Kiss the Boy [Analogical] (Highschool AU)

10K reads... wow that's a lot. I have so many people to disappoint.

This was requested by tinajbee! Let's go!


Logan watched out of the corner of his eye, making sure he didn't realize that he knew that he was watching him. Confused yet, Reader? It's  hard to follow which he is he, but that's cool. You've read this many of my oneshots So you should be used to this kind of bull crap by now so let's duct tape the fourth wall and keep on going. Logan knew Virgil was staring a wt important, daydreaming about something. Most likely him. It's so obvious that Virgil has a 'crush' on him. However he wished to observe and research the Romance topic before making a move of any kind.

Logan softly chuckled to himself, returning to reading the realistic fiction novel his experienced friend gave to him. He had been in a romantic relationship with his enbyfriend since primary school. He is what most people Deem 'goals'. Logan knew he, despite his idiocy, was the most liable source of information for this sort of subject. Logan is inexperienced with emotions and human interactions, having zero empathy and sympathy, however if Virgil peeks his interest, why mot give it a try. He had conversed with Roman before, and had agreed to converse with the lovesick boy.

The bell rung and Logan turned his head over his shoulder. He watched as Virgil's face went pink and he panicked to collect his things. That was the lunch bell inbetween the middle class of the day. That made no sense but roll with it. Roman, across the room, tried not to fanboy and gave Logan an awkward finger gun. Logan aknowledged this with a slight nod and approached the anxious crushing boy. Logan stood before him, quite taller with broader shoulders than his twink-sized body.

"Salutations, Virgil."

"Oh, uh, Logan! Uh, hey! Sorry but I promised my friends Patton, Dee, and Remus I'd sit with them today so I'm really sorry but I kinda Dora got to go or Remus is going to make me miserable."

"I won't allow it. Why don't we have a nice conversation within the classroom? We haven't conversed more than this extent prior to today and I wish to get to know you."

Remus was Roman's twin, however Virgil might not have known that fact. Who knew? Logan sat down after turning the desk around to face Virgil's desk. He sat down in a proper way, legs together and his hands in his lap. He knew he should eat, halever hsi nutrition could come later. They were lucky to be in a school where lunchtime was longer than most public schools. They had an entire hour. Of course, that meant longer schooldays, however none of the student body truly minded. Logan watched as Virgil slowly sat down. Logan didn't need to check his pulse to know his heart was beating fast. He was aware of that side effect of a 'crush'.

"Ooookay. So, uh, did you want to talk about something specifically? Or did you just want to talk to me because Patton ran up to you and talked about you? Remus said that you knew Patton. Apparently all of them know you... wow I'm rambling I'm stupid. You obviously had something in mind since you're so smart."

"Relax, Virgil. No, I intended this to be a pleasant chat. Just the two of us."

"Just... the two of us?"

"Indeed, just the two of us."

Logan didn't understand why he had to reiterate that or why the idea seemed so foreign to Virgil's imagination, however that was so. Virgil just nodded, a smile pulling the corners of his mout upwards. However, he nearly jumped when suddenly loud music came over the intercom. He was a Cat stuck to the roof, spooked by the slightest thing. Logan couldn't help but chuckle again, recognizing the song. This was definately Roman and Remus's Doing, those troublesome twins. Wait, no, this was a dubstep sort of Disney's remix. This had to be Remus because Roman would throw a hissy it about 'messing with the glory of walt Disney'. Read the title, watch the video, you know what song it is.

Logan rolled his eyes, huffing at the implications of the song. Virgil slowly relaxed upon hearing the lyrics, vaguely recognizing the song. Logan watched him carefully, curious about this boy. That curiosity made him smile more often than he normally does. The realization hit his eyes and he groaned, his head going into his hands and he mumbled something somewhere along the lines of "god fucking damnit you trashy octopus goblin". That's the perfect description of Remus. Logan chuckled again, feeling pure joy for the first time in forever. 

"So sorry about that. I forgot that Remus has a brother that's Student President and that gives him leeway to do bullshit like this. Excuse my language, but that guy is such a headache you have literally no idea."

"Oh, believe me, I have an idea of what he is capable of. For future reference, his twin brother is named Roman. I'm surprised you aren't familiar with him."

"Well, sorry to disappoint. Ha ha..." 

A small silence broke out as Virgil teailed ojt a laugh, reaching in his backpack for a bottle of Lipton tea. Diet green tea citrus. Logan prefered the mixed berry, not diet, but not everyone can have the same taste. He was just surprised to see that Virgil also drank Lipton Twa Gay From The bottle. We can't say straight from the bottle because, come on, we know these two guys are the least straight in the entire universe!

"Xan I ask a quick question? You wanted to talk to me because you found out I like you, yeah? You don't have to be nice to me or anything. I know I'm just a nobody and I'm just an anxious fuckup who doesn't pay attention in class so you don't need to waste your time."

"You aren't a waste of my time. I'll admit, that was the reason I had wished to converse with you. However I am glad I did. You seem like a pleasant individual with your own little charm. I have heard great things from Dee, since they are Roman's significant other, and you seem like a person in my compatability. The entire point of romance isn't to test compatability, yes? That is the definition I have drawn from every bit poetic nonsense that flooded from Roman and Patton."

Virgil stared hopefully at Logan, a wide grin spreading ove rhis extremely pale face. Logan only know noticed the foundation upon his face and the fake freckles speckled across his cheeks. So he enjoyed makeup, however to shy to show off his abilities? How delightful. That must have come across the wrong way from the onlookers because Roman cupped his head from around the door, grinning and snickering with his twin brother. Remus copied him and they both yelled at exactly the same time:


"It's in the song!"

Remus cracked That last part out, ruining the twinning image they went for. Logan shot them a discreet middle finger out of Virgil's line of sight. Then he looked back at Virgil, who had his head hidden in his hoodie and he was covering his face with his sleeves. His hands disappeared, evaporating from existence. That was a hyperbole. Duh. Logan was always a man who did what he was told so he looked at Virgil's lios, trying to anticipate what flavor his chapstick was. He seemed like the type to unironically wear soda flavored chapstick because he hardcore liked Pepsi more than Coca-Cola and would say "fite me" to anyone who voiced a contradictory opinion.


"Don't fucking tell me you're in on it. I don't want to make you do anything you don't gotta and besides... I'm not exactly... I never..."

"Virgil, relax. Breathe in for eight seconds, hold for six, out for nine. That should ease your anxiety somewhat. I am going to flip your words onto you. I won't do anything you aren't comfortable with. I am aware that those two are just being giddy shipping fanboys right now however your consent is more important than anything. And no, this was not planned. I will be having a very stern talk with Roman later."

He yelled that last part, making sure Roman knew he was going to on be in trouble after this. Virgil nodded and took the hold down. This whole thing must be so surreal to him, hmm? Logan couldn't help but find that thought charming. He could be giving a feeling and experience found in fiction to a real life person. The world truly is beauitful. Logan ran his hand through his hair, making sure he was okay with human contact. He waited for Virgil's verbal consent. HE won't do anything without verbal consent. He laughed nervously and decided to play a joke, shrugging his shoulders.

"Go on, Logan. Kiss the Girl."

Sha la la la la la my oh my looks like they ain't too shy he went and kissed the guy. Sha la la la la la that ain't too bad these two gays are rad. Logan went and kissed the guy. Virgil kissed a boy and he liked it, though Logan should probably use chaptstick. Woah oh he kissed a boy and he liked it. He liked it. Two references in one but that's the point. Remus fell onto his back, squealing and kicking his legs while Roman grinned and laughed to himself, clapping and jumping up and down. Wow, they're friends with such nerds aren't they? 

The two slowly pulled away from eachother, the lovesickness catching Logan's fancy. They both had goofy grins and stars In their eyes. If this is what Love is in rela life, then Logan wanted to be part of it. With Virgil.

1626 Words

I tried to make it cute lol.

Yeah don't be mean to someone who has a crush on you. Turn them down lightly if you aren't interested or give them a chance. Idk. And dont be that friends who's pushes you're friends to get together or whatever. You could just make them uncomfortable and even make the love they feel fade away. If you don't want it to happen to you, don't force it upon others.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

