Love Song [Logicality]

This was my idea for Pengi11's prompt swap with me. I know their prompt is so much better but I tried my best to think of something cute.

💙💙💙Kaito💙💙💙 AAAAAAAA I LOVE KAITO SHIOOOOOOON 💝❤️🧡💛💚💙💜♥️💖💘💕💗💓

EDIT WHILE WRITING THIS:// Okay so heads up I plan on going ALL OUT on this one because that song. I've been having a creative block so I want to make up for it like this. I hope you enjoy!


Logan sighed, watching as Patton sat in the window. Logan had never seen the mindscale this bad before. In all of the recountable life of Thomas Sanders he had never seen everyone so depressed. Virgil would his and swat at you if you so much as tapped him on the shoulder, Roman shut himself in his room and refused to be productive and claimed he wouldn't never love nor trust again, and Patton didn't talk to anyone. He just would sadly look at someone and turn his head away, zoning out once more. It pained Logan to see his fellow Sides this way, Patton especially.

Logan decided that he's had enough of this. Thomas has had time to mend himself and wallow in self pity over everything that happened. Logan had added up the time it would take someone to get over a romantic attachment and a betrayal of a close friend and added a few extra days! It's been almost a month now! Thomas needs to get back to being productive and give himself a better mindset so he can go back to being his happy, helpful, healthful self. Starting with Virgil. Logan tapped his shoulder to get his attention and got hissed at Virgil jumping backwards and show off his nails like claws.

"Back off!"


"Get away from me! I don't want anyone near me! You touch me i will scratch you and I'll scream for help! Remus will knock your head right off your shoulders and Roman will slice his sword right through you! I knowitwon'thurtyoubutstill!"

"Virgil enough. I'm done with this behavior, it's is simply unacceptable over this extended period of time. There hasn't been a single reason to be out on guard since the incidents. Our loved ones have been nothing but supportive and I can promise you we shall take all necessary precautions to prevent something like this ever happening again. I can assure you that it's okay to stand down, and I thank you for being on guard. However it's time to relax, okay?"

Virgil stuffed his hands in his pockets and scoffed. Flipping his hair and turning his head away. Logan was right, just as he always was. Logan took a deep breath and placed his hand comfortingly on his head. He hasn't mastered the 'headpat' yet. Virgil looked up at Logan, tears forming in his eyes. He was clearly put into overdrive. He was hurting too much. Virgil threw himself into Logan's arms, desperately needing a hug. Logan comfortingly rubbed circles on his back as Virgil cried. Perhaps he was too harsh, then again sometimes you need a harsh shove in the right direction. 

"All good, Virge?"

"Yeah... yeah I'll be aight. I know you're probably gonna tell me we gonna go and get Roman and Patton better now because it's optimal or whatever..."

"Yes, actually, however your feelings do matter and are valid. If you are ready, we can go and get Roman. I have already determined that simply talking to Patton wouldn't be enough. I put some thought into it and narrowed it down that a gesture or demonstration of affection would be the easiest thing to help Patton cheer up. Since you like playing thst instrument of yours and Roman adores singing, I put in some thought that we make a song. Not only will it cheer you and Roman up, getting you both more motivated, but it would also cheer up Patton. The last thing you want to hear is a plan, but a plan is exactly what we need."

"Yeah, I get that. Actually that sounds kinda dope. Count me in. Plus, if you agree thst you're singing Roman will do an entire 180. Thanks, Logan. The fact you're looking out for us... it's really cool."

"That's just what good family does."

Virgil smiled and gave Logan one last squeeze before weaving himself out of his arms. Well, there's the plan. Virgil wiped his eyes, making his sleeves bigger than his hands because he's probably ashamed of his angsty sharp black nails. Logan tried the headpat again before before they began walking towards Roman's room to knock on the door. 

But then Virgil realized that his makeup ran while he was crying, and he got a little bit on Logan's necktie. Virgil begged to go fix his makeup before they went to Roman. Logan agreed and they both went to the bathroom so Virgil could fix his emo makeup. Fix his mascara and eyeshadow, ya know? Virgil sat on the sink counter and started fixing his makeup while Logan leaned against the wall. Virgil, now composed after his mental breakdown, tried to start a normal conversation based on Logan's brilliant plan. You know, the music dealio. The love song.

"What kind of song you thinking? What kind of instrumentals? Like you want a ukulele kind of happy deal or a deep acoustic or piano emotional ballad? Knowing Patton he'd like something kind of happy."

"I'm not a music person, nor am I good at creating music or lyrics. I only know how to use poetic language and find deeper meanings within literature. But... Yes. I'd assume Patton would prefer an upbeat ukulele song similar to Dodie Clark's music. I honestly don't care whatever the song is about, as long as everanything returns back to normal and Patton is happy again..."

"Of course this entire thing is about Patton. You're 🎵Absolutely Smitten and you'll never let him go.🎵 Sorry, I know I sound like Roman but I kinda had to make the reference. It's too perfect. And don't apologize for being insensitive, 'cause you ain't."

Virgil slid off the counter and snickered, like a little brother who knows his older brother has a girlfriend and he can blackmail him by threatening to tell mom. Virgil had done a figurative 180 in a matter of seconds. Virgil was all fixed up and ready to go. Logan followed Virgil down the hall to Roman's room. Virgil stepped out of the way so Logan could do his thing. Virgil had no idea what he was doing! Logan took a Sharp Inhale, knowing how difficult it was going to be dealing with the dramatic persona, before he knocked on the door. Silence. Logan knocked again, getting snapped at for repeating the action.

"Shut up! I don't want to see anyone for the next thousand years! Go away!"

"Roman, certainly you are exaggerating. You are a very social side, an extrovert, yoh need social interaction to feel fulfilled. Open the door, Virgil and I have a small project in mind to help life your spirits. Not a Thomas project we need to get done, but something for us and our mental health. Open the door."

A brief pause of silence filled the air, making it awkward. The door cracked open and the two left brain Sides were allowed into Creativity's room. Passers were strewn about and the mirror were covered with red cloaks. The door to the stage was barred shut with wooden boards and Roman was sitting in the middle of the floor, stress eating homemade vanilla vegan ice cream. It's almond milk. Roman obviously hadn't taken care of himself for many days, his skin almost as pale as Virgil's fixed white foundation. Virgil pushed forward past Logan, sitting at Roman's side and enveloping him in a side hug.

"Empire? Hey, come on now. You're scaring me..."

"Virgil? Pardon... I didn't realize you were here too. I didn't want you to see me in such a state... Logan's seen me at my lowest point before... But to have someone steal all of our hard work and claim it as their own? It's not only an insult to my brilliance, but to Joan's and Jamahl's! Virgil, Logan, they ROBBED US of OUR hard work! Joan crafted gorgeous lyrics and Jamahl created an outstanding masterpiece of an instrumental track and we poured every bit of ourselves into the singing and acting! It's an insult!"


"No I'm not done Logan let me vent! Then that friend turns around and leaves and now we're left with our boyfriend who wants to break up with us for no reason??? Like LITERALLY no reason at all??? I don't understand! Was I not good enough for him?! Not romantic enough?! Because I was so romantic and charming he might as well have been Tiana because I was a perfect ten just like Naveen! But... what did I do wrong? Why weren't we enough? Why couldn't I keep him? He made us all happy! He made us all feel amazing! You yourself even said yoh approved of him for our future Logan! And you liked him Virgil! You don't like a lot of people easily! I just... what did I do wrong?"

"Roman enough."

"Ro, you did nothing wrong. If anything it was me-"

"Virgil enough. Both of you need to calm down. Neither of you were at fault. There are an infinite number of possible reasons and scenarios to why he could have not wanted to be in a relationship with Thomas any more. None of us are more at fault than the other. As for the betrayal... There is nothing to be done as of now. What's done is done. We shall prevent that in the future and create something even greater. That's leads to my plan: to stimulate your creativity and ease Virgil's anxiety I suggest we make a song ourselves. A happy one of Love and acceptance to provide reassurance within you both and Patton."

"Mostly for Patton~"

"Virgil, hush. My personal bias and desired outcome is irrelevant. The benefits to you and Roman are what should be focused on right now. Virgil, you've always found music to be something that gives you ease and the ability to calm your anxiety to a more stable form while Roman, you express yourself through music and allow yourself to give in entirely to your creativity."

Roman nodded, regaining strength and color in his face. He snapped his fingers and his ukulele from the corner of the room, an exact replica of Joan's current Ukulele, flew into his hand. He gave the instrument to Virgil, who sat up with Bette posture to hold the instrument in his lap. We can't say he sat up straight because there's no way in this gay ass book that Virgil can sit up straight. Virgil began to tune the ukulele. Roman smiled and gave Virgil a small peck on the cheek just to get him flustered. Before Roman could get yelled at, he began talking to Logan.

"So are you going to help or were you here just to tell us what to do?"

"Well, Virgil had stated that you'd be much more motivated if I agreed to... lend my vocals... he also brought up the fact the song might have more meaning if I add my voice just to make Patton happy."

"Aww, I knew you were a sap Logan. Now shoo! We'll work on the song and we'll summon you when we are done! Bye bye!"

Like that, Logan was shoved out of the room and had the door slammed behind him. Logan sighed. How quickly those two could be thrown into every which mood... it was startling. Logan foxed his glasses and looked at his tie. He still had a black smudge from Virgil's makeup smearing during his little mental breakdown. That's okay. Logan went to the laundry room and threw it in with the dirty laundry, snapping his fingers so a new tie would replace it. He then walked to the living room. Sure enough, Patton was in there.

Patton was frowning, his cheeks pale and his eyes extremely dry. He cried out all his tears. His poor little heart was shattered. He couldn't trust anyone with his heart after those two major figurative wounds back to back. Logan needs to fix this. He had to fix this. He's going to fix this. Logan turned away and walked to his room, a certain slippery snake stalking him and watching him. Logan knew he was being followed, so he decided to humor the embodiment of dishonesty until he was right in front of his room door. Logan turned around and crossed his arms, waiting for the shady bitch to show himself. He scowled with a snake-like lisp.

"Sssssauch determination. I wonder what motivessssss you have."

"Falsehoods, my motives are as clear as a transparent object."

"Of course they are. Manipulating your fellow sides to become more productive to suit your needs? How diabolical. I have to admit i do admire that about you Logan. You aren't afraid to do whatever you deem necessary to get what you want accomplished. It's suuuuuuuch a shame... Oh, I really shouldn't say that to your face~"

"Say it."

"Remus is totally not in your room. He's not going to try and distract you because he's bored again and I refuse to cover for you. Have fun dealing with that mess."

With a sinaster laugh, he slithered away back into the shadows. Logan leaned against the door and surely enough he could hear breathing and... other questionable sounds on the other side. Logan would rather not 'deal with that mess' at the very moment. He could always fix whatever mess Remus made in his room as long as Remus was out of the way and entertaining himself. If he had to not wear socks for the rest of the week then so be it. He could always borrow some fuzzy socks from another side.

Logan was about to return to the living room when he felt a pull at is ankles. Whelp. Here we go. In a blur of motion he was springing up into Roman's room, a piece of paper being ushered into his hands. Logan took once look at the paper and he realized that he was going to be singing pretty much the entire thing. Oh no. He didn't say he was going to lend his voice, not use only HIS voice, correct? Or was there some sort of misinterpretation? Surely there was. Logan didn't even read the lyrics, he shoved the paper back into Roman's hands.

"I'm not singing all that."

"Oh yes you are! Weren't you the one who came barging in here telling us to write a song and get over ourselves? You said yourself that if you sang it then Patton would be much happier! Plus I made a masterpiece for you! Sing it!"

"Come on, Logan, just sing it. We all know you can. We all have the same voice."

Logan grimaced to himself and read over the lyrics. Oh wow this is dangerously cheesy, just like a package of Cheetos. He had to make the slogan referencw, apologies for making the entire viewing party cringe. Logan sat down and listened to Virgil play the music on his ukulele, Roman helping him by playing a piano accompaniment. It appeared that Logan truly was going to be the only one singing. This was going to be quite... less than ideal. However Logan's personal preference is irrelevant. This needs to happen to make Patton start smiling once again. This need to happen for the betterment of Thomas.

"Fine. It doesn't seem like a laborious vocal job, thank you Roman for taking that's much into consideration. Now all we need is Patton and-"

"Got it!"

Roman threw his hand upwards, summoning Patton in the center of the room. The poor broken heart barely lifted his head up to look around, hugging his knees and wearing his cat onesie. He wasn't wearing that earlier. He was also eating a candy cane. Patton didn't look at Roman nor Logan. He glanced at Virgil though, giving him his big sad puppy dog eyes. It made Logan even more determined to cheer him up.

"Virge? What's going on?"

"Logan wanted us to cheer you up, so we kinda wrote this song and Logan wanted to sing it for you I guess. It's time to start warming up again."

"But... what if I don't want to warm up? I'm just going to get hurt again like the naïve boy i am..."

"No Patton. It's my turn to be the parent. We're gonna cheer you up. I'm tired of being on edge and Roman is ready to try again if you are. Here's a secret: Logan planned this entire thing just for you. He wants to see you happy so won't you just let him try?"

Patton looked over at Logan, very dejected. Logan nodded to affirm what Virgil said to the poor moral side. He nodded to allow Logan to know he understood and to allow him to try. Roman pumped his fist with a small cheer, happily seating himself at his piano. Virgil reached for his ukulele and sat next to Patton, the two other sides facing Logan. The duo began to play their instruments, leading into where Logan's cue was. Logan knew everything about music, the processes begin a very logical thing and a pattern needing to be understood, so he knew exactly when he must... oh, it's time. He sucked up his pride and began to sing. Like actually sing and mot just say the words. This should work...

"🎶I saw you over standing by the window, what were you looking at? You know that sunshine can't compare to you anyways so why even look? I wanted to reach over and grab you by the hand, maybe take you outside, go to the park, or anywhere would be a start?🎶"

"🎵Hey hey I was wondering if could possibly borrow your number? Don't need it for a while, I laugh it off with a smile, I just want to talk to you. Maybe soon I could pry you away from your life, take you on an adventure, wherever you want to go, my only goal is to make you smile you know.🎵"

"🎶I know that life is rough, life is hard, and life can make you stare out thst window. But maybe take a step back? Smell the roses? Let yourself shine as bright se thst sun outside! You may not think so but even on your darkest days you still are bright like that sun, always a beacon of joy and pride sent our ways.🎶"

"🎵So when I saw you standing there by that window, I wanted to say hey, let's go out and play, and do whatever that makes you feel like the sun. So when I saw you standing there by that window, I thought I might ask, or flirt around a bit, hut to get you to smile at my wit.🎵"

"🎶Hey hey for real I wasn't wondering if maybe you would like to go out with me, and maybe see the stars or a movie? I know getting over a heartache or two can be kinda hard. So why not take it slow? Make a fire, keep it low? And soon your heart can mend and try again.🎶" 

Logan let out a deep breath, finally done. Thst entirely original song was made just for Patton. It kickstarted creativity, soothes anxiety, and mended the heart. The three things that Logan could never do on his own. Logan didn't realize he closed his eyes, nor did he notice that his glasses were slipping off of his face until just now. He opened his eyes and pressed his glasses back up against his nose. Patton was... smiling. Patton was smiling! Logan had never felt prouder. Not only was he correct, but he had gotten something he desired for quite a long time: a Sunshine Patton smile. And it was for him. That was a falsehood, but for once Logan didn't mind that one.

Logan grinned like an idiot when patron sprang up to his feet and hugged Logan. It wasn't like the hug Virgil had forced onto Logan before. Instead of burrying his arms under Logan's and pressing his face into Logan's chest for comfort Patton wrapped his arms over Logan's shoulders and hugged his neck, throwing himself on his tippie toes and nearly knocking Logan over. Patton's chin rested on Logan's shoulder just next to his neck. It was a very warm hug. Logan held him, just as he held Virgil. But it was different. This one was different.

"Logan, thank you! Roman those lyrics were beautiful and Virgil I loved your playing! But... Logan! You sang! You hate singing! But you sang, for me! I haven't been this happy in a really long time! Ha ha... I loved the song thank you all so much!"

"So does this mean we can try again Patton? I've already got so many ideas! I'm ready to charge back in there and- OWWW!!! Virgiiiiiil!"

"Take it easy on him, Empire. We've been stuck In that loop of depression for nearly a damn month. Patton needs time to warm up again like I do."

"You do? But you got better in a snap!"

"No I didn't, ask Logan. I had a breakdown like I normally do, not that it matters now. We should really shut up and let Logan and Pat have their moment."

Patton giggled at the other two's behavior. Patton never did let go of Logan, but he did shift his position in the hug. He moved his arms and leaned against Logan's chest, listengin for heartbeat.  Naturally, no sides have a heartbeat. So Logan had to make one so Patton could listen to it. As he researched and experienced through Thomas's childhood and relationships: listening to something steady Is calming and your own heartbeat matches, allowing you to grow calmer as well. Logan ran his hand through Patton's hair, never taking his focus off of him. PAtton was both figuratively and physically warming up.

"Did you really do this all for me? Or did you do it all for Thomas?"

"While Yes, my best interest is always for the benefit for Thomas, for once he wasn't my top priority and biased outcome. What my main driving force was this time was... you. I deperstelt desired to see you smile again, Patton."

"Well, here you go! One Genuine Patton Smile! You did a great job Logan, thank you."

There was a pause in time. Patton took a small breath in, his face dusting Pink a Little bit. 

"I love you."

Logan kind of froze. It was like all functions of logic were wiped sway clean. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak, and his thoughts were moving at thousand miles a minute. Why did he receive such validation whenever he heard Patton say that to him? Perhaps that was his motivation after all. Perhaps that's why he felt physical pain in his system, which was all figment of Thomas's mind so that in the first place is illogical, whenever Patton was upset. Logan brushed some hair out of Patton's face. He wants to mend his broken heart and make it full once again. So of course, he said the same thing back.

"I love you too."

3820 Words

Y'all please be proud of me I haven't written anything this long in such a long forever I worked really hard on this. This is basically my Freckles and Constellations of this book. I've You read my last oneshots book you know exactly which one I'm talking about. ALMOST FOUR THOUSAND WORDS HOLY SHIZ

The message/moral/Whatever: It's okay to need time. It's okay to hurt and feel pain and want to be left alone. That wish should be respected. But what's not okay is to let one heartbreak or one betrayal destroy you. You can always get back up again after you take time, regroup, and motivate yourself. Unless it's something catastrophic that changes your life forever, like being assaulted or violated, you shouldn't let something control your life and bring you down. Even if you were assaulted or violated: you are still a wonderful, strong person who controls your life. You can grow, you can move on, and you can show the world you're better than it "thinks" you are. You got this and I believe in you.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

