Princess Rumpelstilzchen [Roceit] (Fantasy AU)

I'm actually writing a thing based on Roman and Deceit for English Class lol


"My Lord, this is completely unheard of."

"Shut up, Rumpelstilzchen, and Waltz with me~"

Crown Prince Roman filled his hands with theirs, knowing full well that the name he used wasn't their true name: T'was but an alias that they used while in the realm of pureblood humans, which was what the Kingdom was filled with. Their true name was one that no pureblood could say with their unworthy tongue, so they have allowed Roman to call them the affectionate nickname of Deceit. That is the significance of their true name conveys anyways.

"No pureblood is allowed to dance with an unfaithful, my lord. You could be seen as scandalous and defected to your kingdom. A disgrace."

"You know I don't care about that, Rumpelstilzchen. I'd much rather dance with you than the bland court ladies my parents want me to entertain."

Roman's stems elegantly matched with theirs, both of them having intimate knowledge of how to dance. Back in the woods, in the domain where Deceit hails from, this was common. They'd escape and spend time together and fall in love together. But they were in Roman's domain. Roman had taken them up to his chambers, and they were waltzing. There was a ball tonight, the King and Queen hoping to find a wife for their eldest son, but little did they know that their son was in love with a hybrid. The true tale of a Beauxhomme.

"Why don't you come to the ball with me? We could have so much fun together. You could use your magic to pretend to be a woman and we can dance. We could even get married."

"You truly are a näive one, aren't you? I'd be a fool if I said I didn't love that about you."

Roman laughed, that musical and beautiful laugh that forced Deceit into a smile involuntarily. They loved this näive Prince. The man who loved them despite the fact that they had different blood. Roman decided to spin his lovely partner, surprising them and causing them to be out of step. They fell forward, collapsing against Roman's chest. As they looked up they saw his warm smile and expectant smirk. He was a little devil when he wanted to be. Deceit pouted, not liking being the submissive one in this scenario.

"You are such a nuisance." 

"You wouldn't love me if you really thought that, my dove~ "

Roman craned his neck downwards to give them a tender kiss on the forehead. They closed their eyes, feeling the warmth on their skin. Half of their skin was scaly and their blood was cold, as are most halfbloods (perch Jackson fandom calm down). Roman's left hand traced over the half of his face with the scales and Deceit began to purr in his touch. Roman chuckled, enjoying seeing the one who holds his heart. Roman led his beloved to his bed where's he sat them down,  their eyes closed as he scratched just underneath their chin.

Suddenly a knock at his bedroom door sounded. Deceit stiffened, eyes slamming open as Roman's younger brother barges into the room with a goofy grin and his cheesy mustache. Roman just rolled his eyes. Remus completely ignored the fact that Roman's scandalous lover was there and he plopped down on the other side of the bed, setting his knees on the bed and sitting on them. Remus literally gives no fucks. They'll be fine. But they don't know that. Oh, and just so you know Remus is twenty two, Roman is twenty five. But Remus is twenty two. Just letting you know before he opens his mouth.

"Daddy says it's time for you to go downstairs to practice waltzing. I think he already likes Princess Nicole, but Mommy likes Princess Valerie. They're fighting over whonwould be a more suitable wife for you even though you and I both know how super fucking gay you are. Also who's your love affair? This person is really pretty. Do they have a juuuuuuuuuicy butthole?"

Remus said literally everything else like it was nothing, but then he wriggled his eyebrows at the juicy butthole part. Deceit couldn't help but laugh at the crude humor. Such sayings would Ben horribly punished back in their domain. Roman groaned, rolling his eyes and turning away to hide the shame burning in his cheeks. Deceit was happy that Remus used the correct pronouns without having to ask. Of course, he's Roman's brother. Roman has talked about him for a long time. Whole Deceit mostly focused on who these Princesses were, Roman as much more concerned with the embarassment his younger brother was forcing upon him.

"No, I have not fucked them yet. Unlike you, the genitals of a person hold no factor in my attraction towards them! I'm not even interested in anything sexual like you are so just drop it, okay brother?"

Deceit mumbled under their breath about how demisexuals still experience sexual attraction but their small voice was overturned by Remus's defensive retort.

"Okay Ro, Whatever. They're still pretty cute. But Daddy won't approve of them, even though they have really really cool snake scales. Wait are they a witch?! They can just use some sort of real cool magic! Or just make a mass slaughter!"

"Remus, what have we said about Genocide?"

Remus sighed, blowing some fringe out of his face. Deceit just couldn't help but giggle from this entire extange. They never had siblings, much less a younger person who looked up to them, so this entire scene was quite amusing. Deceit turned to Roman, watching him as he continued to grow more and more annoyed. Deceit pursed their lips, thinking. Perhaps Rumpelstilzchen will have to make an appearance at the ball after all. Maybe she can't hide her scales, but she can cover them up. They placed their hand on his forearm, making their mind up.

"I'm certain this will be horrible, but at the very least we can try."

Both twins stared at Deceit as they stood up and took a step back. They looked at their hands, gathering courage to call upon the deception. They need to harness the poweress of the goddesses above who can turn them into a gorgeous woman that found enchant an entire crowd and swing the pureblood King and Queen of a human kingdom in their, no, her favor. After a short prayer, they felt their blood grow warm. Then it began to boil, literally. That's the magic flowing through their veins, transforming their body from the inside.

A bright light flashed inside of the room as their body morphed, giving them the body of a woman and rearranging their scales to fit over parts of their body that can be easily hidden with a gown and corset. Long golden hair that was woven out of hay, beautiful yellow eyes not even trying to hide their true color with the right one slowly fading into a chocolate brown to mimic the Royals of this land, and their body curving and becoming more idealistically feminine. They became a woman so beautiful she was unreal. She had curves, a slight tummy hidden in a corset, and thick thighs thinning out into beautifully sculpted legs. They decreased in height, but that is good for a woman. Traditionally. They looked down at herself and cringed, hating the fact they now had genitals and... boobs. Eww.

"I look hideous."

Roman shrugged, not caring either way. Hooray for asexual spectrum princes. We need more of those. Remus, on the other hand, was drooling in bisexual. Deceit saw this and snapped, forcing him to cover his eyes with his own hands. Deceit sighed and walked up to Roman, lifting the hem of the long extravagant dress that the goddesses had adorned them in. Adorned her in. What pronouns do they even use now? To keep the illusion, they should stsrt referring to themself as a she. This is going to be both difficult and uncomfortable.

"You will always be beautiful to me, Princess Rumpelstilzchen."

"Can you both stop making goo goo eyes and go talk to Daddy? Well, not Missy Ma'am over there. Daddy will be furious to hear that you have a woman in your private quarters. I'll take care of her until you come back. And don't worry, I ain't gonna fuck her in her juicy butthole. I have a boyfriend."

Roman nodded, taking a mental note of the ring on his left hand's ring finger. The marriage finger. A promise ring. Roman will have to investigate further after dealing with Mother and Father. Roman gave his lovely significant other a kiss on the lips before leaving to tend to matters. Deceit watched him leave with a sigh, sitting down on the bed. Then they turned to Remus, both of them gaining wide smiles.

"He totally lies about fucking you, didn't he?"

"You spill tea about your boyfriend and I'll spill tea about how he lost his virginity."


1580 Words

It's late at night and I struggled to get this out in time so I decided to make this very crack shot like instead of serious. Yolo amirite?

Hey, your relationship is your relationship. You don't need to compare it to any others. You go at your own pace and you do whatever the two (or three or other number we don't judge) are comfortable with.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

