You Deprived [Sleepxiety]

Request by ImAPotatoTomatoBwa yet again. I seriously cannot get over how much I love typing in that username :)

Also, knowing the prompt, the title won't make sense unless you think about who the ship is. Like, it's clever. Extra scoop for cunning, as my mama always says.


Virgil leaned back in the chair he was sitting in so he would be balancing on two legs and the back of the chair would be leaned against the wall. You know, the gayest way to sit in a chair. Virgil threw a tennis ball against the wall, letting it bounce against the floor and back in his hand. It's two in the morning and Virgil hasn't slept in a week and two days. Thomas is going through a hectic time in his life and Virgil hasn't once been able to drop his guard enough to get some well-needed rest.

"Knock Knock, boo."

Virgil had no special awareness. He just barely turned his head and continued bouncing the ball like an inmate as Remy opened the door after a single knock. He was absolutely astonished to see Virgil in such a state. Sure, he expected Virgil would be awake at this ungodly hour, but he never expected him to be so miserable! He was expecting to walk him on him doodling soemthing or whatever while blaring Helena from his phone! Remy pouted and crossed his arms  tapping his foot on the ground.

"When was the last time you slept, Babes?"

"Who knows, who cares."

"Nuh-uh, unacceptable. Get your ass out of that chair we are getting you to sleep pronto. I am not gonna have you walk around Remy-Deprived any longer! I love ya too much to let ya do that, babes."

As the ball bounced on the floor and nearly went back into Virgil's hand for the cycle to continue, Remy stuck his hand out and caught it. Virgil pursed his lips together, not daring to whine or bitch about it because he knew what Remy would do: he'd go off. That and he does want to sleep. He really does! He just can't get himself relaxed enough to have a good, peaceful rest like he so desperately needs to.

Virgil rolled the chair forward so it sat on all four legs. Then he tried to use that momentum to throw him out of the chair so he could stand on his own two feet. Whelp. That failed. He ended up flying up and stumbling forward, his knees weak and arms heavy. Remy swooped In to prevent him from faceplanting just in time. Okay, turns out Virgil can't really stand up any more. That's... fun? Yeah that's fun.


"It's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine. I'm good."

"No, you aren't. You're going's to sleep right now."

Remy clapped and suddenly there were fairly lights strung from the dark purple painted walls. The wil-o-wisp lanterns Virgil has have been put away and Remy had the entire room redecorated in an instant. Mindspace Magic was one hell of a drug, and it makes you feel like you're on drugs when you're too tired to process it. That's Virgil right now. Remy sighed and crossed his arms, waiting for Virgil to give him consent to be able to touch him. Consent is very important kiddos.

Virgil gave him a small, tired nod and lifted his Arms. Virgil weighs as much as a doll, and he loses more weight the more anxious he gets. That's fight or flight, and Virgil more often than not tends to go for flight. Remy lifted him from under his arms and sent a wink to his messy, unmade bed. The mindspace magic worked exactly like the fairy godmother in Cinderella: sparkling glitter manipulating the covers to be nice and soft and neat. Wowie magic sure is hard to describe in just words. 

Remy set Virgil down and tucked him in. Virgil's eyelids felt super heavy. Then again, they've been heavy for the past while. Virgil felt a warm kiss pressed to his forehead as prince sandman suddenly disappeared. Virgil felt his muscles relax for him and his consciousness within a consciousness being dragged into to serene abyss of the deepest of sleeps. Wow, that's a juxtaposition. Serene abyss? What would that even be like?! Lmao.

Remy watched as Virgil began to snore, taking only five seconds for him to be out like those wil-o-wisp lanterns from earlier. That's a new record! Virgil must be extremely tried. Remy was curious to what he was dreaming about. He does have the ability to check, but he won't pry into someone's business like that. It wouldn't be very cash money of him. Remy Place day his hand on the bed, surprised to find sleepy Virgil using the last of his energy to defy Kween Sandman and flash him one last smile.

"Stay with me?"

"Only if you sleep."

Virgil had nothin left to say. He passed out of his own personal consciousness yet again the second Remy started to move and confirm that he was, in fact, going to stay with Virge. He slipped under the covers and was the big spoon to Virgil's little spoon. Oh yeah, this poor kid was Remy Deprived.

850 Words

Sorry this was so short but I have a lot going on in life right now. I mean sorry the request was super delayed and horrible. I feel horrible not being able to get a oneshot out every day anymore or even writing them to the quality you deserve. Highschool is a lot more draining than I thought Itd be and my entire schedule is changing because I got kicked from softball so it's basically first day of freshman year all over again.... yaaaay....

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

