Love Casual [Logince]

I went to softball practice and cracked my $300 best ive had for four seasons clean in half. I'm... conflicted. I'm proud but sad.

Also I have a writer's block... help.


Roman has had enough of dealing with Remus. Everyone in the famdom says so evil and would probably so horrible but in reality? If you don't overreact he just exists and it's annoying. There is pain, but it's minor. Like being stabbed in the shoulder? Eh, whatever. It's just Remus being Remus. It hurts more when it's someone you wouldn't even expect. 

So Roman is practically just done at this point. He just wants to sit down a table his desk and immerse himself in a dream. That would mean Thomas would have to either zone out or take a nap. Roman was down for that. Where was Logan? He was Roman's most prized and beloved. They've shared a lot. Like, they've made agreements and they have debates and they have so much compromise... it's like they're in a relationship. And Roman fought when he couldn't. Roman highlet repsects his valiant acts of bravery towards evil. Including his twin.


Roman called through the door, doing the Anna knock from Frozen. He didn't start singing because he knows how stressed out and pissy Logan can be. You never know what kind of mood Logan would be in. It must be a good day because Logan wucikly opened the door, worrying a cup of tea in his free hand, and he was wearing casual clothing rather than his normally attire. Roman was doing the same. Red tank top and gray sweatpants. Casual for the win.

"Oh, Salutations Roman. Let me guess... Remus?"

"Ya. Seriously, how did I get stuck with the suckiest twin brother ever!? Don't answer. Don't take that literally, Lo. I'm just so tired. Like, sooooooooooooo tired. I was wondering since you're Logic and all I thought that maybe... you'd kinda hide me from him?"

"You want Me to protect you? ....Fine. Come in."

Logan allowed Roman in, much to Roman's gratefulness. Roman entered me found the bed in the center of the room, but pushed against the far wall. Roman went to the bed and flopped down like a starfish, barely missing the novel that Logan was resding in his own bed. Logan was wearing this really cool BTS hoodie Virgil got him for his birthday and some of those Jammie/Pajama shorts in the female section of Walmart. Those are real comfy. Take that from the Author's Exoerience.

Logan let out an annoyed sigh, pushing over Roman's right arm and leg and scooting onto the bed. He reached for the novel and placed his tea on his nightstand. Logan completely knew this feel. Logan gets to a point of stress where he goes to Roman's room and just faceplants onto his Rarity Couch and Roman would tuck him in, make him some coffee since Roman's a coffee gay, and then asks what happened in his day and how he can make it better. Even if they fight, they try to see both sides. It's hard being the most fundamental, left brain right brain Sides. 

"Do you want to talk about it, or do you just want to take a nap?"

Roman didn't move or make a sound. He was just emotionally and creatively tired. He was probably in a creative block because Remus put him in a really bad mood. Looks like the next video might be delayed a little longer. Ugh. Logan took the silence as an unsure answer. Logan placed the bookmark in his book, giving up on reading. Roman definately needs some sort of consolation. That or some inspiration to be motivated to do something.

"...or secret option three and we can talk about something that would motivate you towards something of a productive output and/or improve your state of happiness."

"Yeah, I like secret option three."

Roman lofted his head, fringe messy over his eyes and his eyelids droopy. He was definately tired and emotionally drained. Logan felt some sorta of pity for him. Logan patted him on the head like a dog, giving him some pity affection. Patton did that to Logan sometimes when he was stressed, so he decided to reuse the tactic. Roman let out s deep chuckle, a tired laugh, and he pushed himself up and flipped himself around, laying on his back.

"So... what do you think of that cute boy what we met on Snapchat? By 'we' I mean Thomas. I know Patton feels butterflies and Virgil has taken a liking to him. I've been working hard with being cute and trying to keep him interested, but what are your thoughts on him? Do you think it would logically work out? Your opinions matter too and I'm sure we can come up with a solution with whatever problem you identify. I wouldn't be creativity if I couldn't~"

"Well, he does have many charming factors that I am aware you three are extremely attracted to. He has a good voice, he's tall, and he watches Steven Universe. I particularly like the fact that he can cook and he's older than us. Err, Thomas. The only problem that I see is that he has A.) Hes not out to his parents as homoromantic graysexual and B.) He lives in California whole we live in Florida. Then again, Conventions are abundant in California such as VidCon and LDRs are more common in this generation... I don't see many problems with it. I also like this guy. And you're doing great charming him, Princey."

Roman grinned from hearing that compliment at the end and hearing the be most optimistic outlook he has ever heard from Logan. Objectively, this guy was perfect for Thomas! But now there was a question floating around in Roman's mind: What about them? Does Logan feel any sort of attraction here? What does he think on their relationship objectively? Would it be a positive outlook too?

"And... our relationship? Objectively?"

"Platonic, Romantic, or Sexual?"


Logan breathed out a soft laugh. That is definately the he grammatically correct reply to communicate the answer he needed to. Roman grinned. Normally Logan hates dad jokes and grammatically incorrect sentences, even verbally, but when it comes to simple stuff like this he started to open up. Logan pursed his lips, forming the right words to put on his rant. Roman sat up, hugging a pillow and listening to every word carefully.

"Let's start with Sexual. I'm not into it. If I had to give my personal self a label I would most definitely be on the asexual spectrum, similar to 'Loverboy'. However purely asexual in contradiction to his graysexual. So If you were to pursue a sexual relationship with me, I will slap you. Fact. Secondly, I feel our Platonic relationship is extremely well. We have worked with eachother against issues and learned more about the outlooks of one another, being more open minded to one another. We have grown as people and have a strong platonic bond after all of that. Objectively, we have a healthy and wonderful platonic relationship."

"Well... What about Romantic?"

Logan looked over at Roman with bug eyes, but they softened up when he saw Roman's eager gentle smile and the sparkle in his eyes. He and Patton were two peas in a pod. Both of them were nosy in his romantic attraction. Patton had been bugging him about his 'crush' on Roman. Crush wasn't the best word. A Romantic, Aesthetic, and maybe Sensual attraction would be the best words for it. Logan let himself smile and stare into Roman's eyes as he gave his objective, logical opinion on the matter.

"Our Romantic Reltionship? Hasn't happened yet. However if there was one between us, it would take work just as our platonic relationship would. There would be bickering no and fighting over little things considering how we are polar opposites by nature. However we have respect for one another and understand eachother's perspectives. Relationships of all kinds are founded on respect. If you're asking if I feel any romantic attraction towards you then... yes. I feel strong romantic attraction towards you."

Roman felt himself growing closer and closer to Logan hole he spoke, their faces hovering together. Roman's fingertips were overlapping with Logan's. A slight, yet meaningful, physical affection to spark the romantic attraction in the air. Roman took a glance down at Logan's lips. Wow he really wants to kiss him now. Roman looked back up at his eyes and put on his most charming smile.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Yes, yes you may."

Roman closed the gap between them and locked their lips together, his hand sliding completely over Logan's and letting the fireworks explode and dissipate into another one, magic building up and love filling his heart. He felt complete, felt like he was himself. He was the ego, the sexuality, romanticism, and the creativity. His free hand drifted his hand behind Logan's Head, keeping him close. When they broke apart, Roman watched Logan's eyes flutter open behind the looking glasses. What a wonderful, casual Alice in Wonderland reference. Logan was the first to speak, a smile refusing to leave his normally stoic lips.

"That was.... amazing. Roman... I..."

"You love me?"

"Yeah. I love you."

1525 Words

I kinda have writer's block so I struggled to bring this out to you, but I know since I was gone yesterday you deserved something :)

But yeah, don't try to blow things out of proportion. Love is casual. It's not going to be fireworks and everything. There's not always going to be suspense when someone confessed to you or you confess to someone. It's not always magic, sometimes it's just casual and cute and just... exists. It's okay if love just exists. Just relax, it's okay.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

