Sending Love [Analogical] (College AU)

This was my prompt for Pengi11 and I's prompt swap! It's not as good as Jordan's prompt, so yeah. Ready? 


Virgil looked out the window. It's eleven at night on the dot. He has eleven minutes to get everything ready. The moon was shining bright and full, the stars gleaming behind it. Virgil's Dad was somewhere up there, watching him from whatever afterlife awaited him. Virgil got the safe that his Mom got him last time she visited him in his college dorm and started using it.  He has to hurry because it's almost time.

Eleven minutes pass and it's now Eleven Eleven. The sage filled his room and he put duct tape over the fire alarm since the batteries wouldn't come out. He had pictures out and he held the Lockett he never took off, not even when he showered or slept. It used to belong to his mother before he went of freedom the college. It's a picture of both his parents, an engagement gift that his father gave to his  other back in 1995. It's Virgil's most prized Possetion.

"It's Eleven Eleven Daddy, and I love you. Life is doing fine and classes are going well. I'm one day closer to getting our store and one day closer into living our dream. Sending the Love and Good Vibes from College. Miss ya Daddy, see you in the morning."

Virgil watched the clock change from Eleven Eleven to Eleven Twelve. Virgil smiled, feeling very happy with himself. He sent the love likes he's so supposed to every morning and every night. Well, Momma nevertheless told him to do it at night but double the love is double the love. It doesn't change the fact that it doesn't change the fact, and you can't argue with those facts. Virgil looked back from the window to the door to see his "roommate" Logan standing there. Virgil's smile fell. Oh dear.

"The smoke detector in the kitchen went off and I had to deal with the authorities. You roried me away from my homework and now I have lost my train of thought. Why is your room full of smoke at eleven at night? That's dangerous and I am concerned for your well being."

Let's explain a little bit about Logan. He's a physics major who has grown up in a family that pushed him for success. He's very realist and very stoic. The two of them don't talk much because they're both busy, however they share a common area I; their dorm and a bathroom so they only share the most basic of interactions. This just happens to fall in that category. Virgil sighed, he should probably explain the story should he? Virgil never talked about this with anyone but Momma... maybe it will feel better to talk about it and maybe bring them closer? Virgil doesn't have friends anyway. Logan's the closest thing to a friend he has thanks to his weird beliefs that's not exactly religion.

"Do you want to hear a story, Logan? It's basically my entire childhood and why I do the things I do. It's cool if you don't! I, uh... Yeah. Wanna hear a story?"

Logan stared into Virgil's yes with no emotion, brain probably burnt out from all the work and all nighters he has been doing forever. Logan sighed and sat down on the other side of his bed, wafting away the sage. Virgil decided to put out the sage first before pouring out his entire heart and emotions to this person. Virgil didn't feel any anxiety though, he felt love and warmth. Thanks Dad.

"Well, back during 9/11 my Dad was on the plane that was supposed to crash into the Pentagon. He was coming home from a trip. He called us at home and talked to us. He told us stories and assured us everything was fine. He would talk about how the future was bright and how the stars would always watch us. Then he said goodbye and hung up. We heard his flight crashed and he died. My Dad believed in zodiacs and crystals and fortunes, just like me. My Mom taught me that every day and every night at Eleven Eleven to send him love from this earth to the afterlife so he knows we love him. Soooooo yeah. That's why I'm up so late with sage in my room. I do this every night so I'm wondering why just tonight anybody noticed."

Virgil laughed, glancing back out to the moon. He saw a shooting star. Virgil gasped and flung himself over to the window, grinning. Logan rose an eyebrow and glanced over that way too, remaining silent as to respect Virgil.

"That was him! A shooting star! That must have bene him from the afterlife wishing us luck! Shooting Stars normally mean wishes, don't they? That's so cool! Since we both saw it that means we both get a wish! I know that I wish for future success to live out my father's dreams. I'd also selfishly ask for companionship for the rest of my days but eh. The Shop and fulfilling his wishes means more to me. So what about you, Logan? What would you wish for?"

Virgil looked back at Logan, super mega excited. He only has seen a shooting starting once before and that was on the night of the funeral when be and his mom were looking through the stars to trying to figure out which was the lucky one that carried his dad's soul. The shooting starts lead to one of the ones around the moon. Virgil watched as Logan's face softened, he let out a sigh and actually curled his lips upwards into a smile. Wow, that's new.

"I'd probably also wish for a companion. I don't think that's selfish one bit. Your company is pleasant and would be a gift to another. In fact... we haven't talked enough have we? I'll happy to be a friend to you. I'll be a companion to you, Virgil, and I'm glad you found happiness and overcame your great sorrows."

Virgil beamed. Wow, those words really do mean a lot. Virgil felt his heart flutter and his face brighten up like ten million fireflies. Virgil nodded, the two of them shaking hands to form an agreement. But for now... it's sleepytime. They must sleep and get rid of the sage before the authorities come again and get Virgil in trouble.

1000 Words

Yeah my prompt was garbage in comparison to Jordan's. Theirs is so good!

Advice? Do what makes you happy and feel free to follow your beleifs. Nobody should bash you for what you believe in. Period.

