Poems [Patcani] (Middle School AU)

I love poetry <3


Patton did this thing in middle school where he would write poems for his friends' crushes for a quarter. They'd give him a quarter and he would go talk to their crush and learn about their likes and dislikes and stuff and then he'd write a heartfelt poem for them confessing their friend's love for them. The thing was... Patton was a dude and pretty much all his friends were girls. Mostly straight girls. So there was a lot of staring at cute boys.

So Patton was writing a poem for fun, not for a friend, when he mentioned 💘him💘. He was a dorky boy just like him. He sat across from Patton at the lunch table he was sitting alone at. He had glasses just like him, and he also liked pink. He was wearing a pink sweater and was holding a heart themed lunchboxes.

"Hello. Are you Misa's friend?"

"Yeah! Misa's my friend! My name's Patton LaBoy! It's really awesome to meet you!"

"Oh, hello Patton! My name's Emile! Emile Picani! It's really awesome to meet you too! Uh, Misa said you were really good at writing Poems?"

"Oh, did you want me to write a poem for your crush? It's only twenty five cents and it'll be done by tomorrow."

"Crush? No, Misa just said that you're good at poems and I was wonderfing if you could write me one. I don't have a wuarter, but I do have a nickel, a dime, and a few pennies as change from my lunch money for the day if that's okay."

He was the first person who wanted to get a poem for himself, and was the first boy that Patton got to know him. Emile really liked Disney and cartoons, just like him! His favorite was stitch and his favorite color turned out to be pink, just like him! They share a lot of mutual friends and Emile has two Moms, which is really cool considering the fact that Patton doesn't have a mom. He only has a dad. He loves his dad tho! <3

After that day ar lunch, the two of the, decided to sit together every day. Patton felt a real connection to Emile that day. He started to get the butterflies in his tummy and the rosiness in his cheeks. In his personal spiral notebook he would write poems just for him that he would never ever see and in his diary he would talk about all the really cool things he and Emile talked about that day.

Patton would also rant about Emile to his Dad, saying how cool he was and how much he loved talking to him. He would tell his Dad all about Emile's favorite cartoons and would make his dad watch them with him whenever he wasn't busy working. Patton's Dad has to work a lot but Patton knows that he tries and he loves him anyways. :)

Then there was the big school dance. Patton's Middle School wanted to do school dances so that the kids could socialize and just have fun. It was coming up next week and Patton has used his entire allowance for two months (ten dollars) (five dollars a month from doing chores and stuff) to buy them. Now all he has to do is ask Emile to go with him to the school dance! But how?



Pink Stars and Disco Flowers!

By: Patton LaBoy

Pink Stars and Disco Flowers

I could talk to you for hours

Pretty lights and aurora showers

Won't you dance in the rain with me? 

Surfboards and sandy ground

Little girls and aliens all around

Ocean Princesses singing a beautiful sand

Won't you dance in the waves with me?

Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals

Rainbow stickers and unicorn decals

I'm running out of rhymes for the word "pals"

Won't you dance over the rainbow with me?

Pretty smile and cute glasses

I wish we shared more classes

I really hope this poem passes...

Won't you go to the school dance with me?


Patton looked at the poem and smiled. He wrote that really late a text night, an hour past his curfew, just so he could get it right. He ran downstairs and showed it to his dad. His dad looked up from his work and read it over. He smiled warmly and ruffled his hair, very proud of how creative and bold his son was going to be. He gave his seal of approval and told Patton to go to bed.

Patton couldn't sleep. He just sat in his bed, giggling and imagining what Emile would say he imagined going to the dance and holding his hand and how Emile would smile and dancing's goofily in the disco lights. Patton didn't fall asleep until midnight, and he was supposed to be in bed by nine. 

The next day Patton couldn't wait until lunchtime. He doodled all over the poem in glitter gel pens little hearts, Stars, and balloons. He even doodled a little stick figure Emile in the corner at the top! The bell rang for everyone to go to lunch and Patton ran down the halls to get to the table. He folded the paper over and put the second ticket to the school dance in the fold, just like Dad told him to. This was going to be so perfect!

"Hey Patton!"

"Hey Emile! I wrote you a poem I know you will love!"

"Oh my goodness really? I love your poems! Can I see?"

"Of course!"

"Hooray! I know I'm gonna love it no matter what!"

Patton handed him the poem. Instead of opening the page immediatel, like Patton hoped he would, he read the first three stanzas before opening the bottom and gasping, the ticket falling onto the cafeteria table and he skimmed over the last stanza. He grinned from ear to ear, picking up the ticket and slowly putting down the poem.

"You want me to go to the school dance with you?"

"Yeah! You're awesome and listen to me and you're really really cute! You're small and friendly, JUST LIKE DANNY DEVITO!!!"

"You think I'm cute and friendly?"

"Of course! You're really really awesome and adorable and sweet and wholesome and small and cute and wholesome and adorable and amazing! It's impossible not to have a crush on someone like you!"

"Wait you have a crush on me too? That's super awesome! We can go to the school dance and it would be just like a date! My moms would be super thrilled and we can hold hands and dance goofily and have a really really good time!"

Patton beamed as Emile walked around the table and sat next to him instead of in front of him. They held hands and at lunch, talking about how excited they were for the school dance that was coming up really really soon! They talked about how they were going to get married in June because Emile wants to be a June "Bride" and they argued lightheartedly about who gets to wear the dress. Then Patton compromised for them and said they both can wear the dress just like Emile's moms did! ....then Emile told Patton that one of his moms wore a tuxedo. Patton didn't care and said they both could wear the wedding dress anyways!

1185 Words

Bonus Ending


Rainbows stretch across the painted cyan sky

Sunshine reflects off the cool lake water

The trees extend their branches and tell you not to cry

The stars connect to a smile that will never ever falter

All these gorgeous things in the world

And none of them could ever could amount to you

Happy anniversary, My Dear,



Emile wrote a poem for his beloved for their anniversary day. He left it on the bedside table st five in the morning as he went to the kitchen to go make the "Special Occassion Pancakes" that's only made for birthdays and anniversaries. He just made a quick little poem for him, since poems is what brought them together a decade and a half ago. He's not very good, but he tried his best. 

He loves him <3

1325 Words

🎶Love love love love love love love makes the world go 'round!🎶

If you know the reference, you're a kool Kat.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

