Off Into The Night Part Two [Snukexiety] (Masquerade Ball AU)

A part two was requested by -JustAnEditor- so let's frickin do this. I'm really glad they requested this because the only other idea I had was going through my mental breakdown and writing a story parallel to that and I didn't want to do that. So thanks Jae for saving me.

Also Jae I'm usin' a different prompt instead of yours lol sorry


Virgil stood at the front of the ballroom, standing next to his beloved mother with the crown back on his head. After disappearing (to the public his mom knew where he was and visited once a week because she loves her boy) for maybe three years he had decided it was time to come back and ascend to the throne like he was supposed to. He was always worried about disappointing the one he loves most, so he wanted to make her proud and become king. Finally, he has found the love and confidence to do so.

So his first ball as king was made into a masquerade to add to the fun. Nobody had to worry about their identity or shame coming to their name if their identity is hidden behind a mask. Of course, it's eash to figure out who someone is even with their eyes covered, but it's more fun this way. Virgil had agreed to stand at the front with his mother before going to his husbands to dance, just so he could talk to her and make sure she knows that he loves her very much. He held her hand tightly, smiling as he watched his people having fun. Even though everyone was happy, he feared something would go wrong.

"Virgil, you and those men are going to be glorious Kings. I hope you know that. Now, can I ask for a dance with my son? It seems to be very fun."

Virgil turned to his mother, who had a mask in her free hand. Was she going to join tonight's festivities? That would be such a wonderful thing. His mother enjoying something he also enjoyed... not a lot of boys nor men in the kingdom have that blessing. Virgil chuckled and led his mother down the steps to the ballroom, people gasping. Normally, something like this in royalty in unheard of. The monarchs never dance for themselves, they just watch the ball. But everything was going to change with King Virgil, for the better.

"Mother... Thank you so much. I could not have asked for a better mother nor a better queen to precede me."

"Oh Virgil, you needn't say such things to make me feel better about being an old woman. I'm the one who couldn't have asked for a better son. You've open my eyes. You're changing tradition and encouraging people to be themselves. You and your husbands are the best I could have ever wanted."


"Please, just call me Mom. You don't need to formally address me in public nor in private ever again. I just want you to be comfortable."

"Yes Mom."

With that, his mother traced her hand over his face before spinning away. Virgil felt the tears under his mask begin to form, but never fall. They were happiness tears that needn't be shed. He found a very tall and broad shouldered man wearing an extravagant yellow ball gown. Of course Dee would wear a ballgown. He always found women's fashion Moreno preferable to him than men's. He also adores dresses. The yellow snake themed dress and mask looked absolutely stunning on him. If there was a perfect mix between gorgeous and handsome it would be Deceit. Their fingers intertwined and Deceit spun Virgil around, proving his dominance and destroying gender roles.

"It's quite nice to be back at one of the balls, however this time I get to wear such a stylish mask just like you had, my King~"

"Oh come now, Deceit, you know I hate being called that by you. Keep it casual."

"Why, I don't remember that a bit. I just know it makes you blush and it's adorable~"

"Oh hush you asshole."

"Now Virgil, is that the way a King should speak? Don't say anything. You know I'm merely teasing. Though I'd love to play a song on my viola for this dance... That's another thing we should change. Everything about these things is so formatted and every song sounds the same. It's not like we need any variety or anything."

"True, I never liked that myself. That can be one of the first things you do as a King: change tradition. That's going to be the theme of our entire rule anyway. I just hope the people are okay with breaking those boundaries. We've never had a gay monarch before, much less a polyamorous one.."

"Relax, Virgil, everything is going to be okay. I'm passing you on to Remus now. Try to enjoy yourself."

Virgil nodded, being pushed away and sound around into the arms of Remus. He was wearing a green suit like last time, but an extravagant top hat with feathers and ribbon. Remus was always a hatter at Heart. He also wore a deep green mask with beads and lace of black, trying to make a new look than the normal white that goes with a green so dark. Remus had refused to shave his mustache and sideburns, but Virgil loved it so he didn't care. Virgil always had a thing for men with facial hair so he was thankful to have one of his husband who enjoyed having some. Virigl was always jealous he couldn't grow any himself, but hey: se la vie.

"Oh my, don't you look handsome! I could just eat you up if I wanted~ Ha Ha I jest. Oh my, nervous are you? Who do I need to frame for murder?"

"I'm fine, Remus. Just worried. I know we're all about breaking tradition but... the people... you saw how they reacted when Mom ran off the steos to dance and join the fun. What will they think of you? Of Dee? Of... of me? Will they even want me as King?"

"Of course they will! You're cute as a button and have wonderful ideas! Sure, you're skittish as a black kitten in the daylight but that's just you! If someone doesn't want you as King you know it's always been my dream to behead someone on a guillotine."

"No, no murdering our subjects Remus. We can save that for the dolls."

"Fiiiiine. But you know how I hate seeing you anxious. I love you, Virge."

"I love you too Remus. It's time to switch again. I'll see you after the dance is over, okay?"

"Okay, Love youuuuuuuuu~."

Virgil smiled weakly before spinning Remus away, a woman bein danced into his arms. Wow, that was perfect grammar 10/10. The woman didn't have many distinguishing features except for the fact she was middle aged with a Karen type haircut. Virgil didn't care. He just waited for the dance to be over to reunite with his loves and make the big announcement that the official royal wedding, even though the three got married already, was going to be next month of this day. On Halloween. Hell yeah.

Virgil hurriedly himself over to the wine where Deceit would most definitely be and threw himself in their arms, mask flying off but he didn't care at all. Virgil felt happy, warm, and safe whenever he had his husbands together in one place. Remus chuckled and came over, enveloping the two in a big hug. Suddenly a loud gasp came from the lady Virgik was just dancing with. Oh gods above now he recognized her. Great.


Virgil whipped around, his hands locking with his lovers and he stood in front of them as if trying to socially protect them. He was still quite small, and he felt even smaller. He couldn't find his mother in the crowd for help. His throat choked up as everyone's faces directed towards him but he couldn't see the look of their eyes. It was terrifying. Virgil wanted to run, he wanted to escape off into the night again, but his husbands kept him grounded. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, letting go. He has to do this on his own. That's his duty as King.

"So what if it's unheard of? It's heard of now! Yes, I'm gay! Yes, I have two lovers! Is that so much of a problem that you would banish me from your kingdom, shame me and strip me of my throne? Why should it be a problem of who I love? That doesn't impact me as an individual."

Virgil's Heart was racing from the silence. Everyone was silently judging him. Everyone was watching him and waiting. What does he do? Mom? Deceit? Remus? Save him! Save him please! Virgil felt more tears welt in his eyes. He wanted to run away to go watch the moon on the rooftop to calm down. His throat got tighter and he couldn't move. He was frozen like a deer in headlights. Finally, someone came to save him. He felt a warm hand in his left. Virigl turned and saw Remus, smiling his goofy grin. Another hand slipped into his right, Deceit flashed a smirk to him. Virgil took a deep breath. Everything was okay. Everything was going to be okay. He just need to remember his breathing. Just breathe. Just breathe...

"This is who I love: Dee and Remus. I'm sorry if that doesn't satisfy you and I'm sorry you don't get a singular king and a queen, but you do get three kings. Two of them wonderful, caring, strong willed men. I promise you will love them."

Virgil watched as a woman made her way to the front of the crowd. Mother... She placed her hand on the side of Virgil's face, smiling warmly. She took off her mask and turned to the crowd. 

"I want each and every one of you to know I support my wonderful son and his husbands. I have met them and they are very good men. As long as my son, your new king, is happy then I shall be even happier. From what I have learned over the three years that he is away is that love is love. It shouldn't discriminate, it shouldnt be shamed, and it shouldn't be hidden away like he has been forced to in fear of being rejected. I would like nothing less than to accept Virgil and welcome both him and his loves into the throne with open arms."

The people slowly began to clap, and that clap became a cheer, and the cheer became a rejoice. Virgil looked around and saw people smiling, taking off their masks and applauding. This was.., acceptance. Virgil had never felt so warm. He had never felt so happy. He had never felt so much love. He squeezed his husbands' hands and grinned.

There's no need to run away.

1706 Words

I'm pretty sure the message is as clear as day here. :)

But yeah I've been through a mental breakdown and felt awful this morning but my dad took me out to Starbucks and we bought flowers for my mom and I might still be tired and in pain but I feel a lot better emotionally after that. I love my dad.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

