Side Character [Analogical] (Storybook AU)

There's just something about a "going against destiny" trope in fanfics I love, Soulmate AU or fantasy, I just love it.


Logan is nothing but a side character. He is the brother of the Crown Prince of Harmonia. He was aware of this place being nothing but a storybook. He had the story memorized by each string of dialogue, yet he didn't care that his worth was nothing in the narrative of this world. He was the only character who could ever break from that path and nobody would ever know. Why? Because he was naught but a side character. It's reasuring to know that no matter what you will get a happy ending though.

Virgil is the main antagonist for the majority of the story. He works for the two villains who are behind the destruction of the universe until he has his major breakdown. He almost assasinates Roman before his conscious forbids him to and he crumbles in the arms of the main character: Roman. Then the house join forces to stop the two bad guys from destroying the world, including the unloved abandoned twin of Roman and older brother of Logan. However there was one problem:

Logan has developed an affinity for Virgil.

He had read through his own story and found himself infatuated with Virgil's story. The man forced to do bad things because he had grown up with nothing other than villainy only to break down with the crushing pressure of his inner morals. He made mistakes and learned, then he goes back to fix everything he has ever done. Logan had become one of the fans, Virgil as his favorite character. Logan, dare he say, started developing feelings for him. But, he's a side character. The Epilogue ends with the marrsige of Virgil and Roman. It wasn't meant to be.

It was torture every time the story came to a close and he was forced to be the best man for his older brother who got everything. The fame, the fortune, and the man of his dreams. Logan never dared say a word, not knowing what would happen if he altered the story in any way. He always knew it was coming, and he will always pretend to smile for his brother whenever he gets to marry the man that Logan loves. He never even got a chance, thank you author. Thank you for breaking Logan's heart. So every time someone opens the book.... Logan knows he must go through the bittersweet ending once more.


He looked up when he heard the casual voice of the future second king to Harmonia. Logan was extremely confused. Throughout the entire story he had no dialogue with Virgil until the epilogues where he tells him a single sentence: take care of the kingdom. The book hasn't been opened in a while, so life had been pretty domestic and happy. It's  not like anything else can happen. There isn't any sequel. Logan closed the book he was reading as Virgil sat across from him in a chair.

"Virgil, what can I do for you?"

"You know about it too, right? The storybook?"

Logan felt everything freeze around him. His blood went cold, making everything feel hotter around him. He blankly stared at Virgil's face as he compressed himself together. He cringed his shoulders together, holding his hands in his lap and crossing his legs by the ankles. He had this guilty, pitiful look all over his face. Virgil realized that Logan wasn't going to talk and he let out a sigh, averting his eyes to the ground. When did he learn? What is he doing talking about this? What is going on? Did it have anything to do with him as a person rather than the useless brother nobody loves? 

"Sorry, I must habe scared you. I thought since you're the smartest person here you'd know. But I have proof! I've found the end of the world. It's by the tower I use daily to live in. It's all dark over there now because the book is closed. I found the page where it talks about the authod and everything. And I just really need someone to talk to about this because I don't want to hurt Roman ya'know?"

"No I knew the same thing from a long time ago. I'm just surprised that someone else is self aware about this entire thing. I'm also curious about what you mean by not wanting to hurt my older brother. I assumed you were happily in love and could tell eachother everything based off of everything you went through."

"That's the entire thing, Logan. After learning about it all everything feels... fake. I had no choice in what to say or what to do or who I'd have feelings for. The books is closed to I guess that means I'm sentient or whatever. I'm... a person rather than a character. And when I'm actually me rather than the pathetic little Smol Bean the author described me to be... I feel like I'm different. I'm not a venerable little anxious baby. I'm more of a casual person. I'm stronger than what they said I am. I'm not shy, I have anxiety. And the part about hurting Roman... I don't think I love him. Like, me me. Character me loves him... but I don't think I do."

Logan listened through his problems. He went through something similar when he first learned this. He had a huge inferiority complex. He actually, in between the plot, wrote his own story and tired figuring out a magic spell to throw himself in. He burned that journal since he's a human. Humans can't use magic in this world. Virgil brought his knees up to his chest. I like what was exoected of him, he didn't cry. He just sat there in his own gloom. That's the difference between story Virgil and real Virgil. The Virgil everyone fell in love with and the Virgil Logan loved. He could see past just the words. He could see the actual person. Especially after the epilogue and sometimes between the story. It was different than what the author wrote. That's the Virgil Logan loved.

"I understand."

"You... you do?"

"In the Vice Versa. I had fallen in love with someone who I wasn't supposed to be with. That I'm not supposed to be with. Surprising that someone like me would fall in love, correct? I understand the shock. I went through the same shock. It's like the entire universe is telling y'all out know and even though you know you get a happily ever after you are still in agony. Then I remember... I'm just a side character. I'm the younger brother only used for information and my older brother's character development. I love that arrogant man, but I wish I could just be more and follow my own passions. It's like you never want the book to open again..."

Virgil stared at Logan as he pouted his entire heart out. He wasn't used to this. Normally he lived in solitude. Nobody ever talked to the intellectual prince unless they needed something of him. His rbf scared people away. Nobody loved him. Nobody got to know him. He did have his backstory and the fake memories implanted in his head. Roman did have some affection for him, but there's nothing. There's no one. He didn't have Virgil. He didn't have anyone like Virgil.

Virgil stood up and sat down next to Roman on the small sofa. He looked st the novel resting on his legs. It was a romance novel. Logan held his breath, staring forward as he felt a small weight on Logan's shoulder. Logan didn't want to look at him for some reason. Shame flushed his fsce pink but he tried his best to hide it. He curled his fingers around the book, clutching it tightly towards his abdomen. He didn't look at Virgil even though he desperately wanted to. His heart rate was going so fast. What was going on? Was this really happening?

"It's me, isn't it?"

Logan held his breath. He didn't answer. Virgil laughed at him. He laughed in his lower voice, the darker voice. The voice that he used when he was a villain. The evil laugh everyone knew, but it was quieter and softer. It was actually really nice. It must haven besn really obvious for him to figure it out immediately. 

"I wonder. What is it like to fall in love with someone voluntarily? I thought I knew what that was, but I guess I never really did. What is that like, Logan?"

"'s magical."

"Magical? Hmmm. I wish I knew what that meant."

Virgil started breathing steadily, realizing his shoulders and closing his eyes. Logan decided he should fight the shame. He turned his head and saw Virgil sleeping on his shoulder with a light smirk curling the corners of his lips. He was absolutely beauitful. He was amazing. Logan warmly smiled and looked down. He opened the novel in his lap, flipping to then page he was just on. His heart rate was calming down, but his chest felt amazingly warm and tingly. Was this the extend of love? Is this what Roman had the blessing of feeling every day in his heroic post-adventure? It's a wonderful feeling.

Logan looked up after a half hour to see Roman all into the library looking for his husband. He saw Virgil asleep on Logan's shoulder. His smile fell for a moment, analyzing the situation. Then he saw the absolute genuine smile on his brother's face. Logan mouthed the words "what do you need?" To his older brother. Roman just grinned and shook his head, waving himself off dismissively and leaving the two most important people in his life alone. He probably saw it as a brother and brother in law bonding experience. Logan must've read Virgil a bedtime story for him to take a nap in Roman's eyes. Logan looked back at Virgil, who had one eye open.  The two of them waited a moment, saying nothing, before softly laughing between themselves. 

This whole thing was so messed up.

1675 Words

Forbidden Love, beauitful in stories but torture for those within it. Onlookers love it, but participants despise it.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

