First Time He Kissed a Boy [Logince] (Roommates AU)

I feel like we need more of our left brain right brain Boiz, so here we are. I downloaded $50 worth of gay music so imma let that inspire me for awhile.

(I bought a bunch of Halsey, Girl in Red, Troye Sivan, Conan Gray, Cavetown, and some random songs that looked/sounded pretty gay)


"Come on, why won't you go to a movie with me? You look like you could use some social interaction outside of the dorm for once."

That stupid suggestion was why the two of them were here. Roman was Logan's much more popular dormmate. He was in the performing arts part of the school but they ran out of room, so they stuck him with Logan. Logan wanted nothing to do with performing arts, instead he was studying to become a mechanical engineer. But Roman kept trying to pull up: away from his studies every chance he got for no good reason. 

Logan finally caved in after he agreed he would stop bugging Logan if he just go. So that's how they got to this drive up theater. Yep. Welcome back to the 1900s where drive-in movies were a thing. The movie hasn't even stsrted yet and he was already thinking about what he wanted to do when he got back home. Fuzzy blanket, hot green tea, and a nice Edgar Allen Poe novel. Maybe he'll pick up The Murders in the Rue Morgue.

"Logan? Hey, can ya hear me Specs?"

Logan broke from his intense planning of the rest of the evening and looked over to his 'date' for tonight. Was he speaking? Logan wasn't paying attention at all. He was too busy thinking about what he wanted to do instead of doing this.

"So miserable that you're just going to ignore me, aren't you? If this is causing you so much pain then I'll just drive us both home. I thought I'd get you out of the house 'cause I noticed you were driving yourself up the wall with that physics stuff but if you really wanna go back to your little nerd corner I won't blame ya. This movie is really cliché and not your style at all. It was the only drive-in I could find."

So that's Roman's motive. So the excuses he made about wanting to spend time with Logan was really to hide that he was looking for Logan's best interest and mental health. How curious. Roman cares about such a thing? How hypocritical. Logan has seen Roman work to the brink of passing out sometimes, and he himself had to interfere. Perhaps this was just returning the favor? Now Logan was intrigued.

"Regardless of my wishes, I had given you my aggreance that I would accompany you to this movie. I am a man of my word, therefore I will not go back on my promise to you. However, you have to keep your promise not to bug me while I'm studying. My grades are very important to me."

"Alright, Mister Calculator, I'll leave you be as I promised. But you need to learn when you've had enough so you can start taking care of yourself. We don't need you to short circuit."

"Good joke. Excuse me while I laugh.... Ha."

The larger peojecter at the front of the parking lot turned on and Teen Beach Movie began to play. Roman was heccin right about it not being Logan's style. The plot was so illogical! Then again, it's a Disney movie. Nothing is logical there. The movie had only been on for fifteen minutes and Logan was bored again.

Logan let his mind wander from the movie, finding it more boring than a stack of bricks. He thought about what he needed done by the end of the week, what he could afford in his budget for 'treats' like having sushi for lunch one day. He thought about what's Books he was looking forward to checking out from the library and what kind of experiments he could do thst relate to his field of expertise.

Suddenly, the car's engine started again. Logan jumped in his seat and now turned to see Roman scowling to himself, moving the stick and looking behind him to see if he could pull out. He got out of the spot and started driving. Logan was so out of it he thought the movie was over, but nobody else was leaving. What was going on here? Roman's behavior was very off today. Normally all he cares about is his looks, Broadway, and sometimes complaining about how gross his twin brother was. But now? It was off.

"Where are we going Roman?"

No response.

"Roman I would like it if you answered-"

"You're making this really hard, you know?!"

Roman threw his blinker on and merged right into a turning lane. There was a small shopping center with a flower shop and the laundreymat for the local dorms. Roman took a sharp turn on a yellow light into the parking lot of them shopping center. He parked the car, making sure he was centered between the two yellow lines, before shifting the stick to Park. He turned to Logan and let out a huff of air.

"You're a really difficult guy, you know that? I should've been smarter and picked a documentary or some sort of sci-if movie instead to actually interest you, shouldn't I have? God I'm just so stupid and I messed up again! What kind of Prince Charming am I?!"

Roman groaned, leaning back in his chair and growling at himself. Logan was so confused. What was going on? Was he having a mental breakdown? What did he mean by 'Prince Charming'? So many questions were left unanswered as Roman took his water bottle from the back seat's cupholders and took a short drink, cooking himself off before he continued talking.

"I had a whole plan for how the evening was going to go too. I was going to take you to the damn movie, then I was going to stop right here. Knowing you, you'd go through the possibilities and try to predict what I was doing but you would be surprised when I came back with a dozen of royal blue roses just for you, then you would ask what it was for and I was going to use a cheese pickup line from the movie to ask you if you'd also want dinner at the sushi and steakhouse by the seven eleven and I would've asked you to be my boyfriend! But! No! I was stupid to pick a movie you didn't like and you almost fell asleep!"

Roman sighed, his yelling instantly going to a quiet whisper.

"And I ruined it. I didn't even ask you if you liked guys or not. You're a really difficult guy to have a crush on, you know that Logan?"

Logan had no idea how to respond. How does he respond?! Roman started laughing softly in his deep voice, resting his forehead against the steering wheel as he forced a smile.

"I'm such a stupid disaster Bi."



"You aren't a disaster. A disaster would be a student behind on their bills and drowning in debt and a nicotine addiction. You're far from a disaster. You're a talented man in the theater, both on stage and behind, and you have a bright future ahead of you. You have talent, skill, determination, and perserverance. When I think of a 'disaster bi' as you put it, you are the perfect antonym in my head." 

Logan had no idea what he was doing. He had no idea what was happening. He knew that there was romantic tension and that Roman held romantic feelings for him. That was obvious. Logan wasn't stupid. But Logan had no idea what to do in his scenario, nor did he know what was going on with his body. His chest felt light and there was a weird, fluttering sensation in his stomach. His cheeks were also burning, surely they must be red. What was going on with him?

"You think through your plans and have grand ideas, even if sometimes they aren't the most logical plan they are still extravagant and creative. You're confident and have a healthy body image and you aren't afraid of the demure things. All of that said, the last thing you can be classified as is a 'disaster' Bi. Bi is in relation to your sexuality, right? Or Is this all going over my head?"

"No, you're spot on. But why are you-"

"Shut up, Roman. Never call yourself a disaster again, or else you'll eventually become the disaster you say you are. You are not a disaster. You were trying to grant me a kindness. No matter if your intentions were romantic or not, I'm grateful for the outing and the mental break. I was putting a lot of stress on myself. You were correct. However I enjoy that. You don't have to worry about me."

Roman just stared blankly at Logan for a hot minute. Didnit grt through to him yet? Logan had said all he needed to say. He noticed Roman clicked his seatbelt off. Logan then realized how close in proximity their faces were. Was he trying to make a move? Was he trying to do something? Logan's heart rate accelerated. Funny, he wasn't engaging in exercise. His knees felt weak although he was sitting down and he couldn't focus on Roman's eyes. What was wrong with him?

"Roman what are you-"

"Shut up Logan! Just... please... can I? Can I kiss you?"

He wants to kiss him? Well, of course he wants to he has a romantic attraction towards Roman for some weird reason. Logan noticed that Roman was staring at him, waiting for him to make any sort of reaction. Externally, Logan was composed. But on the inside Logan was panicking overdrive. 

Logan couldn't find a downside to this, so Logan put on his figurative big boy pants and went for it. He kissed Roman first, surprising but pleasing the hell out of him. Logan had never kissed anyone before. This was his first kiss. And this was his first kiss with a male. Logan never thought about his sexuality before now but this felt great. This felt right. Logan liked this. He saw no issue  in enjoying this sweet, romantic moment with Roman.

Logan pulled away when he felt the time was right. A trail of saliva connected them both, the Logan going a little too far on his very first try. There was this look Roman had that Logan couldn't describe. Both of them were speechless. This was the first time Logan had ever witness Roman at a loss for words. Logan's brain completely shut down. Logan.exe had stopped working. 

"That was the first time I kissed a boy."

That was Roman's first time kissing a boy too!?

1735 Words

Okay I love that song a lot. One of my most listened out of my new playlist. It's literally my UwU playlist and for the more info I just out this is kinda gay. 

I know this is fanfiction and we overromanticize everything, but your first kiss and first relationship aren't as big of a deal as you think they are. The first ones are not garunteed to be your forever ones. They're experience. What you should romanticize is your wedding kiss and your last relationship, because those are the ones that you keep forever. Those are the ones that you treasure and keep for the rest of your life. But if you're aromantic disregard all of that lmao.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

