I Want Him [Logince] (Soulmate AU) (Trans Pride AU)

If you can't tell broken soulmate AUs with alternative plots are kind of my entire world. :) so here we go!

Your soulmate's name is printed on your dominant wrist.


Roman read the name on his wrist over and over and over and over again, and once more over just to make sure he has the name memorized. This bisexual icon would always smile upon seeing the name Amanda written beautifully in cursive on his wrist. His Mama told him that meant his soulmate was a very classy and refined girl. A very smart lady. His Mum told him that she would be very cold at first, and it would take time for her to open up. The font of the name on your wrist says a lot about you.

But... something was always off. Roman would always find himself staring at a certain short male with dark hair and almond eyes colored brown like polished wood similar to King Arthur's Round Table. He wore Squared glasses to shield his eyes and his skin was a tanned near yellow. He was bilingual, and he had told Roman that his mother tongue was Filipino. He was quite short, but he was getting taller gradually and he was quite proud of his shoulders becoming more broad. He just so happened to be a late bloomer. That off part was that he was in love with him, and his name was Logan. Logan was not Amanda, and that is a problem.

"But Mama I want himHe's the one I love!"

"I don't care one bit, Roman! You are to love and cherish Miss Amanda on your wrist and that's final! The Universe doesn't make mistakes when it comes to soulmates! How do you think your mother and I got married? Because our names were on eachother's wrists! And they still are! Go upstairs and finish your biology homework. Try to forget about this boy you're thinking of. Soulmates don't change, son."


"I said go upstairs and do your homework. I don't want to talk about this. I do love you and only want what's best."

"Yes Mama."

Mum was at work, so Roman couldn't talk to her. Mama never really understood him. She just tried her best to be a parent. She just couldn't understand Roman's feelings because she was raised strictly on soulmates. Mum's name is Alex, so her parents never realized that she was going to be a WLW. Roman went up the stairs and went to his room, brushing off his homework. He wanted Logan. He loved Logan. 

Roman took a sharpie and looked a tad his left wrist. The cursive name Amanda was still printed on his wrist. The cursive writing that used to enchant him only filled him with rage and emotions. Roman followed his impulses like he normally does and he scratched over the name with the black sharpie. No matter how hard he scribbled and how messy and hard he pressed down, the name Amanda shined through. Roman wanted nothing more than for the name to go away and replace itself with the name Logan.

"Roman? Honey? Are you okay in there? I'm sorry I was harsh I just-"

"Please go away, Mama. I... I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

Roman didn't even turn towards the door of his bedroom, reading over the writing he made underneath the name of she who shall not be spoken of. He mimicked the same cursive writing when writing his name there. He put hearts all over and around the name. Roman closed the sharpie and watched in horror as the sharpie name dissapeared from his skin. The name Amanda was as prominent as ever. Roman went to bed and hugged his legs. That's when he decided:

He'll forget about his Soulmate and pursue Logan.

Forget Amanda

His Heart was set on Logan

Mama was wrong, the Universe made a mistake.

The next morning Roman got dressed after waking up thirty minutes early. He rushed downstairs to see Mum still in the kitchen, making herself a sandwich for work. She was wearing her uniform and her hair up in a tidy bun. She looked amazing for an office secretary. Roman give her a kiss on the cheek before grabbing his bag and leaving an hour early. He didn't say a word to her. He just got out of the house and started running. He needed to find Logan and talk to him.

Just like Logan said before: he always goes to the park thirty minutes before he had to walk to school. The sunrise was just peeking over the horizon. He rested his book on his knees and he shifted his glasses to make reading easier for him. He was such a beautiful guy. Roman smiled and walked over to the bench, making sure his breathing was steady and he was as charming as ever. Logan looked up, his face as stoic as ever, and his eyes glistened in the morning light. Roman set his bag down and sat at the opposite side of the bench.

"You ran here."

Logan was blunt as ever, wasn't he? His voice was monotone and he was just stating an observation. Roman looked down at his hands, twiddling his thumbs. He should just go ahead and say what's on his mind, yeah? That'd probably be great. Logan likes getting straight to the point, even though Roman's hella Bi.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you. ...About Soulmates."

Roman wanted to just be upfront and honest. Roman heard the cover of the book close with a snap. Logan Met Roman's eyes, emotion seeping through them while his face remained ever so emotionaless. Logan looked down st his wrist, covered with a sweater infouced by the De Stijl movement. He never showed off his wrists. He pushed the sleeve of his right hand and revealed a bold name in the Papyrus font colored a deep crimson red. It read Roman. Roman felt a smile sweep over his face. Roman... Roman was Logan's Soulmate?! That meant Amanda was a mistake! 

"I suppose you are confused... about Amanda."

How did he know abouf Amanda?! Roman never covered his wrists, but he never talked about his soulmate around Logan. he liked Logan, so why would he talk about some random girl he doesnr even know named Amanda! Logan looked down and let out a deep exhale. 

"Amanda's is my dead name. I wanted nothing more than for my soulmate, whoever they were, to have my true name in their wrist. However I see this is not the case and it must have confused you. I knew the second I saw you that you are Roman. I saw the name and I refused to say say anything for even mentioning my name makes me uncomfortable. Extremely. My severe condolences to you for the trouble and that you must bare that name on your wrist for the rest of time."

"No, it's okay Logan. I'm sorry you have to deal with it being on my wrist. I'm just glad thst you're my soulmate. I wanted you, and I still do. I want you, not Amanda."

A light then appeared between the two. Logan and Roman both watched in awe as the name seemed to erase from Roman's wrist. It was like how in Avenger's Endgame had characters deleted from life. The author doesn't know anything about marvel, so DDLC is a better example. Monika basically deleted the name and recoded the true name on his wrist. The two watched as a navy blue line began to write out the name Logan on Roman's left wrist. For the first time ever, Roman saw a smile take over Logan's face. Logan's smile was the most beautiful sight in the world. Roman could feel the fondness of his heart deep through his eyes.

"The name... it changed just for me. Extraordinary. I have never seen anything quite as... magnificent as that."

"The Universe corrected itself."

"Yes, I suppose so. Well, We should get going. School starts in Ten Minutes, while the walk takes three quarters of that time. I was wondering since we are soulmates you would accompany me and-"

Roman pressed a finger to his lips, telling Logan to stop talking. It's okay. Everything is okay. He could tell that everything was new and exciting for Logan. He knows nothing about romance or soulmates or anything. Roman's mothers taught him everything he knows about being a charming gentleman and about soulmates and how to treat his love. Logan probably didn't have flat romanticized childhood. Logan likes new things, it's the Nextel topic for him to learn. Logan adores learning. Wow, those last few sentences were awkward to read, weren't they? Oof.

"Before all that, would you mind if...."

"If you... kiss me?"


"Go ahead."

Roman drafted his cheek along the side of his soulmate's face. He stared at his lips, waiting to see what his first reaction was: nothing. He just waited with his eye open. Roman chuckled and brushed his thumb over his bottom lip, telling him to close his eyes. Logan did as he was 'instructed' and Roman went for a tender first kiss with his soulmate. No, his boyfriend. The love of his life. 

Logan, not Amanda. 

1500 Words

Wow that was horrible, but I'm back! Hello!

Mistakes happen. The universe does make mistakes. And if you believe in a god, yes they do make mistakes sometimes. Everybody makes mistakes, even extraterrestrial forces. You will make mistakes. That's completely okay. Everything is completely okay. I promise. Just learn from these mistakes and keep pushing forward.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

