Boop [Logicality]

Let's get out fluff on! Thank you to PokemonGladion for the request!


 "🎶Ba ba ba da ba ba baba bada Ba ba ba da ba baba bada~🎶"

Patton sung random jibberish as he mixed the batter for the next batch of Christmas cookies, mimicking Thomas's actions in the real world so he can make these homemade delectables from memory. Logan was standing behind Patton as he happily baked the Christmas cookies, learning and making sure that he was accurate to the recipe that he spent an hour memorizing last night down to every last bit of punctuation. He wanted to do this right. They both did. These Christmas cookies were for Thomas's friends! But let's be honest, Logan was absolutely hopeless with domestic activities such as these, despite the fact he was trained as a chemist.

"The oven is preheated to threehundred fifty degrees, right?"

Patton asked, not turning around to see for himself. He was smiling, still half dancing with his feet. He certainly had the 'happy feet' from that movie he loved about the animated penguins that's tried to look realistic but just made the arctic birds look awkward against the environment models. Logan peered around his head, seeing the oven transition from the preheated stage to showing the threehundred fifty on the little display window. Logan nodded as the beep sounded through the kitchen, matching Thomas's actions in real life. Patton grinned and turned around, putting the batch he had already set out and shaped into different Christmas shapes into the oven, along with a second pan identical to the first. Thomas was really going all out with cookies.

Patton finished setting out the batch he was currently mixing, getting the cookie cutter and making shaped out of the solidified dough. Logan stepped closer to peer down at the counter as Patton worked, then his gaze moved up to Patton's face. He had this adorable subconscious habit that when he was super focused he'd stick his tongue out to the side and bite it. Logan chuckled deeply, refusing to hide his smile. Then he noticed a small patch of flower on the tip of his nose. Patton always was a messy man. So he didn't the logical thing and licked his thumb  reaching across and wiping the flour off.

This startled Patton. He fixed his posture and turned to face Logan, staring at him blankly like a wild doe seeing a human for the very first time. Logan wiped his thumb off on a hand towel around the kitchen, mentally hoping that Thomas didn't suffer from the same embarassment himself, and then returned Patton's unwavering gaze. Did he do something wrong? No, the fact thst a grin was growing upon his face meant that he accidentally did something right. Patton had completely turned away from the dough on the counter and giggled. He lunged forward slightly, his index finger landing on Logan's nose. He flicked it down a little bit when he pressed down.


Patton felt satisfied and turned around, the entire ordeal confusing Logan. Boop? He wasn't familiar with that term. Is that a modern slang word he must add to his collection of vocabulary cards? If so, then he shall do so immediately. However, the definition perplexed him. Patton tapped his nose with his finger and said 'boop'. Is that a sign of affection of some sort? Logan was so confused, yet didn't find it reasonable to ask at this time seeing that the two of them were already preoccupied with a task: baking Christmas Cookies.

"Would three batches of twenty four be enough to satisfy our friends, Patton? I'd hate to waste food."

Logan commented as he noticed the forty eight cookies already baked and ready to go, not including the twenty four in the oven. The first batch was cooled and on plates, ready to be served. The second batch was cooling on the counter, resting so the cooking process can finish internally. Have you ever heard of residual heat? The heat from the oven is trapped within the baked good and until it is suppressed by the baked good reaching room temperature it co I use to cook from the inside. It's a truly marvelous phenomenon, most easily observed with scrambled eggs. Logan loved the idea of it.

"We can always give more to the neighbors and have them carry homemade leftovers for their families! I want to make sure everyone gets a cookie!"

What a pure innocent man. Logan ran that through his mind, checking for factors that would advise against it. At the moment, he found no reason not to compensate for the fact fhat people may want to take the cookies with them. Logan shrugged and Patton Justice kept on working, humming a little tune while he made the dough and repeated the same exact pattern he did for every single other Christmas cookie he made. All sugar cookies. Thomas knew many people with an assortment of allergies and diets. And before you ask: every single one of these cookies is murder and cruelty free. The cookies are vegan.

Logan watched as Patton worked hard, smiling and singing a Disney song under his breath. Patton had always been enamored with the movie Tangled, going on and on about how Flynn Rider was obviously the best Disney guy and how he would give anything to marry him (big mood brother). He was signing "at last I see the light", Repunzel's part because he absolutely adored her, and it made Logan smile softly to himself. Then he took a fixation on his nose. It hadn't a speck of flour on it again, yet the small action from before plagued him. It made Patton so happy. Perhaps... he could run a tiny experiment.

Logan slowly managed to get behind Patton's without disturbingly his peace, happily flattening the dough in the counter and cutting out more cookies. Logan tapped his shoulder, waiting for him to turn fully around so he could lightly tap the tip of his nose in the same manner as he had done with his shoulder, lightly. Patton blinked, confused for a moment. Had he done ir wrong? Ah, right. Patton had said a new vocabulary term whenever he had done the action. So in the most monotone voice ever, Logan said the title of this oneshot.


Roll credits! Patton gasped and squealed, dropping the rolling pin gently on the counter before covering his face with lit hands. The only thing thst would make this cuter would be sweater paws. Logan immediately felt a thousand times happier upon seeing Patton geek out about being booked on the nose. Then he watched as Patton slowly took his finger and placed it on Logan's nose, not moving it. He pressed down slowly like a button. Logan was confused until he dragged out the middle vowel sound of the new word he wasn't begining to understand the meaning of.


How undeniably precious. Logan took notice of how close their faces were. The proximity of Patton's gorgeous smile from the lips of his own was very short. It would be so easy just to lean forward and kiss him, however.... he can't. The moment between the two ended, a long beeping from the oven's timer demanding to be heard and forcing Patton to return to his work, happily grabbing his oven mitts and slipping them on to retrieve the cookies from the oven. With the two of them taking over like this, Thomas was definately in a good state of mind. No worries, no overzealous feats, just a simple man baking simple cookies and thinking about whatever daydream Roman had dancing in the back of his mind. Logan sighed audibly, Patton knowing that sigh. That was Logan's "not happy" sigh. 

"Logan, what's wrong?"

Logan has forgetten how adept Patton was and seeking out the true intentions behind the actions of everyone in the mind space. That ability comes with compassion, empathy, sympathy, and many other desirable traits found in Thomas himself. It was illogical to hear that he is unmarried, even at his age. He is quite the desirable human for any homosexual male specimen to acquire, and he would be happy in a healthy mundane relationship. Well, mundane is the wrong word. Replace that with the word 'domestic' in revisions and in future text. Logan cast his eyes to the floor, feeling extra sensitive in his somewhat chapped lips. He was focused on them, wondering what Patton's would feel like if he "booped" his lips with his own pair. Should he be blunt? Or brush off the notion? 

"Scientifically speaking, reports have shown that 'locking lips' with someone in a romantic context can incresss the levels of oxytocin and drastically increase the level of endorphins in the brain. Both of these hormones lead directly into happiness, joy, bliss, exetera. So in theory if we were Ron partake in this action and 'boop' our lips together both of us would be having pleasant benefits. In a romantic context..."

That had to be the most awkward thing Logan had ever said in his life. Now Thomas was randomly thinking of this fact and now Virgil was probably begining to stress about how Thomas was alone on Christmas and had no romantic no love interest at age thirty. Patton blankly stared at him, trying to filter through his words to figure it out in his head. Perhaps Logan should have simplified his words so Patton could understand it with more ease? No, not necessary. Patton just shrugged and walked up to him, wrapped his arm around his neck and smiling innocently. He hadn't cared enough to take his ove mits off.

"If you wanted to kiss me, you could have just said so Logybear. I'd have said yes. And I still do. So there's your consent."

Logan nodded and closed his eyes, aware that you were supposed to do this when kissing an individual. Their glasses clanked together before their lips met, but that's okay. The second the two became one, Loteral Fireowrks shot in Logan's mind, everything around him becoming so surreal. He couldn't help but pull Patton closer, not caring how messy either of the two go. The two of them were happy, not realizing that Deceit had been carefully watching them the whole time. He just snickered as with a snap, a mistletoe hung itself above the pair.

Merry Christmas everybody.

1727 Words


Merry Christmas in the middle of the summer. Well, nearly autumn. I refuse to call it fall anymore because autumn just sounds like a better word. 

Today's advice is to realize that other people can see good in you thst you can't see in you. When you're hard on yourself, remember that it's just your biased opinion. Everybody else sees thst you're doing amazing, so maybe you should stsrt believing you're doing amazing too.

Internet hugs amd blow kisses!

