Feb 14 [RED] (Tally Mark AU) (Polyamory Pride AU)

I love this song and I haven't been writing Emile nor Remy enough so imma go and fix that today.

A red tally mark appears on your dominant arm every time you fall in love, and that tally mark turns black when it is reciprocated. A tally mark is also scarred whenever that love ends up unrequited/in heartbreak.

TW:// Much Sadness, Very Depression


February Fourteenth had always been a very special day in Emile's Calendar. Why? Because that was the day his first and only tally mark ever turned black and he had become married to Remy: a lovely NonBinary human who had three long scarred marks on their wrist. That Valentine's Day several years ago was the most amazing thing to ever happen to Emile, and he was so happily married to Remy. That means today should be a happy day, right?


Emile locked himself in their bedroom all day and refused to come out. His significant other tried making breakfast, offering to go shopping, begging to see their precious husband but he refused to take a single step outside. Why? Because Emile was ashamed. How could he let this happen? He wept and wept until his eyes could carry no more tears. He was the worst husband in the world. He was the worst he was the absolute worst how could he dare to let any of this happen?!

He had another tally mark

And it was black

"Emile please! It's our anniversary, you want to spend it with me right? You always do. This is so unlike you... You won't even talk to me. You won't text me or call me or even try to communicate with me through the door babes. I don't like this. It hurts. What did I do wrong so I can fix it? Please don't leave me hanging like this Emm. I love you. I love you. I love you! Please... you don't have to talk. Just text me what's wrong, it's killing me. Please."

Their begging became more and more desperate and it physically hurt Emile. Showing them would hurt them. Staying hidden would hurt them. No matter what Emile did it would hurt them. He didn't want to hurt them! But he also couldn't control when tally marks showed up on his wrist. This just kind of happened and he woke up while Remy was busy frying sunny side up eggs and he locked the door. It's been hours. The breakfast Remy labored over must be cold and stale by now.

Emile reached for his phone, texting Remy a small 'I'm sorry' and then he turned it completely off. He didn't want to see their frantic responses. Emile grabbed a pillow and placed it on their knees, burying his face in it as he sat against the locked door to ensure Remy couldn't get in. Why did he ever talk to that charming man at the coffee shop? It was just supposed to be idle chatter to pass the time while Remy went to the restroom but it became so horrible. What about Emile's marriage? None of this was okay.

Remy suddenly stopped knocking and stopped yelling through the door. Emile froze and his blood went cold when he heard sniffling on the other side of the door. Were they.... was his Spouse crying? Remy never cries! Tears welded up in Emile's eyes. He messed up so bad he brought the love of his life to tears. Emile is an even worse husband than he thought.

"It's about the tally mark, isn't it? You saw it and didn't want to tell me and now you're upset. Babes... I never meant for that to happen. I love you, I promise and swear to everything I have. I love you so so much but... it just happened. I understand if you hate me for it. I understand if you assumed I was cheating on you. I would never cheat on my baby boy! Never! It's all a big misunderstanding, but if you don't want to talk or listen... that's okay. You have a right to be mad. I have a bright red tally mark... next to yours... and that's cause enough for you to hate my guts."

They.... had one too?

Emile stood up, wiping his eyes. He unlocked the doors and staggered backwards. Slowly, Remy opened the door. Emile kept his head bowed, refusing to say a single word. Remy didn't dare speak, they were too ashamed. But Emile was even more ashamed. With nothing to say and a rush of tears hidden behind his eyes He showcased his forearm: a second red tally mark. Remy held back a gasp and took his arm in his hand, tracing the mark with their index finger. Emile's voice was broken from crying for nearly four hours.

"I'm such a bad husband... I'm sorry... that guy from the coffee shop..."

"Wait, that man who wore a yellow and black checkered scarf and that boweler hat who has heterochromia who dressed real nice and had a huge thing for iced coffee?"

Emile nodded and then Remy grabbed Emile's hand, dragging him to their shared bed. Remy took out their phone and showed off the contact they had for the man. 💛🖤Cute Guy🖤💛 Remy opened up the text messages and they handed the phone to Emile. He scrolled through the phone. They laughed and had fun and made jokes. Emile froze when he saw messages from the man mentioning him. 

'Yeah I met a cute guy at the coffee shop today. He seemed too precious for this world. You would have definately loved him and teased the hell out of him. I know I wanted to.'

'He wore this really cute sweater. He was like one of those Valentine's Day dolls you see in a window. He was cute, I kinda wished I could have talked to him more.'

Those two texts... were about him?

"I believe we both have a crush on the same guy, and he likes us back. Maybe perhaps... we can just call him? Maybe if he likes us both... he would go on a date with us both? I don't know how any of this works... like hell if I know anything right babes? But yeah. We both have red tally marks for the same guy, we both love eachother totes to death and maybe... this doesn't have to end bad. Maybe this can have a happy ending. If it's a mistake, great! If not, also great! I'm sorry I have no idea what I'm talking about-"

"No no it's okay. I don't know either, but we don't know unless we try! I'm just glad I didn't end up doing anything wrong..."

Remy brushed some hair out of his face and smiled at him. Emile knew exactly what that meant. "You could never do anything wrong, Emile. All your feelings are perfectly valid." Remy didn't need to say anything to give that entire speech to Emile again. They took their phone and called the number, putting it on speakerphone. It rang once, it rang twice, and score! Emile lost all his confidences when that man from the coffee shop's Suave voice rang through the phone.


"Heyyyyy Dee, it's Rem. You asked me out on a date this Valentine's Day and I said no because I told you that I have a husband. Remember that cute guy you said you met? That's my husband. We both have bright red tally marks we know are from you. So I'll go on the date if mg husband can come along with."

There was a long pause. Remy didn't seem to be nervous at all, just like always. They have always been a very confident person. Emile slid his hand into theirs, squeezing it tight out of sheer fear. Emile's heart was pounding out his chest. They're so cool and they seemed very sophisticated. But Remy... Emile has no idea what emotions he is feeling right now but there's just a lot of emotions and this is all happening so fast. Remy presses a quick kiss to his cheek when they finally got a response from the cute coffee shop yellow boi.

"Of course Remy, I'd love to take you and your husband on a date later today. Why don't the two of you meet me at that coffee shop? I'll reserve a table~ I'll see you both in two hours~"

tWO HOURS!? Emile yelled as Remy slammed his phone down on the bed in a deadline stress. They fumbled to grab a bunch of makeup and threw open the closet. Emile was frozen in disbelief. He said okay? Remy is okay with this? Emile can have two red tally marks and still have it's be healthy? Emile started smiling and sitting there, watching his enby lover go into a frenzy to get ready to be presentable to the public after their shared mental breakdown.

February Fourteenth was the day that he and Remy had started dating, but now February Fourteenth was the first day was the day he, Remy, and Dee went on their first date. Valentine's Day is a very special day, and will always be circled on Emile's Calendar. So next Valentine's Day when Dee moves in with them and they adopt three Snow White cats it will be extra special, even more than before, because Emile knows that this is okay.

1544 Words


My close friend Luka, who is one of the only people I am out about gender wise, has been cheated on various times because he discovered his boyfriend was poly and had many relationships openly even though NONE of his partners knew about it and nor were they okay with it. Polyamory is the loving of multiple people with consent of your partners, if there is no consent that is cheating.

Just needed to spread some truth real quick because loads of people think that polyamory is socially acceptable cheating. Cheating is secret, polyamory is consensual. There is a difference.

Okay but yeah, we got the oneshot done. Sorry it's sad I am really depressed Rn. Lmao I'll be fine.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

