Literally Bubbline [Remile]

Did you know that cannonly Emile had a pet rock in his childhood? His Mokmy never let him have a puppy.

Also can we all agree we need an Adventure Time Cartoon Therapy?


"So, you finally were able to get the confidence to break it off with Mitchell? I'm sure you made the best choice after he was so neglectant to give you the attention you deserve."

Emile smiled, jotting that important detail in his notepad so he can put it in his Elliott Journal he gives each of his patients journals. He does doodles, notes important growth, their struggles, and what jokes/references land. Emile was with his favorite singles patient in the entire world: Elliott. They weakly smiled, their eyes a little red. They blew their nose in their tissue and softly spoke with a broken heart.

"Yeah... let me guess: you have some sort of cartoon reference to try and make me feel better?"

"Yes I do! In the very real cartoon that started out silly Adventure Time, two characters do have a relationship that ends rather bitterly between Flame Princess and Finn. It's not a perfect symbolism of your relationship, however the end is quite similar. In your situation, you were Flame Princess. You tried your best, you played the game, but in the end you realized you don't want to deal with any more. You don't want any manipulation or any hurt, even though it was so sweet and tender at first."

Emile talked with his own soft voice, wanting to make his friend feel better about their situation. Elliot nodded slowly, taking in the information like normal. They try with every reference to understand and pick out their own interpretation. They try their best. Emile watched a light enter their watery eyes, perhaps a beacon of hope.

"Isn't that the cartoon where the Pastel Pink Princess and the Emo Vampire kiss? What's their names? Mary... Marilyn..."

"Marcelina the vampire queen and Princess Boninelle Bubblegum! So you have at least heard of Adventure Time, right? That's super awesome! So maybe you can understand where I'm coming  from when saying not all relationships are perfect and ideal. Their past relationship before that moment wasn't so perfect either."

"Really? But they seemed so happy."

"Yes, but in the past that wasn't the case. Princess Bubblegum actually did what Mitchell did to you, however she had a reason unlike him. She had a whole kingdom to take over, people to watch over, and her science. She started ignoring and neglecting Marceline, growing even more stressed. They fought and they eventually stopped talking. They broke up without closure and it hurt. Nobody knows how long it was, but lots of people say it was hundred of years."

Elliott understood, but those two characters ended up mending and having a happy ending. Elliott already gave their second chance away, and Mitchell ruined it. They deserved better than him and Emile wouldn't make any sort of hint that they should try to go back. Of course, Emile doesn't have the authority to make decisions for them. Elliot stayed silent, going over everything in their brain. That's when a knock at the door happened. Good, he's here.

"Elliott, there's someone I'd like you to meet! He's someone who understands what you're going through more than me and someone who I really hope will be your friend."

"Oh, uh, okay but... Who is this and why can't you help me? You are my therapist and you do specialize in relationship/marriage counciling."

"Yeah but I thought since you're an extra special and amazingly patient I want you to meet him since I want you to start branching out and building more healthy relationships like you have with your sister, but platonic. And key word platonic because this guy is my boyfriend. Is that okay with you, Elliott?"

"Well I guess..."

"Remyyyyy~🎶 Come on in! 🎶Come along with meeee🎶"

Emile couldn't resist singing the small line. It's a very sentimental, sweet song. The door opened and Elliott turned on the couch to see a very aesthetically pleasing punk guy walking through. He was sipping on a Starbucks. He had his sunglasses flipped on his head and his leather jacket tied around his waist because it's hot. He walked over to Emile, giving him the normal "Hey babes, looking totes adorbs like always" and making him giggle before he sat down next to Elliott. He did the awkward bisexual peace sign salute kind of thing, leaning back on the couch.

" 'Sup, the name's Remy. So you're the amazing NonBinary pal that I keep hearing all about? Lit. You are, like, so freaking cute and you look awesome. Love the entire vibe you got going on here."

Elliott was speechless for a moment, then he looked over at Emile, focusing on his pink tie. Then Remy's black choker and his fleek eyebrows AND eyeliner. Seriously, when is Remy not on fleek? He IS the fleek! That makes literally no sense. Elliott accidentally left Remy's first bump hanging and they muttered something that would probably keep Emile fanboying for the next dozen centuries.

"You both are literally Bubbline."

Remy was taken aback. Emile had in his journals that Elliott normally didn't get most references, so how did they get Adventure Time? Maybe they just heard about the gay kiss and that's why. Remy didn't mind, being called Marceline was a huge complement. He wasn't working on his fashion line, so he had talent like the girl. He can also sing like its nobody's business. Remy looked over at Emile, who had a grainy grin and a red face from holding back his shrieks. Remy laughed. He hasn't seen Emile so happy in a while, but in a good way. He looked over at Elliott, already taking a liking to the kid.

"And you are legit a precious bab. That's it. You're my friend now. You, me, Emile, we're going to Starbucks after the office closes. End of Story. My Treat. We're taking you out on a friend date."

"Remy! You can't just make decisions for them! You have to ask, you can't just tell them they're going with us!"

"Come on Babes, there's no way they'll say No! Besides, you're the one who said you wanted us to be friends. You can't be friends without Starbucks or hanging around!"

Elliott watched the two bicker like an old married couple, laughing softly to themself. That's what a healthy relationship looks like. Both of them had happiness lingering on their faces regardless of the little srguement they were in. That's love. Elliott couldn't see that in Mitchel's face whenever they bickered about anything. And when they bickered.... it wasn't really bickering. The only way Elliott got the strength to cut ties completely is when Mitchel finally hit them, but they didn't tell Emile about that at all.

"Elliott, would you like to come with us to Starbucks after the session? I can invite someone other people if you don't feel too comfortable! Like Larry, Dot, Kai, Corbin, Slone, and other friends If you don't want it to be just us three! We don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"Ya, that's the last thing we want for someone as dope as you."

Elliott didn't recognize any of those names, but they appreciated the gesture. Elliott nodded and Remy instantly whipped out hisnphone, handing it to his boyfriend. Emile nodded and stood up, going to the corner and beginning to make phone calls with everyone on that list. Remy rapped Elliott on the shoulder and they faced him. Did Remy want to say something to them?

"Yo, sib, don't put yourself down. I know it's hard cutting off a toxic relationship, but you need to remember that you're number one. You come first, family. No tea no shade. You're family to Emmy, so you're my family now. We're going to be Siblings from now own. Uh, if that's Gucci with you."

"Yeah, its... uh... Gucci? Is that the right word?"

"Don't... Don't even try."

Remy laughed, cringing a little bit. It made Elliott cringe too, but that's okay. They felt safe and loved in this environment. They didn't feel nearly as tornado up as they did when they first knocked on the door without an appointment, crying to Emile as they believed they just made a horrible mistake. Remy put his arm on the couch and Elliott wasn't sure. Remy nodded, giving them consent to lean on them. Emile wouldn't mind, right? Being a protective boyfriend was just a joke and they both seemed like a chill couple.

So Elliott leaned on Remy for emotional amen pnhsical support. They allowed themself to relax and wear a smile. Mitchel was over, and now they were starting a new story of their own. Maybe this story will have a happy ending.

Just like Bubbline.

1447 Words

I was talking with some Twitter friends and I had this dea so I wrote this. Elliott deserves everything and more, they are a sweet little bean!

Do whatever you need to. Make yourself happy, it's okay to be selfish. You should look out for yourself. Just like Remy said, YOU are number one. Watch Jaiden's toxic relationship video it helps. JaidenAnimations has a great video on it with analogies and everything it's so perfect to explain everything.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

