Stood Up [Logince] (Coffee Shop AU)

I was rewatching several episodes to inspire myself and scrolling through the internet through prompts. Hopefully this is good enough.


Logan watched out of the corner of his eye as the man who came here alone perhaps half an hour ago. He was constantly glancing at his phone and putting up a smile that was only to fall after he did check. Logan ran through the possible scenarios in his head. What? He's bored. It's time consuming and quite pleasant to look at a person and logic his way through what they were doing. This person seemed quite interesting.

What could this person possibly be waiting for? Perhaps it's some sort of news he is waiting for.  The frown could be from dissapointment from not getting that information. However he seemed quite dressed up and looking nice. He wasn't wearing the normal hoodie or casual clothes most customers wear on a normal basis. Perhaps he was ready for a date and the mystery sprson wasn't showing up.

After a while, Logan watched the man defeatedly sigh and put the roses he bought on the counter. Logan isn't one to be emotional or empathetic towards people, however he could understand being stood up by someone close to you with no explanation. That factor, the roses, confirmed Logan's suspicions: He was being stood up from a date. Logan stopped polishing the cups when he started a phone call. Logan listened carefully, but making sure he didn't look like he was evesdropping.

"Hey, where are you? Did you get lost or something mi amor? ...What? You're.... you're kidding me, right? ...No I DONT understand! Why are you- ... So this is it? You stand me up for a coffee shop date after eight month so of us being together to go be with a guy four years older than you!? ...Babe... don't go. Please.... I love you." 

The flight left his eyes as he dropped his phone onto the counter, sadness clouding his eyes and fists banging on the counter. He then put his head down, covering his face with his arms and his chest unevenly heaving. Was he crying? That conversation was something horrible to hear. Logan figured it was safe to assume that he was dumped after that. The despersteness in his force, the anger he had when he yelled... he obviously cared. 

Logan pursed his lips and looked at his cups. He had an idea. Normally Logan doesn't do this. He logically shouldn't. It was bad for business and it would come out of his income for the month. However... he found himself brewing a light chocolate mocha and preparing a blueberry bagel with cream cheese. You can't never go wrong with a mocha and bagel. It was personally Logan's favorite combo. Since he didn't take the man's order, he didn't know his preferences. That was his coworker Patton, the man who owned this coffee shop.

He walked over to the bar and put the coffee next to his arms, the bagel slightly away so he doesn't knock it over or cover himself with cream cheese. Logan lightly tapped his elbow, standing there and watching him lift his head. His eyes were puffy and tears stained his cheeks. He seemed to be so emotionally broken. Logan was emotionally absent, so he didn't understand. What he did understand from friends like Patton was that heartache hurt like a knife, and that's less than ideal and requires immediate attention.

"Salutations, Stranger. You have appeared to go through some sort of severe emotional heartbreak so I figured that you could use some sort of "pick me up", as my coworker Patton calls it. I have prepared a white chcolate mocha and blueberry bagel with cream cheese free of charge to help bring yourself back up to a more pleasant emotional state."

Logan said bluntly, controlling the corners of his lips so he doesn't smile. This was a severely serious scenario to be thrown into. The man looked up at him pitifully, defeat painted across his facial expression. He sat up, fixing his posture. He then breathed out what was reminiscent of a laugh and he grabbed the handle of the mug. This coffee shop uses reusable everything  offering plastic straws only to the disabled who need them. Patton's rule. He looked into the coffee to see a latte art of a heart inside. Logan is quite skilled in that craft. He smiled, looking back up at Logan. For some reason his chest felt warm on the inside and he felt the urge to smile. Why was that? He had no clue. His eyes locked into Logan's name tag before he spoke. 

"Thanks, Logan. It's just... he and I have been together for eight months and he just ditches me out of the blue! He broke up with me! Me of all people! I thought what we had... was special..."

He sipped on the coffee, rubbing his lips together to get the droplets off of them and into his mouth. Then he took a big monster bite out of the bagel, metaphorically. His eyes lit up and he started chewing. Logan couldn't help but smirk. Toasted for two minutes and coated with cream cheese, you can never go wrong with a blueberry bagel. Logan peeked over to see no line forming before he leaned over the counter, trying to start a conversation with this person. He rested his arms on the countertop and began speaking, changing the subject.

"Are you enjoying the bagel? Personally it is one of my favorite menu items. Since I didn't know your taste palette I went with something I'd enjoy."

He was just chowing down, not caring about preserving his appearance any more. It's not like he had a date or anything. He had cream cheese spread all over around his mouth and he took long gulps of coffee in between to wash it down. It was slobbish, sure, but Logan much prefered when getting to know a person to know the entirety of them and not just to good/fake habits they decide to show. Romantic, platonic, professional, no matter what context.

"This is really good, thank you so much! Are you sure this is free of charge? I take full responsibility and I will pay for this if you just tell me how much."

Logan shook his head. Logan was a man who always kept his word. This food was free so it would hence forth be free. Logan shook his head, telling the other man without any words that he should put his wallet away and not worry too much about it. The other man seemed confused by this, but that's fine. Everyone is confused about everything before they grasp the concept. 

"If you wish to repay me, the very least you could tell me is your name."

Roman laughed, finally seeing Logan's intent. Logan hasn't seen his own "game" until he found himself staring into those eyes, trying his very best to create a character profile for this man in his brain. It was almost desperate. It was almost pathetic. Patton talks about love all the time, perhaps this is Logan exoeriencing it firsthand? It just felt like a novel, the words floating off the page coming to life. The over the phone breakup, the smiles and expression this man gave him, it felt like a work of fiction fabricating itself into reality. Logan had to obey the cliché.

"Okay, you win. My name's Roman. Roman Kingston. But if you want my phone nu,her youte going to have to try a little harder than that~"

Logan laughed having a wonderful time. Roman laughed too after sending Logan a flirty little wink. It was as if the sorrow of a relationship that's literally ended five minutes ago was gone. Patton walked out from the back of the store and saw Logan socializing out of his own free will. What!? That's new. Not only that, but he's smiling!? Patton grinned and let him be, taking on the customers himself instead of hand washing all the dishes in the back. 

Logan deserves to live out his storybook.

1355 Words

I wanted to make something cute, so here it is. I hope you like it. 

Advice? Listen to some cute music. You earned it. Something happy, upbeat, but st the same time in your taste.

Internet hugs and blow kisses! 

