Good Vibes [Analogical + Snuke + Rosleep + Patcani]

Today is my last day of freedom before school. I was spending most of it with friends. Sorry for not updating sooner. I also had real bad creative block.

Also 7k reads what??? When did I deserve this!?

In celebration of this really high milestone I decided to work really hard to make a giant fluffy oneshot with the pairings above! I know most of them are rare, but I still hope you enjoy this work regardless! I worked really hard for it!



Thomas was just feeling really good today. He woke up chipper as ever and extra affectionate towards his friends. He made sure each of them knew just how much Thomas loved them with every ounce of his being. He complimented them a little bit too much, but made sure they felt valid and loved. He gave hugs to those who love hugs and gave high fives all around. He normally is a happy person, but today he felt all the love. He felt wholesome and happy and was pouring with extra love. 

Maybe there's something the sides are doing inside his head that's causing that? Maybe everyone is having a wonderful day, in turn giving Thomas the phenomenally great mood. So in the moment he was alone he let his eyes fall and he leaned back on the couch, listening to the chill background music of his favorite kind and letting himself dream. He dreamt of being in his own romance story with this really cute guy and they had an adorable little date at a coffee shop. It was just good vibes :)


"Hey Logan, can you tell me that Greek story I love so much again?"

Virgil asked his boyfriend, just leaning back and looking up at the ceiling Logan had finished decorating for him. Virgil had finally decided it's time to add something new and exciting to his room. The famders have been bugging him to show it off again for ages and he was thinking of adding an extra spark. Logan offered some help with his expertise on color theory and lighting, exetera. So far Logan has added a lava lamp, made the spider webs look tidier, added glow in the dark star decals all over his ceiling complete with planet decals too, some better spider themed curtains, and a rug that has a full moon and a witch on her broomstick with a black cat sitting on the back. Virgil absolutely loved it, and he loved the time he was having with Logan too.

"Haven't I told you that story a figurative fifty million times?"

"Aww C'mon Logan! You know it's my favorite! Besides, I love how you tell stories. Especially stories from mythology. I know you've been researching it a lot to share references with Joan and for inspiration elsewhere. Plus it's super LGBTQIA+! Pretty please with w cherry on top?"

Logan sighed and sat down cross legged next to where Virgil was laying down. Virgil sat up, sitting parallel to Logan. The two of them were slightly off from being back to back. Virgil scooted himself around to be sitting in front of Logan. Logan always recited the best poems and stories. It was different than Roman. Roman'd make it a character and it seemed like a performance. When Logan told a story it felt like it was actually happening, because every word that Logan says is a fact. And this story, this part of history in the mythology of Ancient Greece, was told and was believed as fact at the time. Mythology is so cool.

"Caenis, the daughter of Elatus and child of the Mountains of Thessaly, sought out the ocean god Posiden to grant her wish. As there was war going on, she felt horridly guilty and dysphoric for not being the man she dreamed to be to help fight off the Romans. So she went on a treacherous journey to find one of the three Brother gods. When she met Posiden, she wished to be given a male body. Having known her intentions, Posiden did more. He not only changed Caenis, the girl, into Caeneus, the man and hero his people needed, but also gave him invincible skin to fight off invaders. That is the story of the trans myth I have heard. Of course, I haven't face checked all of my resources and I only had three so there may be some miscommunication and falsehoods in there."

"I don't care, it's still my favorite story. Thanks Logan."

Virgil smiled, scooting around so he can be next to Logan. Virgil leaned his head on Logan's shoulder. Logan rolled his eyes, holding back a smirk as he began scratching behind his ear like a cat. Virgil began to softly pur at Logan's touch. His nails were always the perfect size and sharpness for scratching. Logan always kept them tidy and beautiful. It's something that bugs his light OCD when it isn't perfect. He also lets Virgil paint them sometimes when he's inspired by Talyn's awesome makeup work. The two of them were happy and filled with love, Anxiety melted into bliss and Logic catering to that softness.


"What are you doing you absolute nerd?"

"Whaaat?! Everyone else got to be Valerie before I was even introduced to the series! Besides, I always wondered what I'd look like as a girl~ Look at me! I have boobies! And really really long hair! Oh look at this, babe! They're sproingy! Boing~ Boing~ Boing~"

Deceit cringed and scrunched his nose as Remus began dancing around Deceit's bedroom wearing nothing but some sort of tank top, hopefully a bra, some really short cheap Walmart shorts that are really flowy and have the ruffles at the end, and one of Deceit's capes. Remus still kept his mustache and purple eye makeup on Valerie's face, but wore a prominently glittery green lipstick. Deceit, like Thomas himself, wasn't sexually attracted to girls. Nobody here was! Well, except maybe Remus and Roman. But they're creativity so nobody knows. Deceit was also On the Aro-Spectrum. He found himself surprised when he fell in love with Remus. He had no idea how to feel about this.

"Darling, that looks very fun but would you kindly go back? Or at the maximum put on some more decent clothes? Valerie IS one of Thomas's friends after all and an image of her prscticslly naked would kill the good vibes the rest of the sides have going on in this place."

Remus stopped what he was doing, which was playing around with his newly found bouncy bits, and sighed. He twirled around in the clothes one more time before snapping. He was back to his normal male self modeled by Thomas. He lost the lipstick but kept everything that was his like the mustache and eye makeup. He had his nails painted the glittery green though. He was still wearing a tank top and those shorts, but the sizes were upped from maybe a small to an extra large to fit Remus. Well... it was a start. Deceit let out a breath of relieved air before he finished walking in his room rather than just staying in the doorway like an idiot.

"I don't understand why that's such a big deal but fiiiiiiiine. It was fun being Valerie though! And disturbing Thomas would have been so fuuuuuuun!"

"Remus, he's gay. We're all gay. We like men. Valerie is a woman. And we definitely want to put everyone in a bad mood after we get s moment of pure carefree happiness and love. We need this moment. Thomas needs this moment of absolutely no stress."

"Yeah, Fine, Whatever. Hey! Idea! Do you want to play checkers? I can get the pencil sharpeners and wigs out if you want to play checkers!"

Deceit rolled his eyes, laughing. Whatever game that Remus likes to play, it certainly wasn't checkers. Deceit made up that name for the game because it's a cartoon reference that the original character Patton is in love with watched. The two of them got Deceit into Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Goo is best character. Fight me. Deceit snapped and suddenly the two of them were wearing rainbow Afros. Remus began wriggling his eyes, holding the pencil sharpeners and chalk in his hands. The Deception and Creativity fed into eachother to play a game, and they were happy.


Roman and Remus were literally just lounging around being sassy Gays on social media together. They were cuddling on Remy's dream cloud bed in the room that Roman created for him. What? Non-Canon sides get rooms too! They're original characters and just as valid! So Remy was scrolling through Instagram looking at gay memes while Roman was looking st himself through a bunch of new filters he downloaded, trying to find the best selfie. What? Roman really likes filters! And he's practically memorized every meme on that hashtag anyway. Remy suddenly started laughing and he shoved his phone screen in his boyfriend's face again over his shoulder. Was it mentioned that the two were spooning? 

"Oh my gosh Roman this is so US!"

"RuPaul? Really? You're in love with the RuPaul memes aren't you my love?"

Remy just nodded, making a cute little 'mhmm' sound before taking his phone back around so he could scroll through some more. Suddenly Roman had grown bored of his phone. He didn't want to take selfies anymore. He placed his phone behind him on the bed and tightened his grip around Remy, puking him further back into him and sighing contentedly. Remy always used the Japanese Cherry Blossom Purfume that Jay/Jo gifted Thomas that one time. Now every time Roman smells that smell his mind instantly goes to Remy, which makes Thomas immediately think of love. No wonder why he's having that romantic fluff dream right now. Blame Roman and Remy for that one.

"Okay, easy Mister Brightside!"

"Remyyyyyyyy cuddle meeeeeeeeeee. Stop looking at your phone and pay attention to your gorgeous boyfriend."

Wow, Roman and Remus both liked to drsg out their words and beg for their boyfriend's attention? That's a total twin mood right there. Remy sighed and shoved his phone into the pocket of his jacket that he never doesn't wear unless it's time to actually sleep. Remy turned around and held Roman, wrapping his arms around his torso and burrying his fsce in his shoulder. Roman always liked that. It made him feel special and strong and like he was doing a good job of protecting Remy. Remy learned quickly in the relationship that Roman had to feel needed to be happy. It's a self esteem issue that the two are still working through together. Remy couldn't see, but he knew Roman was smiling. He got just what he wanted.

"Better Babes?" 

Roman didn't say a word. Remy knew exactly what expression he had on his face. That cheeky "I win, just like always" face. And yes, that was an Adventure Time reference. If you read that in Magic Man's voice then you are definitely a true fan.  Remy felt Roman's arms squeeze him, he felt the soft tracing of his hands on his back and he felt Roman wrap his arms around Remy, making sure he wasn't leaving him any time soon. Roman would never admit it, but he's clingier than literally everyone else in the mindspace. Yes, Clingier than Patton and Virgil. Remy sighed and slithered his hand upwards to stroke his hair, not lifting his face. Roman smelled like cinnamon. Remy liked cinnamon.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. And I never will."

Roman eased up a bit, telling Remy without using his voice that those words were exactly what he needed to hear. Remy smiled gently, continuing to stroke Roman's hair. This was a nice moment, and Roman really needed it. Roman made sure Remy had no means of escape, even if he wanted to. He started drawing things on the bake of his shirt using his left index finger, making hearts and even projecting his memorization of the Mona Lisa on his back. Remy was soon lulled to sleep, causing Roman to feel proud of himself. He created an environment where Remy felt safe enough to fall asleep. He closed his eyes himself, hoping for pleasant dreams. This  is the marrsige if Creativity and Sleep, creating dreams far more beautiful and sweet than one could ever think of.


"Emile? What's going on here?"

"Surprise! I always knew you wanted to adopt  dog so..."


Patton flung himself into the Therapist's arms. Patton didn't care If he was an original character and not a side, he still loved Emile with all of his heart! Which just so happened to be the entirety of him. He was the heart! His old name was Morality after all! Emile laughed, the little Jack Russel Terrier barking up at their new parents happily, jumping up on Patton's leg to try and get in on the attention. Emile pressed a few tender, sweet kisses onto his love's cheek while he laughed, scratching the dog in the sweet spot: just behind the ears.

"I thought since in the mind palace we can conjure whatever we want, Why more have a dog? And I know how much you want to be a father and I figured it's time that we, uh, start a family! Did I do a good job?"


Patton took his turn kissing Emile: pecking his nose, forehead, and lips. Sure, their glasses awkwardly clanked together a few times, but they were used to that happening. Their glasses always do that. Emile felt warm and fuzzy in his chest. Yeah, he definitely did a good job. He looked down at the dog, who as happily wagging their tail and barking at them. At least they got down from Patton's leg. Once Emile's loving boyfriend let go of him, he knelt down next to their fur son and pet him down his back, the pupper absolutely loving the affection.

"I named them Joan. They were born as Intersex so I thought the name would be appropriate."

"Hello Joan! I'm Patton! I'm going to be your Papa now, okay? Hooray! Emile look! They like me!"

Patton put out his hand and Joan raised their paw to place it in Patton's palm. Whoo! That's a lot of P Words! Hooray for alliteration! Pterodactyl! Emile just watched his lover coo to the dog, living every second of affection he gave them and the dog reciprocating that feeling. Emile crossed his legs, sitting down rather than kneeling. Patton sat on his knees. Suddenly Joan perked their head and stared into Emile's soul with this gorgeous brown gems. The puppy borked once before trotting over and plopping their butt right in front of Emile. Emile just grinned and stroked Long pets down their back. They really seemed to love it. Patton spotted across the floor to sit next to Emile, enamored by the puppy. The two most wholesome, childish, loving sides together to raise something greater than themselves... that is definately one way to make someone happier!


Thomas opened his eyes gently when he felt someone shake him gently to get him up. He sat up, feeling a sought crick in his neck from fall asleep on the couch. Wait, when did he get blankets covering him? And where did this pillow come from? Thomas sat up, wait, when did he lay down? He fell asleep sitting up. He rubbed his eyes and saw Joan, Talyn, Quinn, and Adri there smiling. Adri held their sketchbook, Talyn rocking their new makeup, Joan with their normal grin full of mischief, and Quinn just happy to be there.

"There ya go, Sanders. Finally awake. It's four o'clock for crying out loud!"

Joan rolled their eyes, laughing and mocking the fake Roman boss scenario they played for one of the Sanders Sides Vids. Talyn couldn't help but laugh at their significant other's joke. Quinn just rolled her eyes and Adri bounced up and down lightly on their toes.

"We were wondering if you wanted to head out with us to go get some arts and crafts stuff? I need a new sketchbook, Talyn wants to try something new, and Joan and Quinn wanted to try and get some costume ideas and stuff for the next Sanders Sides and Cartoon Therapy. They said I might be able to play a character this time!"

Adri was super happy, and that made Thomas happy. He stretched out his arms and threw the blankets off of himself, standing up and smiling at all the shorties. He forgot that he was one of the tall ones. Weird. He didn't mind it. That just meant he could hug all of them and lick them up better! 

"Yeah! Let's go!"

2775 Words

I can believe I'm so old. It feels like yesterday I was just leaving early elementary school and now... here I am. I don't know how to feel about getting older, but I do know how to feel about all the love and support I'm getting:

Thank you each and every one of you for supporting me and giving me motivation to do everything I do. You loving my works, voting, commenting, reading, everything you do gives me a reason to smile and more of a reason to keep writing. I have seen myself inoorve so much over the past two years I've been writing on wattpad and even since I started writing for this Famdom.

I'm sorry, I just feel so emotional right now. Thank you everyone for everything. I hope as I start my freshman year of Highschool I can continue to make you smile and make you proud. Because you deserve someone who can give you quality content and stories. You deserve someone to be proud of, and that's the person I aspire to be for you.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

~Evangeline K. Hisahoshi
