"You have no idea how much that means to me."

That was a lie, because he knew that Patton most certainly knew how much this really meant to Deceit. How? Because of the hug. Because of the tears threatening to lewfe the snake man's eyes. And because the note he left in Patton's room asking him to be here blatantly said that Deceit had fallen in love with Patton, and even if he didn't love him back he would want nothing more than to just share one date with him before he could move on. For closure. Patton smiled and enveloped Deceit with sunny warmth.

"Deceit, I want to keep going on dates with you. I want to experience falling in love, and I know that you will be the best person to help me with that. I want to learn about you and I want to help you, but more so I want you to help me understand and grow. I need you to help me with that, okay?"

Deceit squeezed Patton a little tighter, grinning. Those were the sweetest most important words Deceit as ever been told no in his entire life. Of course Deceit would comply with Patton's wishes. His wishes might as well be his own.

"Nothing would make me happier."

And that was the truth.

1180 Words

Yeah guys I'm not feeling too hot and I can't think of any advice so I'm just going to let you go. 

But maybe check out my quotes. It's @FandomzFangirl or my Instagram @littlemisscolor board or even my twitter @Fandomz_Fangirl. I have plenty of social media where I try and do different things, so if you ever want to see what I'm up to check those out.

And always feel free to slide into my DMs on wattpad if you ever want to talk. I'm on wattpad more than any other media and I'll be more than happy to talk to you or help you cheer up. I'm right here <3

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

