Bedtime [Royality]

The cover is Royality, so we need more Royality fanfics! Agreed? Agreed!


"Your hair is so soft Roman, how did you do that?"

Patton batted at his boyfriend's bangs while he was in his cat pajamas. It was ten something at night and Roman wanted to get one final thing done before bed, however Patton sitting on his lap and playing with his hair wasn't helping him much. Roman could barely see the task in front of him, not that he minded. He had his boyfriend in his sights, and he knows how Patton can get kinda loopy when he's tired.

"Patton, my love, I think it's time for you to go to sleep."

"I don't wanna be aloooooooooooooooooone. Don't leave me alone Romaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. I wanna sleep with you tonight. So I'll go to bed if you go to bed!"

Patton shined a little bit, being an adorable little bastard. He knows that Roman can't resist him when he does that cute little pout and those sad puppy dog eyes. Roman sighed, dropping his pencil. He could always work on the next short video in the morning. He thought since the fans responded well to that TikTok with everyone, he could do something kind of like that. But centered around Virgil with the Cut My Hair/This is Home trend. Sure, Roman would rather have the spotlight, but Virgil is the fan favorite wether he likes it or not.

"Here's an idea  why don't you get yourself all nice and cozy and I'll join you in... say... five minutes. I just need to spitball ideas and get the creativity out before I can sleep soundly. Does that sound good?"

Compromise, a tactic Roman learned when bickering and making alliances with Logan. The two of them are on decent terms, but they're still opposites proneness to fight. Kind of like him and Virgil. Why do famders ship him with those two anyway? He'd rather be shipped with his boyfriend Patton. Speaking of Patton, he rose an eyebrow. Did he doubt him?

"Are you sure? Pinkie Promise Me!"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Roman chuckled as he went through the motions. They were second nature to him now. Patton got off of his lap, leaving Roman's legs cold in the AC, and he trudged over to the bed where he flopped down and burrowed himself into his blankets. Good. Roman will have to take his glasses off for him in a minute but that's fine. Patton pretty much always forgets to take off his gossses before he falls asleep. Roman's used to doing that for him.

Roman took the pencil and jotted down a phrase for every idea he was contemplating. "This is Home Virgil" "CONSENT IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT Picani, Patton, Logan" "Snape, Snape, Cerberus Snape DUMBLEDORE Remus, Deceit" "Ya Liek Jazz? Me" "The Birds Work For The Bousqaise Logan, Virgil" "Just sing Give It Up with Virgil" "Literally anything cute with Patton" "Patton Queen of the Castle" 

Roman stopped when he heard a small snore from behind him. Had Patton already fell asleep? How adorable~ Roman yawned and grabbed his sleeping mask, putting it on his head before walking over to the lights. Flick and they're off. But don't worry, little glow in the dark star decals on Roman's ceiling he put in just for Patton lit up the way. 

Before anything, Roman took off Patton's glasses and safely put them on on his desk. We don't want these shattering now do we? Now he could climb under the covers and fix them because Patton would just bunch them up. Once they were nice and smoothed out, Roman did the cliché thing where he puts his hands under his head and his elbows stick out. Before long, a wild Patton appears!

In his sleep, Patton snuggles towards Roman for extra warmth and for love. Roman chuckled again. He has the cutest boyfriend in the world. Being gay isn't a choice, but it is a competition. And Roman is winning have you SEEN his boyfriend!? Roman wrapped his arm around his love and he let himself relax, flicking down the sleep mask and closing his eyes. He was so ready for a good night's sleep.

Snores filled the room and Patton grinned. Ha ha ha you were fooled! Patton was never asleep! He only pretended to be so he could get cuddles from Roman! Since Roman as hardcore snoring, Patton knew that he was too far gone to be woken uo now. His devious plan was a success! Now he can pet Roman's soft hair as long as he wanted before he had to sleep! Seriously, he JUST got out of the bathroom after a shower! How could he get it so dry and soft?

"Your hair is so soft, so pretty..."

Patton mumbled, smiling and breathing out a soft laugh. He pegged Roman's hair over his sleep mask, trying to give him the emo style bangs from 2007. He gasped when he felt a warm hand over his, holding it down and going in place. Roman!? He's supposed to be asleep! Roman brought Patton's hand down to his lips and gently kissed the knuckles.

"Bedtime, Patton. If you want I will blow your hair dry tomorrow morning when we take a shower. But for now.... sleep. Sleep my love and go into the world of dreams."

"Boo, you're no fun."

"But if I connect our dreams tonight again and take you to a water park?"

"Mega fun! Okay! Imma sleep now! See you in the dream RoRo!"

Patton leaned forward, kissing Roman's nose before snuggling up to his chest and falling asleep. Or trying his best to. Roman smiled through his sleeping mask, patting Patton's head slowly. It takes work to make a dream, and a lot of creativity. It was worth it for Patton. Once he got the entire layout and plot of the dream conjured in his mind, he placed it inside Patton's. Light snores could be heard once again and Roman smiled.

Good, now that Patton was taken care of he could just fall asleep and jump inside the Dream. It would be like a date with Patton, a real one since both of them could exoerience the same thing via dreams. Imagination truly is a wonderful, wonderful thing. Take that from Roman himself. However right now....

It's bedtime.

1050 Words

Oh my gosh this is so bad I'm so sorry. I've been having to wake up at five because for school if I even want to try writing oneshots I have to wake up at four thirty in the morning so I'm trying to wake up early so I'm not miserable so yeah.

I don't have any particular advice today, sorry. Just keep dreaming!

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

